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A95X PRO Android TV Box with Voice Control

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    Originally posted by micara View Post
    Clark you didn't get it what am saying if you reset from android system regular system doesn't mean that is formating all the device the partitions are still there in same way they were the only thing that is doing is deleting accounts and all the cache logs and is call factory reset if you are familiar with kodi and you want to andrstent what am saying download a addon go to the packages take that zip drop it on windows open it with rar all the files are on text with notepad + you can read and write on them if you go to the same addon on addon folder you see that for everyone file from the zip is generated on other file with the same name but hex is on linux way that the system can read when am saying formal am saying like old way with twrp format the device for another room is been this optio on lolipop because now im working i cant check if is sill
    I don't understand what you are trying to tell me. You said that just using the builtin Android reset, doesn't do anything. Then you mentioned TWRP. Are you saying I use do some kind of reset using TWRP???

    Edit: Copied TWRP (provided by NayamAmarshe) and your TWRP backup to a microSD card. Booted into TWRP and did a complete wipe (wiped everything), no operating left on my box.

    Booted back into TWRP and restored YOUR backup. After the restore, still only had Widevine Level 3. Did a factory reset and still only Widevine Level 3.

    BUT, it is just like it came out of the box, again, minus the Widevine Level 1.
    Last edited by clarkss12; 03 July 2018, 04:27.
    MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


      Mate that was my last resource i cant think something else if you had a complete wipe and didn't change has te be out of the reach twrp


        clarkss12 are you there


          i just found were is the data generated of keys




              turn on root /WITH ES file explorer browser run DEVICE/DATA/mediadrm/IDM1013/ CHECK IT NOW
              is L1 ------------- L3




                  Isn't that location! Neither is on the Data or system partition!


                    But we need to find the SN inside the TWRP. First we need to find the SN from your BOX. Can you share the following possible SN:
                    - MAC address from the ETH device
                    - SN which you get in the TWRP backup folder name USB/TWRP/BACKUPS/SN/DATE-NAME_OF_BACKUP/
                    - Other Identifier that could be a SN from anywhere in the build...

                    With this information, we need to try to find that strings in the bin partitions from the TWRP (don't know yet if the data from TWRP is just a DD copy or if they use another process for that):
                    - boot
                    - bootloader
                    - crypt
                    - env
                    - misc
                    - reserved
                    - rsv
                    - tee

                    Can you help us by providing the needed information?


                      If twrp isn't a "dd" copy of partitions we need to do this:


                        So... regarding the information from some articles, the TWRP is like a DD copy but if you choose the "compression" option during the backup process, you need to untar the files before start comparing bytes!

                        Did you used the compression option?


                          Originally posted by brunomsg View Post
                          But we need to find the SN inside the TWRP. First we need to find the SN from your BOX. Can you share the following possible SN:
                          - MAC address from the ETH device
                          - SN which you get in the TWRP backup folder name USB/TWRP/BACKUPS/SN/DATE-NAME_OF_BACKUP/
                          - Other Identifier that could be a SN from anywhere in the build...

                          With this information, we need to try to find that strings in the bin partitions from the TWRP (don't know yet if the data from TWRP is just a DD copy or if they use another process for that):
                          - boot
                          - bootloader
                          - crypt
                          - env
                          - misc
                          - reserved
                          - rsv
                          - tee

                          Can you help us by providing the needed information?
                          One thing I noticed about this device, my IP address keeps changing when I install different firmware's. Most of my other boxes do not do that. On my other boxes I can swap Android for Linux and it still maintains the same IP address, so that means the MAC address is buried somewhere in the hardware, but not so with this device.
                          MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


                            Hi, the MAC probably remains equal but when you change build the hostname could change depending what developer defines, and that could make your dhcp server to give a different IP.


                              Originally posted by brunomsg View Post
                              Hi, the MAC probably remains equal but when you change build the hostname could change depending what developer defines, and that could make your dhcp server to give a different IP.
                              I give all my boxes a static address on my router. As long as they keep the same MAC address, my router assigns them the same IP address. So, this device MUST be changing MAC addresses each time I change firmware. I have had other devices change MAC addresses at each reboot, but haven't seen that in awhile.

                              Edit: I may have mis-spoken. I may have forgotten to give it a static address in my router. I will test later......
                              Last edited by clarkss12; 03 July 2018, 16:23.
                              MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


                                Gays the location that I mentioned last post i wasn't talking for twrp backup I was talking for the android box turn on inside your box now i already checked that location on twrp that file doesn't exist there
                                but if you read the build prop somewhere on 112 or 120 line is saying to predefine the keys for this device service is on
                                and the trigger is root/vendor
                                Last edited by micara; 03 July 2018, 21:40.

