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X96 unbranded firmware with some fixes

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    Beta 5 and the version with videoboot offer the navbar.
    And the remote functions remain like the original, just the WiFi keyboards got some fixes.


      well thanks once again, I cant get it to flash though
      downloaded thesaid files, extract the recovery.img and x96-1gb to usb
      tried with tootpick into android recovery, some error
      tried to reboot into revovery via a reboot app, no twrp
      I must be doing something wrong, any ideas?
      heres a link to a pic n my google drive
      Last edited by moiloon; 31 May 2017, 17:46.


        You can not use the original recovery.
        I did not sign the firmware to work with it.
        I do not replace the original recovery in my firmware.
        To use TWRP to install my firmware use the recovery you find inside the RAR archive - the zip is the firmware, the recovery.img is TWRP.


          how do I use that
          I have recovery.img (TWRP from inside rar) and the zip for firmware on usb, nothing happens , tried rebooting without toothpick ect ect
          a idiot step by step would be great

          thanks ,


            Did you try the other USB port?
            The SD should be in FAT32 not NTFS or EXFAT.
            And you press the toothpock on the switch, turn on and release the toothpick when the logo shows on the screen.


              sorted now
              phew, didn't realize that I needed to install something else to flash the TWRP image, I used Rashr


                how can I have my box like the one in the video on the 1st post?
                I wish mine to be like that, but all the betas ive flashed remain like the original rom, other than apps ect removed/replaced

                edit- another flash of beta 3 seems to be the only one that seems to be correct on my box, god knows why lol
                Last edited by moiloon; 01 June 2017, 20:53.


                  The video is from an early beta and excactly like the original firmware.
                  In the newer roms the only difference is the launcher and the navbar.


                    A version with the latest GAPPS is ready now.


                      Added a version based on the latest OTA to my Instructable.
                      Has some new things in it and from what I could notice it seems the brightness bug for videos is gone.
                      But since it is based on all the additional apps that come with the OTA I did not post it here.


                        guys sorry to bother you but im new here, can anyone tell me how to do this from 0. i have no idea how to do it but my box is driving me crazy.



                          Just download the archive and follow the insrtuctions posted a few times.
                          Always the same, unpack to SD card, plug in and boot with a toothpick.
                          From there just select the file you need in TWRP and flash it.


                            Originally posted by Downunder 35m View Post
                            Just download the archive and follow the insrtuctions posted a few times.
                            Always the same, unpack to SD card, plug in and boot with a toothpick.
                            From there just select the file you need in TWRP and flash it.
                            got it, now is giving me error 7, i saw that you recomend to remove line 1 and line 2 of the scrip.

                            when i open it as txt it only shows one long line, shoud i delet everything up the the second ;

                            Last edited by mhernandorena; 09 July 2017, 06:24.


                              Use Notepadd++
                              With it you can see what matters and save the file correctly.
                              A normal text editor just doesn't cut it here
                              But before you do that you should be aware that this disable any safety in case yourdevice is not a genuine X96.
                              A different device might not work correctly with this firmware or fail to boot at all.
                              Last edited by Downunder 35m; 09 July 2017, 08:41.


                                Originally posted by Downunder 35m View Post
                                Use Notepadd++
                                With it you can see what matters and asve the file correctly.
                                A normal text editor just doesn't cut it here
                                But before you do that you should be aware that this disable any safety in case yourdevice is not a genuine X96.
                                A different device might not work correctly with this firmware or fail to boot at all.
                                and how can i know if it's an original device?
                                i've tried everything now it tells me:

                                failed to mount this or that

                                or still gives me error 7

                                and also could not find 'meta-inf/comgoogle/android/update-binary

                                but i see the file in the zip
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by mhernandorena; 09 July 2017, 08:43.

