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Linux for Amlogic S805

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    Hello all and particular balbes150, ty for all your excellent work.

    I actually run
    on my 805 and works like a sharm with the dtb.img from librelec , ethernet is working out of the box, hdmi too with appropriate resolution

    Even /root/ is working fine , it boots from internal nand

    I use this box not for media player, but as as ASTERISK voip pbx and internal XMPP chat server and it runs smoothly

    The only thing I didn't manage to work on armbian is this infamous s9083 wifi chip . Is not fundamental, but you know tech people, is now a deal to make it work

    any point to solve the question ? Can I take the s9083.ko from somewhere and copy paste in armbian ?

    Thank you in advance


      I doubt that the module will operate from a different core.



        first of all thank you for replaying, I follow this posts since long time and you always answer to people questions and are very kind. This is great from you !!!

        I will try to compile the firmware/driver but is not really needed, just a personal satisfaction.

        I will go now one moment OFF TOPIC:

        I have several ( hundreds) of RK3229 that I bought in stock. Mostly are 2 giga ram 16 giga rom and mostly were just flashed with wrong firmware.

        Did you ever studied those ? Heve you ever managed to compile/put linix on ? I saw exists toipic for other RK but those 3229 seems not very interesting
        I ALWAYS have uart and oscilloscope bounded to boards to follow what happening, if needed.

        Any topic about ?


        Last edited by fabiobassa; 06 June 2019, 22:45.


          I do not have such equipment, I have not tried how it works.


            Ok seems that the producer of 9083 never released the src neither a precompiled object so definitely this module will NOT work

            ​​​​​My last question to Mr. balbes150 :

            For my pbx application need compile "dadhi" and I will do directly on the board ( NO crosscompiling).
            Of course I need the sources or/and the headers but no-one avaible to apt-get.
            If I download the 3.10.99 kernel, put in /usr/src of the board ( rename to Linux or leave with 3.10.99 suffix?? ) will it be used for compilation ?
            Will it work?or do I need more tuning for compiling ?


              On the site in the directory "deb" there is a package with kernel headers from the used image. You can download and install them with the command "dpkg".



                dear balbes ty so much for pointing me at it.
                In this huge information, links and posts I didn't even realized that was already done headers.

                Really ty, YOU are exactly the right person for a forum, always kind and ready to answer.
                Really appreciated

                Fabio, from Italy


                  fabiobassa does youtube run smoothly? i just new s805 box today. i got sound too fast. youtube struggle like gpu acceleration not working.



                    I don't know, maybe you missed when I said

                    I use this box not for media player, but as as ASTERISK voip pbx and internal XMPP chat server and it runs smoothly
                    I don't use for media


                      Hi, this project is still active? Any luck with HW acceleration?


                        how flash on minix neo x6. , Can anyone give you detailed instructions thansk pro


                          I can only download from Armbian_5.67_Aml-s805_Debian_stretch_dev_3.10.33_20181124.img
                          Write to the SD card to start the device.
                          Nothing else will work.
                          For example, Armbian_5.67_Aml-Armbian_5.67_Aml-s805_Debian_stretch_default_3.10.108_20181207.img
                          But this version of 3.10.33 does not support writing emmc.
                          May I ask what is the problem?
                          From Google Translate, thanks


                            Thank you very much for this I created an SD card very easily for my MK808B Plus stick using dd (`dd if=Armbian_5.67_Aml-s805_Debian_stretch_default_3.10.108_20181207.img of=/dev/rdisk2 bs=1M status=progress` on my macOS where disk2 was my SD card.)

                            I didn't have to do anything else to make it work. Just plop the SD card into the Android stick, and connect power while pushing the toothpick button on the stick. Booted into Armbian, which automatically expanded itself to use the entire SD card, and then after updating the bootloader with the `armbian-config` tool the hardware automatically boots to Armbian on the SD card when it starts.

                            I'm puzzled about one thing, however. Googling about getting Armbian on this stick, I saw people mentioning the need to use the "M201-D DTB" for the MK808B Plus stick, so I used "meson8b_m201d.dtb". This resulted in the total RAM being limited to 339 MB. Also, when using the default "meson8b_m201_1G.dtb" — which also works fine on my MK808B Plus — RAM is limited to 815 MB. So neither of these two DTBs seem to "unlock" the 1024 MB that this stick (supposedly) has.

                            Why is that? Is there any way to "unlock" the entire amount of memory?

                            Thanks again

                            EDIT: Pretty stoked about this. Managed to upgrade to Buster by simply editing sources.list and replacing stretch with buster, and then keeping all configuration files when doing dist-upgrade. Keeps the 3.10 kernel, and works perfectly with the updated repos, which include qBittorrent 4.1.5, which I needed for my purposes
                            Last edited by DanielSB; 31 December 2020, 09:35.


                              Last edited by Zeesh; 05 September 2021, 02:41.

