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X96 unbranded firmware with some fixes

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    Originally posted by Downunder 35m View Post
    Details please...
    What Rom did you use, how did you install it?
    Give me your contact information,facebook,twitter or QQ。Or give me your Chinese friends contact
    Last edited by yetian; 28 May 2017, 05:57.


      下載 Beta 5
      使用 Winrar, 提取到sdcard.
      TWRP 有中文.

      Use my Beta 5.
      Extract with Winrar to SDcard.
      Boot box with toothpick.
      TWRP supports chinese.
      Check how to use TWRP on chinese website - wipe, install, reboot.


        Originally posted by Downunder 35m View Post
        下載 Beta 5
        使用 Winrar, 提取到sdcard.
        TWRP 有中文.

        Use my Beta 5.
        Extract with Winrar to SDcard.
        Boot box with toothpick.
        TWRP supports chinese.
        Check how to use TWRP on chinese website - wipe, install, reboot.
        thanks very much。l go to try。but l have no sdcard。it's only usb。


          You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 1 photos.


            Downunder 35m我在论坛下载了rom,然后用PC刷机取得,或者非常感谢你.beta 5 is not right.I Fan a mistake, x96 no ROOT on the brush machine. But what about ROOT?
            Last edited by yetian; 28 May 2017, 23:59.


              If you get ERROR 7 when installing:
              Remove line 1 and line 2 from updater script inside Meta-info folder.
              You need to unzip for this and pack again as ZIP.
              After this it will install.


                Originally posted by Downunder 35m View Post
                If you get ERROR 7 when installing:
                Remove line 1 and line 2 from updater script inside Meta-info folder.
                You need to unzip for this and pack again as ZIP.
                After this it will install.
                how should I do about ROOT,My x96 now is perfect addition to not Super user Permissions。I want to native Android system with Super user Permissions, I love youtube, twitter, etc.


                  Originally posted by Downunder 35m View Post
                  If you get ERROR 7 when installing:
                  Remove line 1 and line 2 from updater script inside Meta-info folder.
                  You need to unzip for this and pack again as ZIP.
                  After this it will install.
                  So I like beta3.It did not find Update-binary by what you said
                  Last edited by yetian; 29 May 2017, 06:11.


                    without root,The memory value is negative. Do you have instant chat tools?
                    You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 1 photos.


                      Root does not change the memory.
                      For the update script:
                      Unpack the Zip Archive.
                      You will find this:
                      META-INF - folder with script
                      boot.img - file
                      bootloader.img - file
                      dtb-img - file
                      file_context - file
                      logo.img - file
                      recovery.img - file
             - file, big
                      system.patch.dat - file
                      system.transfer.list - file

                      Inside META-INF folder:
                      com - folder, rest ignore.
                      Keep opening com folder and see:
                      android - folder
                      google - folder, keep opening this folder!
                      android - again open folder!
                      update-binary - ignore!
                      updater-script - edit this file with Notepad++
                      Remove the first two lines.
                      With first two line gone the updater-script start like this:
                      set_bootloader_env("upgrade_step", "3");
                      show_progress(0.500000, 0);

                      Zip all files again and you can update.
                      Like that the script will ignore all checks for correct hardware and just install firmware.
                      If you like use the Beta 3.


                        could anyone tell me which twrp I need for my x96, and correct procedure to accomplish flashing downunders beta 5
                        don't want to mess my box up doing something wrong which I'm not clever enough to fix lol
                        also must it be done via SD card or can a usb stick be used?



                          TWRP is already included in the RAR archive, so no need to search for one
                          And yes, UBS stick works fine too, just use the port closest to the front of the box.
                          Takes a few seconds longer to boot into recovery but works fine.


                            Originally posted by Downunder 35m View Post
                            Root does not change the memory.
                            For the update script:
                            Unpack the Zip Archive.
                            You will find this:
                            META-INF - folder with script
                            boot.img - file
                            bootloader.img - file
                            dtb-img - file
                            file_context - file
                            logo.img - file
                            recovery.img - file
                   - file, big
                            system.patch.dat - file
                            system.transfer.list - file

                            Inside META-INF folder:
                            com - folder, rest ignore.
                            Keep opening com folder and see:
                            android - folder
                            google - folder, keep opening this folder!
                            android - again open folder!
                            update-binary - ignore!
                            updater-script - edit this file with Notepad++
                            Remove the first two lines.
                            With first two line gone the updater-script start like this:
                            set_bootloader_env("upgrade_step", "3");
                            show_progress(0.500000, 0);

                            Zip all files again and you can update.
                            Like that the script will ignore all checks for correct hardware and just install firmware.
                            If you like use the Beta 3.

                            Now my X96 has ROOT, and has been twrp Although not the Chinese version, and I have a backup system, and do not want to toss. Thank you for your help. H96PRO and T95Z PLUS which is good, Do you have any good advice about the S912 SOC TV box?can only buy foreign trade TV box,There are not many meters in my pocket。再次感谢您,外国友人!


                              Originally posted by Downunder 35m View Post
                              TWRP is already included in the RAR archive, so no need to search for one
                              And yes, UBS stick works fine too, just use the port closest to the front of the box.
                              Takes a few seconds longer to boot into recovery but works fine.
                              thankyou for the clarification


                                also could I ask downunder, does your firmwares still have the navbar?
                                and will the kodi button on the original remote be redundant? its actually a thing that I like about the original remote

                                Last edited by moiloon; 30 May 2017, 21:30.

