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NEOTV CROM for Flycast MK809III - UG007B - QC802 - Cloudnet Go CR9

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    Originally posted by neomode View Post

    Probiere mal die Kamera am OTG Port mit Adapter Kabel.
    Das hat mir geholfen.

    Hi Neomode,

    vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort.

    Leider hilft das auch nicht. Die Cam ist aber definitiv o.k., habe sie gerade unter Linux nochmal geprüft. Kann ich noch etwas versuchen?

    Beste Grüße,



      Originally posted by neomode View Post
      In der Rechten unteren Ecke wird nur die Wifi verbindung angezeigt.
      Das heißt du siehst dort nicht on Ethernet aktive ist oder nicht.
      Die Ortung must du in der Systemsteuerung einschalten. Es ist ja kein GPS vorhanden.

      Hallo neomode,

      ein Bild sagt vielleicht mehr als geschriebene Worte.
      Im Anhang findest Du ein Bild mit den relevanten Einstellungen.

      Grüße aus Hamburg

      Attached Files


        mp3 issue half-solved, actually a networked file system issue

        Originally posted by ToyKeeper View Post
        The only issue I've run into is... how can I get it to play mp3 files? It seems like the codec is missing, and nearly all Android apps expect the host OS to provide that. Ogg vorbis works fine, and most of the videos I've tried are fine... it's just basic mp3 music that won't play. Is there a codec somewhere I can add?
        Just an update. It seems that mp3 files actually play just fine and there is no issue with codecs. The problem I ran into is that they only play from local storage, and refuse to play from a CIFS mount. It must be doing some sort of file operation which isn't supported (or enabled) over CIFS. And I get similar issues sometimes with videos. A file which is perfectly playable will simply fail with a "cannot play this file type" or similar message, but if I copy it to local storage (or, sometimes, try to play over webdav) it works fine.

        This is most likely not an issue with the NEOTV ROM though... just some sort of general Android issue.

        Regardless, any ideas on solving it are welcome. There could be a specific cifs mount option I need, or I could possibly switch to NFS (which I prefer anyway, but it's not usually included in Android kernels), or ... I'm not sure. Then later maybe I can even fix some file permission issues, but I suspect that's way way out of scope here. I've been using Linux as my primary OS for 17 years, but in Android I can't even figure out how to change the default umask. D'oh.

        Anyway, thanks again for the great ROM.


          Support for Screen/Dispay Rotation?

          I'm planning to buy a Cloudnet Go CR9 and my question is if this device or your custom ROM supports display/screen rotation. I need this for an app, but unfortunately most HDMI Stick devices do not allow screen rotation by default.
          Is this enabled in your custom ROM?



            AW: NEOTV CROM for Flycast MK809III - UG007B - QC802 - Cloudnet Go CR9

            It is possible to enable it if you want.


            Send from Mobile



              Thanks for your prompt answer-
              "enable" means that the stock firmware is capable of rotating the screen or your custom ROM?


                AW: NEOTV CROM for Flycast MK809III - UG007B - QC802 - Cloudnet Go CR9

                Both but a custom rom works better

                Send from Mobile


                  Wie sieht es mit der Kompatibilität zum CX-919 aus? Kann da jemand Aussagen zu treffen?


                    Flash Player for 4.2.2 ?


                    SORRY, mein Beitrag in Deutsch, weil es für mich einfacher ist ;-)
                    Ich hab den Mini-PC-Stick = Jesurun QC802 Quad-Core Android 4.2 über DealExtreme gekauft
                    Habe den Stick mit der Rom "geflasht"
                    - läuft bis jetzt alle zu meiner Zufriedenheit, keine Aussetzer oder sonstige Probleme
                    - Kann also hiermit Bestätigen, das ROM läuft auf QC802 Sticks

                    .... Ein Problem habe ich allerdings noch, weiß nun nicht, ob es mein Fehler war
                    Der Flash Player läuft bei mir nicht!!!
                    - Oder ist das ein generelles Problem auf Android 4.2.2?
                    - muss dazu sagen, dass ich die ROM Version des Flash Player gleich mit der aktuellsten Version neu installiert habe!
                    - Den Flash Player der ROM-Version hatte ich leider nicht getestet!
                    - Falls der Flash-Player der ROM-Version läuft, kann mir den jemand zum Download einstellen, oder einen DL-Link

                    Danke dann schon mal vorab

                    __________________________________________________ __________

                    ich bin es dann noch mal ;-)
                    Wollte nur kurz Bescheid geben, die Sache mit dem Flash - Player hat sich erledigt,
                    nachdem ich es mit etlichen Versionen versucht habe, hatte ich mit der endlich den gewünschten Erfolg = Alle Flash - Anwendungen laufen wieder

                    Übrigens @ neomode = besten Dank die CustomRom
                    Last edited by Digger_4_ever; 07-29-2013, 11:55.


                      MK809III can't detect modem Huawei E173Eu-1 & can't login google play

                      I have MK809III like the problem, can your rom solve that problem ? what kind modem 3G can support with your rom ?


                        To Support your 3G Stick do the follow to Help you,
                        Download "Termina Emulator" from Playstore.
                        Than make the follow:

                        dmesg > /sdcard/dmesg.txt

                        connect your 3G Stick

                        dmesg > /sdcard/dmesg3g.txt

                        send it to [email protected]



                          Thank you for your quick response, but to download the Emulator Termina, I can not log into google play. even my gmail account has been successful in other tabs. I think it may be due to a bug in my mk809III standard rom. therefore I want to try your rom to fix both problems.

                          Originally posted by neomode View Post
                          To Support your 3G Stick do the follow to Help you,
                          Download "Termina Emulator" from Playstore.
                          Than make the follow:

                          dmesg > /sdcard/dmesg.txt

                          connect your 3G Stick

                          dmesg > /sdcard/dmesg3g.txt

                          send it to [email protected]



                            webcam still not working

                            Hallo Neomode,

                            in meiner Verzweiflung habe ich nachgesehen, was dmesg so sagt:

                            usb 2-1.3.4: new high speed USB device number 5 using usb20_host
                            usb 2-1.3.4: New USB device found, idVendor=046d, idProduct=0826
                            usb 2-1.3.4: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
                            usb 2-1.3.4: Product: HD Webcam C525
                            usb 2-1.3.4: SerialNumber: 1744B730
                            uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device HD Webcam C525 (046d:0826)
                            input: HD Webcam C525 as /devices/platform/usb20_host/usb2/2-1/2-1.3/2-1.3.4/2-1.3.4:1.2/input/input3

                            Offensichtlich werden die Cam erkannt und die UVC-Treiber geladen. Warum funktioniert es nicht? Kann ich noch irgend etwas anderes versuchen?

                            Danke und Gruß,



                              linker errors in busybox

                              Okay, I think I found the source of almost every issue I've run into with this ROM. A lot of basic commands can't even run because they're apparently not linked to their libraries. For example:

                              root@android:/ # grep -A 5 '# init.d' /init.rc                                                          
                              # init.d support neomode
                              service runparts /system/xbin/run-parts /system/etc/init.d
                                  class core
                                  user root
                              # end init.d support
                              root@android:/ # ls -al /system/xbin/run-parts                                                          lrwxrwxrwx root     root              2013-06-14 15:47 run-parts -> busybox
                              root@android:/ # /system/xbin/run-parts /system/etc/init.d
                              soinfo_relocate(linker.cpp:975): cannot locate symbol "__set_syscall_errno" referenced by "/system/xbin/run-parts"...CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE
                              255|root@android:/ #
                              Is there some way to fix this locally? Does it need a new, re-linked ROM build? Shared library linking errors have been interfering with a lot of different things I've been trying to do.

                              (probably explains why the netflix fix didn't work automatically and needed a manual workaround, among other things)
                              Last edited by ToyKeeper; 08-02-2013, 19:31.


                                Android with non-default mounts

                                BTW, I got a little more data about music and other files playing (or not playing) and what conditions trigger it.

                                Everything works fine when playing from the internal flash auto-mounted at boot. Everything works fine when playing from a vfat-formatted SD card auto-mounted at boot. All other mount types I've tried fail, meaning that the filesystems mount just fine but many programs refuse to play files from them (or try to play and get stuck at zero seconds). I've tried CIFS, ext4, and vfat... If something gets mounted at boot from vold.fstab, it works, but anything mounted manually fails (even when using the same mount options that vold used on other partitions). In the case where the file/dir permissions aren't quite right, some programs will refuse to even try (omit the filesystem as if it doesn't exist), but even after fixing permissions to be identical to auto-mounted vfat partitions, playback stalls at zero seconds.

                                Of course, it's also a bit hard to mount with exactly the same options that vold uses, since 'mount' gives me a segfault if I copy/paste the mount options for use on a different filesystem. If I remove a few options though, it generally works (usually doesn't seem to matter which ones are removed, so long as the command line is short enough).

                                So, the difference seems to be unrelated to the network, and more dependent on whether the filesystem was auto-mounted by vold or mounted in some other way. I'm not sure why this matters though, given that some programs work fine on manually-mounted filesystems (ES File Explorer, for example, including its built-in media handlers), some programs work only sporadically (MX Player fails at random, sometimes mid-file), and some work only with specific file types (MortPlayer can do ogg but not mp3 from manually-mounted filesystems). So, generally strange behavior... but everything works completely fine on auto-mounted filesystems, and if I copy a non-working file to a working filesystem, it works.

                                I'm probably missing something about Android-specific services or interfaces or layers of abstraction, but from a Linux admin background I find it very strange that a fully readable/writable file would ever be unusable simply because its filesystem was mounted by the wrong program. I assume it's probably similar to how some Ubuntu-specific apps don't work when the network was configured by the wrong tools (U1 and Software Center in particular... they fail unless NetworkManager is running and reports 'connected' status, even though NM is only one of dozens of different ways to get a valid connection).

                                So, um, sorry for the long post... but, anyone have any idea what I'm missing, or how to make a manual mount work the same as if it were auto-mounted?

