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Netflix on the PMID701i

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    FYI For any gamers, and the principle is the same for all OSs and HDD and SSD.

    " Page File Location For maximum performance, set the page file on a separate physical hard drive so that Windows does not have to seek the hard drive between the page file and the application you are running. In fact, splitting the page file over as many different physical disks as possible is the best performance option.

    Physically separating the page file to its own physical drive and partition will also prevent it from becoming fragmented and subsequently slowing down overall system performance."

    I wish I had kept up on coding amd programing.... Hexidecimal and machine code were my last languages, not much help here lol Thanks for the input.


      Originally posted by EnzoMatrix View Post
      A few points. First, from all the posts on all the forums, Netflix working is the excetion not the rule. Second, I too had a positive experiance my First time I used netflix on my 701i the very First time I ran the program. Third, this thread is for people who ARE having problems with netflix, over prolonged use and NOT 'right out of the box'.
      Intresting, you did not mention; where did you install/run netflix 'from'? Have you installed other programs since and tried running netfix again?
      It you HAD READ the posts First, you would have seen this is a group of owners that are trying to solve a real probem and not just post/boast and run.
      Through this thread we have discovered; the netflix appeal does not have to have Flash installed, that the program has better success at running if the program is Installed on the internal memory (so that the 'buffer' on sd card is not on same 'drive' as program), that whenit is run FIRST it always runs well, future usage is not as promising, and that people who have the money to buy a new device each time the run netflix have the most success.
      I am hoping that we can find a solution for this problem, as netfix refuses to help as does Amazon and Polaroid, we are on our own.
      Perhaps it has to do with the version of the PMID701i that you have. ST confirmed (with the different Firmware versions that they released) that there are at least 3 versions. If the people that have Netflix working can post their version (10, 13, or X10) maybe we can all exchange ours for those versions? I personally have a X10 and AM suffering from the Netflix lag, skip problems.


        Everyone calm down....

        1) Let's be solution oriented and not point fingers at huge corporations as it's useless; We've taken these matters into our own hands.
        2) I can list things also.
        3) Install LiquidLimez script, which he so kindly uploaded for us here: Fix_LiquidLimez.rar it has repaired video streaming issues for most users thus far, including 3 of my tablets (1 701c with original gingerbread, 1 701c with shawn's ICS installed, and 1 stock 701i)
        4) Profit?


          1. I just have one thing to add to the number listing people thing... Someone mentioned software and where the burden of support lies. If you call a company like HP with a specific problem with, say, Microsoft Word, their tech support is probably going to do a few basic things with you that they would do for any program like make sure it is installed properly and such, but after that, they are going to refer you to the person who made the software, in this case, Microsoft.

          Its the same idea here. We can't specifically blame Polaroid/S.T. if Netflix doesn't work on this device, because Netflix is a piece of software, written for an operating system. That operating system happens to be what is running on our device, but neither the operating system nor the Netflix application was written specifically to work with the Polaroid/S.T. PMID701(c/i) (10/13/x) tablet. If you call polaroid's tech support, they shouldn't be expected to help you get Netflix running. The burden of that lies on Netflix. And since our device isn't officially recognized by Google as an official Google Android device (i.e. it doesn't get the market out of the box without us hacking it on there), Netflix probably won't do much in the way of supporting it either.

          I agree with what someone else said, if you want a tablet that is going to do everything right, out of the box, without any tinkering, go spend at least $500 on an iPad. Otherwise, be happy that you got this tab for $99 and that we have a great community here that is tinkering with it to make it better. It *IS* however a lowend device, and it won't ever do everything we want it to do perfectly.
          Polaroid PMID701i 13
          Stock Rom from S.T.'s site
          Fully rooted
          Google's Market installed


            I agree. I was just looking for something I could read my Kindle books and play my games on when I found this. Anything it does beyond that is a plus. It's really a great tablet for the price even if it is Netflix challanged. I'm enjoying it.

            Sent from my Polaroid PMID701i using Tapatalk 2


              1) For the person trying to gather info, I am using X10
              2) I wouldn't own an iPad if you gave it to me for free and its stupid to pay $500 for something made by slave labor
              3) So happy you can "list things" you must be so proud
              4) Enough of the spurious correlations, Android/Android apps are about as much like HP and Word as analog is to digital
              5) If people are too fearful to stand up for what they (or their mommies) paid for, next time you want to buy something just Paypal the money to me
              6) Once Polaroid responds to the BBB, FTC, and California Attorney General's office hears from Polaroid I'll be certain to keep it to myself.
              7) To the joyful poster than told me I had no claim, you will be thrilled to find out the BBB has already responded to me and IS creating a case and is contacting Polaroid with my complaint.
              8) YES I DID find advertisement that says "Works with Netflix" and have added the proof to my complaints
              9) Mercy! Thanks for all the support from the community.
              10) Most adults work one or more Full Time jobs and raise families and don't really have time to waste playing wanna be programer/tech support. There are actually people who get paid by Polaroid to do just that.
              11) Once you root your device you void the warranty and remove yourself from any support OR any SETTLEMENT.
              12) People can choose to load a bunch of dubious software from questionable sources and 'claim' they work like magic... Some people see Jesus in tortillas too!
              As I said in college "It's been real and its been fun, but it hasn't been real fun.
              FYI Since talking to a friend I worked on a project for @ HP "Since the Netflix program works on MANY other Android platforms with similar-identical processors and memory (and some of those do NOT have OpenGL support for 3D) this IS a hardware or hardware design problem." Just like I said Netflix works on my HTC EVO it should work on our platform.
              "Thanks for the memories."


                I have read some of the argument, and all I have to say is, the problem is with the Netflix app not the tablet. Also what do you expect from a hundred dollar tablet sold from Big Lots? It's not like any knowledgeable person could ever think this tablet could ever be comparable to an ipad or mainstream phone.

                Another point is the 701i hasn't been out for much more than a month yet, why not give the developers a bit more time to troubleshoot, test, and fix the problem. I don't believe any tablet has been released without any problems.
                Just my 2 cents, if you don't like it tough.

                Sent from my SCH-R720 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5


                  Originally posted by jtintle View Post
                  I have read some of the argument, and all I have to say is, the problem is with the Netflix app not the tablet. Also what do you expect from a hundred dollar tablet sold from Big Lots? It's not like any knowledgeable person could ever think this tablet could ever be comparable to an ipad or mainstream phone.

                  Another point is the 701i hasn't been out for much more than a month yet, why not give the developers a bit more time to troubleshoot, test, and fix the problem. I don't believe any tablet has been released without any problems.
                  I'm not quite so sure I'd say the whole problem lies with the Netflix app. I think it's more of 50-50 split. There are some on here who report Netflix doesn't run, then they return the tablet, get a new one and it runs fine. I try to keep in mind I have NO idea whether that's true. If it is true I have no way of knowing how long they used Netflix and how many videos they've watched to make a judgement call on whether it actually plays through entire videos consistently.

                  I agree one shouldn't expect much from a $99.99 tablet at Big Lots. In fact, I think this little 701's are actually a very good deal for someone who needs a tablet for basic web browsing, ebooks, and some games without a horribly frustrating crappy resistive touch screen.

                  I DID do some research before I bought m 701C. One of the things that convinced me to buy it was the fact that Polaroid/S.T. themselves TELL you this thing will run Netflix. Before buying I read the early posts on here. I also browsed through the PDF version of the Polaroid User guide to get an idea of what features the Tablet had. When I saw the following line in the user guide of the PMID 701C it made me decide to take the plunge,

                  "Streaming videos:To wirelessly stream movies and television to the Tablet, install the
                  Netflix™ app.
                  1. Open the Amazon App Store and search for “Netflix.”
                  2. Select “Netflix.”
                  3. Select “Free.”
                  4. Select “Install.”

                  Polaroid and the manufacturer of this tablet are not affiliated with, connected

                  to, or sponsored by Netflix - we simply recommend their app over the other
                  available options."

                  Of course the bold and red emphasis are mine, but you see my point. Someone here was saying these tablets were advertised to be Netflix capable. I've never seen any advertisement indicating such. The only thing I saw clearly indicating this device was Netflix capable was the line I quoted above. Since that comes from the user guide of the product, one would DEFINITELY assume at least the 701C would be ready to run Netflix right out of the box.

                  I certainly didn't expect perfection from a $99.99 tablet (or anything I purchase from Big Lots). However, I can definitely tell you my 701C would NOT run Netflix out of the box by simply downloading Amazon Appstore and grabbing the latest Netflix app as the user guide would lead you to believe.

                  As for waiting for the developers I think we're probably out of luck. I realize these tablets are only 1 to 3 months old depending on the model, but it took weeks of constant pestering from us to get the firmware released. I hope I'm wrong, but I seriously doubt anyone on the S.T. end of things will figure it out. If and when someone here figures it out, they may be interested in including the fix in their firmware at that point after the work has been done. However I don't think they'll be putting in any overtime to figure it out. If the haphazard way 701i's were produced and boxed are any indication of the way things are handled, you can most likely hang it up in my opinion.

                  As for getting Netflix developers to look into the issue, I'm not sure we'll have any luck there. I could be wrong, but I don't think Polaroid 701C/701i owners are enough of a chunk of the market for them to bother. I'm only guessing here, but I'm guessing we're a tiny sliver of the market compared to the other phones, tablets etc on the market.

                  For me the Netflix thing isn't the end of the world. I spend a great deal of time posting about it, whining about and posting whatever failed attempts I've made to fix it because I'm trying to share info. I also like to try to save others some time from trying something I've tried that didn't work. In the grand scheme of things it's not the end of the world. However I do expect a product to be capable of doing what the user guide tells me it does.

                  Probably the greatest frustration is the fact that I KNOW these things will stream Netflix videos beautifully. I've seen brief flashes of its cruel brilliance. I just can't figure out which magic rain dance voodoo I have to do to get it to play all (or most) videos all the time.


                    The 701i is not just sold @ Biglots. It IS sold at many retailers for as much as $150. A brand has nothing to do with electronic capabilities, code doesn't discriminate like Americans do it just pushes electrons through acid etched pathways. Hyperbole is not proof, just a sign of a frustrated writer.
                    If any would tale a moment and step back to think objectively, if Netflix DOES run on... a name brand cell phone that has; a 1 Ghz processor, 512-1Gb of DDR3 memory than LOGICALLY it will run on any tablet with the same processor and memory... Doesn't matter to electrons WHO made the chip or RAM and electrons NEVER 'see' branding. If you, as a bipedal endothermic lifeform choose to believe that one brand (with the same processor and memory) is better than another based on the 'brand', well like I said some people see Jesus in tortillas doesn't make the Easter Bunny any more real.
                    Singledad put it better than me, " the fact that I KNOW these things will stream Netflix videos beautifully. I've seen brief flashes of its cruel brilliance." Anyone here that actually OWNS a 701c or 701i and has actually TRIED Netflix has SEEN it work flawlessly, thereby PROVING all this hyperbole about price and brands is nothing more than just that, tired rhetoric/hyperbole.
                    Simple logic dictates, IF it (at one point or another) runs very well, yet does not repeat performance, this is NOT a program problem (app or OS), this is NOT a processor or memory problem, this is a HARDWARE INTERFACE problem. I KNOW that our nation is 'brand obsessed'. Everyone sees this every day, it actually sickens me to no end... but those barriers are NOT REAL, they are perceived and programed into willing minds by advertising. Like I said; humans may be prejudiced but electrons are not.
                    I came here to, hopefully, find assistance getting Netflix to work on my 701i. I have never had any intention of 'rooting' my device, installing programs by backseat programers, or anything that might void my warranty or 'brick' my device. To this American $100 is a good chunck of change (a month of gas, or a week of food). I support myself by the sweat of my own brow, if I 'tinker' with this device and it bricks, I don't have a parental unit to go out and buy me another.
                    Mayhaps I am on the wrong forum. If that is, indeed, the case I have unfortunately wasted my time... which has value to me.
                    For anyone interested in working on making Netflix work within the parameters I just outlined, I will be happy to work with those individuals. If you are just going to post 'flaming' remarks at me, for whatever PERSONAL reason, save us all grief and go flame someone on another board, please. Thank you.
                    Back to the problem. Discussing this with a friend I had a thouht. We have seen this bugger WORK. Let's identify the parameters that existed when it DID work and work BACK from there, eh?
                    1)First time uses always work. Are we in agreement? Exceptions, please post circumstances.
                    2) Mind works (even for a little) if I remove all caches and soft reboot. Concur?
                    Given the above parameters, what are we facing? I am thinking 'Data Fragmentation'. What if; the unit design is such that UNFRAGMENTED data CAN pass through this hardware design, BUT if this hardware has to 'search' for broken data fragments then it fails? That is as far as I have come so far.
                    Any thoughts?


                      Originally posted by EnzoMatrix View Post
                      If any would tale a moment and step back to think objectively, if Netflix DOES run on... a name brand cell phone that has; a 1 Ghz processor, 512-1Gb of DDR3 memory than LOGICALLY it will run on any tablet with the same processor and memory... Doesn't matter to electrons WHO made the chip or RAM and electrons NEVER 'see' branding.
                      You mean you can logically assume that it has the capabilites to run said app, however the difference between 2 different 1Ghz Cpus could be great, also different manufacturing processes could mean different hardware instructions included in the OS. So just because it runs on one specific Android operating system does not mean it will run on another. As the developers here have found the Android version being used on the 701's is different than comparable Android versions. Not too mention the capabilities of the the GPU does play into the ability to run programs, since most mobile phone screens are not 7 inches or more.

                      I'm not attacking anyone, just pointing out some things that could make a difference in using certain apps.

                      It was stated that the program will run if the caches were cleared, so could the problem be a limited amount of room designated to cache storage? If the allocated space for cache becomes full, wouldn't that cause the choppiness and sync problems indicated?


                        Possible, but I have seen the cache on my SD card at 500mb (I am using a 16GB C4 SD card). 500mb is a hellofalot for streaming, almost 10 mins @ HD quality.
                        We have hit the same nail, for two diff reasons, me thinks we are on to something with the 'cache' concern. My thought is, with a connection of 10Mbps WHY does it need a cache of more than 50-100mbs?
                        I am going to buy a NEW card. Remove everything from my 701i and put NADA on the SD. Then do runs of netflix.


                          I have a pmid 701c with the ics loaded on it (dowloaded from ST). Enabling force gpu rendering seems to help a bit (settings/developer option)


                            Also can login to netflix on the web and try changing to lower quality settings in the your account and help section.


                              Originally posted by Fors78 View Post
                              Tried that version earlier on my 701i and it doesn't seem to work, it will load up and let you log in but when you try to play a video it just goes back to the video choosing screen. That apk works VERY well on the 701c tab though.
                              I can say that this statement is very true! At least for my 701c. I decided to give this specific version (1.5.2) a go and wow, what a difference! Before, it didn't matter what version I used-my videos would become choppy at 1 - 2 minutes, but with this version I can view multiple videos (so far I'm on my 2nd 30 minute video of "Spongebob Squarepants" (Don't ask, lol!)) without even so much as a 'hiccup'!

                              Singledad, take note of this since you are having those issues (I think you have a 701c....maybe it's time to 'downgrade' from ICS if this is important to you).

                              The only annoying thing is that it keeps asking me to install a newer version when I'm done playing a video-a minor annoyance...


                                Simple Netflix Fix

                                Originally posted by elektrik View Post
                                I can say that this statement is very true! At least for my 701c. I decided to give this specific version (1.5.2) a go and wow, what a difference! Before, it didn't matter what version I used-my videos would become choppy at 1 - 2 minutes, but with this version I can view multiple videos (so far I'm on my 2nd 30 minute video of "Spongebob Squarepants" (Don't ask, lol!)) without even so much as a 'hiccup'!

                                Singledad, take note of this since you are having those issues (I think you have a 701c....maybe it's time to 'downgrade' from ICS if this is important to you).

                                The only annoying thing is that it keeps asking me to install a newer version when I'm done playing a video-a minor annoyance...
                                I have the 701i with stock rom and, like many of you, was having trouble with Netflix freezing after 10 or so minutes. I was able to watch old, B&W movies with no problem, but newer releases were out of the question.

                                Someone else on this forum brought up the fact that you can go to the Netflix site and change the video quality setting by clicking on "Account and help." Two nights ago I changed my video quality setting to "good" and was able to watch two recent feature films back to back without a glitch. Last night I bumped the quality up to "better" and watched "Shutter Island" and it performed perfectly. The picture quality is great. I can probably just leave Netflix on this setting since my TV is 720p. If you have a 1080i TV, you may need to toggle the settings if you want to watch movies on your Polaroid and also enjoy full HD on your TV. it would be great if the Netflix App for android would automatically downgrade the video quality for the device.

                                Perhaps the problem is trying to steam HD content on a device that's not built for it? Anyway, this worked for me and I'm now in love with my $99 Kind-le (kinda like a Kindle).

