I have rebuild Koxx MiniMX Ubuntu Mate for Mini M8S.
Android TV Box Mini M8S hardware info:
1. Soundcard using Amlogic AML M8
2. Wifi and Bluetooth using Realtek RTL8723BS
Because MiniMX Ubuntu from Koxx doesnt have wifi driver for Mini M8S and X Server have Black screen issue.
So what i do is add Realtek 8723BS module driver and Modified gpu driver in kernel, to make alpha blending issue gone (black screen).
The default color depth is 32mbpp, it will make Kodi only have Black Screen, But you can play movie with VLC Player.
Thanks to Koxx and balbes150 , and some other who help me
MiniMX Ubuntu Mate from Koxx is in here http://freaktab.com/forum/tv-player-...d-x-on-sdcard/
This Ubuntu Mate is Based Ubuntu Mate for Odroid C2, the 16.04 with name "ubuntu64-16.04lts-mate-odroid-c2-20160525.img.xz" but with Amlogic kernel 3.14.29 and Mali GPU driver r5p1
Here Ubuntu Mate 16.04 Images for Mini M8S:
Ubuntu Mate 16.04 64bit with Kernel 3.14.29+ - http://www.mediafire.com/file/g2jd3q...e-16.04.img.xz (3,4GB)
You need 8GB SD card or bigger, in Gnu/Linux you can burn it with dd
dd if=MiniM8S-Ubuntu-Mate-16.04.img of=/dev/sdX bs=4m
s905_autoscript file to change X color depth:
- X Color Depth 24 bit - http://www.mediafire.com/file/iuobso...-24mbpp.tar.gz
- X Color Depth 32 bit - http://www.mediafire.com/file/kagfyn...-32mbpp.tar.gz ( default in Ubuntu Mate images use this file )
How to use s905_autoscript:
1. Download the file
2. Extract the file, and you will get file s905_autoscript
3. Copy file s905_autoscript to folder /media/boot/ and Overwrite the existing file.
4. Reboot.
What is working or not :
– boot : ok
– shell : ok
– ubuntu mate : ok
– sound : ok
– wifi : ok
– bluetooth : not work, i dont know how to use it.
– VLC with hardware acceleration : ok (using xcb)
– ir remote : ok
– kodi with hardware acceleration : yes ( change s905_autoscript to 24mbpp ) ( This a modified Kodi, more info http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?t=19433 )
– cec : unknown
– Firefox with 32bit (armhf) : ok
Known bugs :
1. Playing Movie with Kodi in X Desktop, is not stable.
Sometimes, Kodi Gui will "distorted" or "you cannot exit" because the Gui is "invisible".
2. Playing Movie with VLC, you can Watch with Default Resolution window, if you resize or Fullscreen, its will make not watchable, just sound.
User name and Password:
Login : odroid
Password : odroid
How to use Kodi:
Because Kodi only work with 24mbpp, and the default is using 32mbpp, you need to change it, here step by steps.
1. Download this file http://www.mediafire.com/file/iuobso...-24mbpp.tar.gz
2. Extract the file, and you will get file s905_autoscript
3. Copy file s905_autoscript to folder /media/boot/ and Overwrite the existing file.
4. Reboot.
You can using Kodi with X, but sometimes you will only get flickering issue.
To solve it, you can choose one of them:
1. Run Kodi Standalone without X, so you have to Disable X. ( but you cannot use X )
2. Run Kodi after "Clean the Desktop" with hiding Gkrellm, make the Panel in Above to Auto Hide. (see the screenshot bellow, compare it to screenshot about VLC above)
Blackscreen after exit Kodi:
- You have to press Ctrl + Alt + F1 to go Console, then press Ctrl + F7 to get back in X.
If you want to "Clean the Desktop":
--> What make Flickering in Kodi is the cpu load info in gkrellm and clock in taksbar.
1. Hide Gkrellm, Right Click on Gkreelm Window, choose Configuration (F1) got to Properties, remove the mark in "Do not include on Taskbar"
now, you can hide it with click Gkrellm taskbar in the Panel Below.
2. Hide the Panel Above, Right Click on The Panel, Choose Properties, and give mark to "Auto Hide"
3. Hide Any other window apps, like web browser, etc
If you want Kodi Standalone, you have to disable the X, here step by step:
1. Stop Display Manager with command:
sudo systemctl disable lightdm
sudo systemctl enable kodifb
4. Then you will get Command Line/Console only Ubuntu.
5. Login and then you can start the Kodi with command:
odroid@odroid64:~$ kodi
> If you want to get the Desktop Mode.
run this command:
odroid@odroid64:~$ startx