According to the seller this box has an S812 soc, but I'm not so sure...
I have been trying to install a different rom on it, but everything fails.
Using A ROM for MXIII plus / MXIII-G fails, but ROMS for the "normal" MXIII fails too, so I'm a bit lost with what I have here.
Both SD method and USB tool fail, so I guess I"m just not using the right ROM.
The box is the small square one with the button on top.
The box says MXIII 4k
It has 2gb of ram and 5ghz wifi (confirmed)
According to the seller it has an S812 but I doubt that because that would make it an MXIII-plus or MXIII-G right?
In the firmware the box identifies itself as only "MXIII"
It seems to be running a fairly recent version of 4.4.2
With some hardware app i get the information that the soc is n AML8726-M8
-is this an S812?
-if not, how can I make this clear to the seller for a dispute?
-what other ROM could I use?