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Bricked mxq pro 4k s905x ?

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    Bricked mxq pro 4k s905x ?


    my tv box mxq pro 4k s905x 2/16 p212
    board: hnt-s905x v1.0 170519

    I used gpatred from os on sd card to clean internal memory
    but now i get only red light and tvbox doesn't want boot: /
    I assume that it was not the best idea and I just started to get to know that the world of arm works a bit differently than a normal PC

    I tried to use amilogic burning tool
    after connecting the usb, I see: connected success.
    but i stop on 1-2% and it throw error:
    0x10103005 romcode / initialized ddr / download bufer read data item failed

    I read that it may be the fault of a weak cable (I will check if I have a different cabel)

    on linux I tried aml-flash-tool but when i start ./aml-flash i get Board is in secure mode

    I also saw that i can short pins to bypass nand / emmc memory but I don't know which pins.
    my nand / emmc chip is: samsung klmag2geac-b002

    on other threads I read that after the nand memory format and need to use external programator to flash uboot?

    is there a chance to do something about it?


    I tried :
    -many different img
    -aml burning tool (1% always)
    -sd card burner

    this is output from uart to usb:
    GXL:BL1:9ac50e:a1974b;FEAT:BDFC31BC;POC:3;RCY:0;EM MC:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;SD:800;USB:8;

    mayby someone have img for this device?
    and can tell my how to fix this?
    Attached Files


      What rom are you trying to burn? You are limited with that DDR .... nanya has a secret sauce that most custom roms don't have been there... done that. While it's not what you want to here.

      The rom you are burning does not match the nanya requirement once you get the right rom it will burn with no problem. I know thru trial and error. I must have went thru 100 roms before i hit one that worked perfect.

      I will try to find a link that works. Also, i noticed that box does NOT look like a 2g/16g can you upload better pic of chipsets... so i can see the numbers. That box looks like a 1g/8g at best maybe even less. nanya are 2g ....90% of the time. I'm not seeing the chips to make it 16g .... hmmm



        eMMC? = samsung KLMAG2GEAC - B002

        RAM? = NAYNA NT5CB256M16BP - D1

        the second nayna chip is in the back site.

        I TRYED MANY DIFFERENT imgs from similar tvbox and "+" version nothing fit: /

        I read that 2/16 could be just an advertisement but in settings when it was still working, it also wrote 2/16.

        maybe the chip say the true

        working 1/8 version will be greate also
        Attached Files


          Looks like a 2g/16g but it's using the nanya 96 ball ddr3 if it's clocked for 2g it should be very fast.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	nanya.jpg
Views:	526
Size:	160.8 KB
ID:	821760
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Guest; 25 March 2021, 22:57.



            i foud datasheet for it also :

            have you seen somewhere img for this devices or can you tell for what should i look ?

