vold.fstab is not used by CWM because OS is not booted. CWM has it's own fstab which is what I set for external sd and internal sd physical mounted blocks which is based on the order used in the ROM parameter file. If I fake that by switching them, then backup to internal menu choice will backup to external and visa versa. CWM wont know this difference. You have to think of CWM as a stand alone OS!
So there maybe an issue here and maybe not. Android always creates a .android_secure on internal especially if you boot anytime with no external sdcard inserted. It has to do this as it has no choice. No external.... well it then has to create it on internal. BUT... that does not mean it is ever used! Open that folder on internal can see if anything is in there? If nothing is in there then your ROM is not installing APPs to internal SDcard by default.
Now if this ROM never installs APPs to sdcard either internal or external, then on both internal and external there maybe a .android_secure but it will always be empty!
So to really find out whats goes on.
Start with a fresh flashed ROM. Have a external sd installed. Now install a bunch of apps. Do you every get a .android_secure folder created on external sd? If not, then your ROM design does not by default install apps to external sd.
Now start again but this time have no external sdcard installed. Install a bunch of apps. Is there anything in the .android_secure folder on internal sd? If not then even though the folder is created, it is not by default installing apps to internal sd either!
In effect this could be good for you guys if it never does this! WHY?
Because this then gives you total control. YOU get to choose when you want to move an APP to sdcard!
So now last test... go into settings and apps and tell it to move a few APPs to sdcard. Where did they go? External or internal? If external, then is SHOULD have created a .android_secure on external and apps will be in there. If not, look on internal and see if they are in there.
Please try all this stuff. The only way to know whats going on is what the Android OS is doing with APPs! CWM has no control over this at all.