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X96 unbranded firmware with some fixes

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    will you be updating soon as been a few months since last version??

    anyone who has one of these boxes don't bother with the questions just flash it you will not regret it...


      So far there is no official update appearing on the servers
      And without having a fancy 4K capable TV set I can't do much more at this stage.
      Little point in making cosmetic changes either if you ask me.
      What updates (apart from asking for Nougat) are you seeking?


        Hi, i just flashed the x96 beta6 and after reboot i got in the front screen a message saying " To start Android, enter your password" what do i have to do ? I tried several numbers and then hit the enter on remote control but nothing happens. Can anyone please give a tip? Thanks


          Only one tip: There is no password...


            thank you very much for the official ota updated firmware i installed it and i enjoy my x96 a lot more with navbar and notification bar and the mouse cursor is a lot better too with nova launcher it is now what i wanted from a tv box to be
            thanks again for the link!


              Hi, I'm new and I'm looking for a clean firmware, no root access, and if it can be in img format to burn directly to my x96.
              Thank you

              I am Argentine, spanish language


                All the firmwares are clean but AFAIK there is none with no root access at all that is current.
                If in doubt just install the official firmware uninstall SuperSU once you installed one of my firmwares.


                  Hello I have purchased on X96 with the
                  rk322x_box-userdebug 6.0.1 MXC89L user.server.20170515.204715 test-keys
                  I think this one, is earlier than the Beta 6 with gaaps version.
                  But still the "enter"/"Ok" button doesn't work...
                  It annoys me a lot.
                  Not to mention the fact I can't change my location.
                  I'm from Portugal, but for some reason, weather widget, on the front page gives me London weather.
                  No status bar, or command bar. (at least one....)
                  For some reason, they assured none of the bars software available would work... as opposed to fixing the "enter"/"ok"button.
                  All of the settings are quite scarce and I miss the A95x environment on my previous box.
                  Do you think I should just smash this one with the Beta6, or is there any room to improve from this to a beta 7
                  all the best


                    Your problems were the reason I starting messing with the firmware.
                    No keyboard worked properly and if you do more than just watching streams you really miss a status bar.
                    Try my firmware(s) out and go with the one that fits your needs best.
                    I tried to figure out if there will ever be another official update but all I could find is info on their new model with a different chip and of course the usual ads.
                    It seems the product is already abandoned on the update side of things from the guys in china.
                    Not sure at this stage if I will try again to port a different firmware to this box but I will definately not mess with anything after Android 6, so no Nougat or Oreo from my side.


                      Hello Downunder 35m,
                      I've flash some phones and some tablets, but never a TV Box,
                      I guess it should not be very different.
                      Though, I've never used a OTA system, always used ADB and/or some specific software from manufacturer and used TWRP once.
                      Will read your first post a couple of times more, to make sure I understand the process, maybe some videos.

                      If you want, I can try to backup the one I've got, and send it to you, via wetransfer, or so...
                      I've finished downloading all the software from the first page
                      don't know if I'll need Libreelec...
                      (and, thank you for a "recovery.img"... just in case lol)


                        I need some help
                        How to install TWRP?
                        is there a specific method for android boxes?
                        What shall I use from
                        I'v also found this one,
                        I don't know what TWRP to use....
                        (I've read that using the wrong twrp can cause a brick....)
                        plz help...
                        Last edited by PauloAns; 15 October 2017, 11:28.


                          Hi friends... i tryed to flash all the roms from this page (from naked to last beta whit gapps) via TWRM , my box is X96 whit genuine S905X chip
                          but after install complete and reboot, the box result bricked and nothing to do , the red light remain on and again nothing to do only to burn original
                          X96 firmware

                          Sent from my X96 using Tapatalk


                            If it does not work then it usually means your box is not the original X96, maybe a newer model, maybe a clone.

                            Originally posted by PauloAns View Post
                            I need some help
                            How to install TWRP?
                            is there a specific method for android boxes?

                            plz help...
                            TWRP is included in my downloads
                            Just copy the files from the downloaded archive to the SD and boot from it - was mentioned a few times in this thread and the instructions...


                              @ Downunder 35m ... I'm not sure but the unit and the chip inside have Amlogic S905X writing on the SOC, BTW can i use other's from your roms
                              or stay to original firmware ?? ... sorry for my english i;m european

                              LE. The last rom i flashed is p212-ota-20170428 , zipped through original recovery , no errors, install succes
                              but after . the box go in the 'Red light' state ... i have to rescue again my x96 via USB Burning tool making short the NAND chip to
                              get connected


                                If all flashing works but the box won't then it is either not a 2GB model or just not the same X96 that I started with.

