my tv box mxq pro 4k s905x 2/16 p212
board: hnt-s905x v1.0 170519
I used gpatred from os on sd card to clean internal memory

but now i get only red light and tvbox doesn't want boot: /
I assume that it was not the best idea and I just started to get to know that the world of arm works a bit differently than a normal PC

I tried to use amilogic burning tool
after connecting the usb, I see: connected success.
but i stop on 1-2% and it throw error:
0x10103005 romcode / initialized ddr / download bufer read data item failed
I read that it may be the fault of a weak cable (I will check if I have a different cabel)
on linux I tried aml-flash-tool but when i start ./aml-flash i get Board is in secure mode
I also saw that i can short pins to bypass nand / emmc memory but I don't know which pins.
my nand / emmc chip is: samsung klmag2geac-b002
on other threads I read that after the nand memory format and need to use external programator to flash uboot?
is there a chance to do something about it?