this is clean rom so its content very basic uses, any other apps like kodi can download directly from market
- base on X96 stock rom
- latest ATV Google APPs
- hybrid home, easy switch between ATV home and Non ATV Home
- easy direct access ATV app from Non ATV Home
- LiveWallpaper enabled
- Upgraded Wifi driver from latest OTA update
- remove all unnecessary app from stock rom
- VFX enable are use ( from SlimHouse)
- Home Switcher Support Home from
- Jesonkung
- Xperia
update 20200616:
- sound
- settings
update i mistakenly upload broken update 20200616, now its fixed,
// // File Checksum Integrity Verifier version 2.05. // 4b5e45b11992d909d9e4b839ea391d0b
for updating from previous one, just need flash and clear /wipe the cache only,
for fresh install need to wipe data and cache.
i like to thanks to our master here, that already help me alot to learn many new things from their contribution
- superceleron
- slimhouse (many inspire thing i have learn from his custom rom)
- minifreak
- magendanz