Please read: I want to clarify that there isn't stupid or noob questions. All questions are welcome! However, respect other members and do little research before asking questions. Most of the questions are already answered somewhere here in freaktab. I know that the answers can be hard to find so if you can't find answers on your own, feel free to ask.
Stock roms (official)
- V1.0 Rom (Android 4.4.2)
- May 20140528 (Slightly modded rom, chinese apps deleted, Flash via Flash Tool link: drive.google.com) (thanks to zvoddy23)
- May 20140527 (Flash via Flash Tool links: needrom.com, drive.google.com, Changelogs: 51cube.com)
- June 20140620 (Changelogs: 51cube.com, Download link dead)
- July 20140704 (OTA link: yadi.sk, Flash via Flash Tool link: yadi.sk)
- July 20140704 Ukraine version (Flash via Flash Tool link: forum.51cube.com.ua) (Never actually released officially)
- August 20140806 (OTA and Flash via Flash Tool link: yadi.sk, Changelogs: 4pda.com)
- September 20140903 (OTA links: pan.paidu.com password: sb1j, yadi.sk, bego.cc, Flash via Flash Tool links: pan.paidu.com, yadi.sk, cloud.mail.ru, Changelogs: 51cube.com
- Touch screen repair rom (Flash via Flash Tool links: pan.paidu.com password: dz7l, yadi.sk)
- September 20140926 (Flash via Flash Tool link: forum.51cube.com.ua)
- November 20141111 (Flash via Flash Tool link: pan.paidu.com, yadi.sk, Changelogs: 51cube.com)
- November 20141115 (OTA links: mega.co.nz, pan.paidu.com password: nxfk, yadi.sk)
- November 20141115 TP BACK is the same touch screen repair package than above. It is V1.8 rom. (Flash via Flash Tool link: yadi.sk)
Lepi's roms (All Lepi's roms must be flashed via custom recovery) (thanks to Lepi)
- Lepi's rom (based on official V1.8 September rom)
- v1.8.4 white theme (link: freaktab.com)
- v1.8.5 white theme (link: freaktab.com)
- v1.8.5 dark theme (link: freaktab.com)
- v1.8.6 white theme (link: freaktab.com)
- v1.8.7 white theme (link: 4pda.ru)
- v1.8.8 white theme with orange color (link: freaktab.com)
- v1.8.9 white theme with orange color (link: 4pda.ru)
- v1.9.0 white theme with orange color (link: freaktab.com)
- v1.9.1 white Lollipop theme (link: 4pda.ru)
- v1.9.2 white Lollipop theme (link: 4pda.ru)
- v1.9.3 dark Lollipop theme (link: 4pda.ru) (Note: test version!)
- v1.9.3 white Lollipop theme (link: freaktab.com)
- v2.0.0 dark theme (link: freaktab.com)
- v2.0.1 dark theme (link: freaktab.com)
- v2.0.2 white theme with orange color (link: freaktab.com)
- v2.0.3 white theme with orange color (link: freaktab.com)
- v2.0.4 dark theme with orange color (link: freaktab.com)
- v2.0.5 white Lollipop theme (link: 4pda.ru)
- v2.0.5 dark Lollipop theme (link: 4pda.ru)
- v2.0.6 white Lollipop theme (link: 4pda.ru)
- v2.0.7 dark Lollipop theme (link: 4pda.ru)
- v2.0.7 white Lollipop theme (link: freaktab.com)
- v2.0.8 white Lollipop theme (links: freaktab.com, 4pda.ru)
- v2.0.9 dark Lollipop theme (link: 4pda.ru)
- 900Supersport rom (based on official V1.6 June rom)
- 900Supersport v1.6 (link: freaktab)
- 900Supersport v1.8 (link: freaktab)
- 900Supersport v1.8 (link: freaktab)
- 900Supersport v1.8 (link: freaktab)
- Official MIUI 6 rom (based on official V2.0 February MIUI rom)
- MIUI 6 rom (link for flashing via custom recovery: pan.paidu.com, Changelogs: 51cube.com, Info: freaktab.com) (Note: Some issues with 3G connection)
- CoolUI ROM V1 (based on official V1.6 June rom)
- CoolUI ROM V1 20140703 (link: bbs.51cube.com (direct download link: pan.paidu.com password: j57p))
- CoolUI ROM V2 20140719 (link: bbs.51cube.com (direct download link: pan.paidu.com))
- CoolUI ROM V3 20140804 (link: bbs.51cube.com (direct download link: pan.paidu.com, 4shared.com)) (Note: Touch screen issues with some devices)
- Unofficial V2.0 rom (based on official V2.0 November rom) (Only for tablets with serial number 1426 or higher)
- December 20141215 (link: bbs.51cube.com (direct OTA download link: pan.paidu.com password: u7h6))
- January 20150109 (link: freaktab.com (direct download link for Flashing via custom recovery: mega.co.nz, pan.paidu.com))
- MIUI theme rom (link: 4pda.ru (direct download link: cloud.mail.ru))
- September 20140924 (link: forum.51cube.com.ua)
- Dejan 1979's rom (link: freaktab.com)
- Stock recovery
- V2.0 recovery (link: freaktab.com) (thanks to simexi)
- V1.8 recovery (links: 4shared.com, pan.paidu.com password: wetn, can also be found from every V1.8 900supersport rom package)
- Lepi's TWRP 2700 black theme (link: freaktab.com)
- Lepi's TWRP 2700 white theme (link: freaktab.com)
- Lepi's TWRP 2810 (link: freaktab.com (direct download: yadi.sk))
- Lepi's TWRP 2810 light theme (link: freaktab.com (direct download: yadi.sk))
- Lepi's TWRP 2850 light theme (link: 4pda.ru)
- Lepi's TWRP 2850 dark theme (link: 4pda.ru)
- CMW Recovery, can be found from every 900supersport rom package
- Chinese Recovery for LeWa OS (links: bbs.51cube.com, translate.google.com (English) (direct download: pan.paidu.com)) (thanks to mmrrdd)
- Chinese MIUI Recovery (link: bbs.cube51.com, translate.google.com (English) (direct download: pan.paidu.com)) (thanks to mmrrdd)
- Another Chinese Recovery (link: bbs.cube51.com)