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my gt1 ultimate 3 gb ram has fake ram. does that mean i heve defective processor too?

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    Originally posted by Rollidark View Post
    hi friends, some tvbxs is faked ram, not only this beelink
    to check ram manipulation on system use a terminal emulator
    $ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
    get a value from bios/bootloader
    note if you have a value 2gb but has a value 1gb for swap ram, your real ram is 1gb and 1gb virtual emmc/nand ram emulate
    $ free -m
    get values for ram total available and usable for the system
    note free command get total value exept dedicated video ram reserv
    $ dmesg|grep Memory:
    you get a system log for real usable ram on system
    here have a screenshot for a faked mxq pro with 2gb ram
    so...what do you understand from this?
    What REAL RAM is ?????

    is from a Beelink GT 1 Ultimate s/n A706D...
    which easily ram crashes at 60%...
    Attached Files


      hi serte,

      note, This value (and the value shown as Total in output of free -m on the console), is total RAM size, minus the amount assigned to the internal GPU.

      your box have 2,72gb ram printed by free
      aprox 2gb Physical ram (or real ram)
      and aprox 500mb in Swap ram (virtual ram on emmc/nand partition or a file)

      with a dedicated memory for GPU, i think your physical ram is 2gb and 500mb on swap

      note, fill ram, cant test swap ram, only physical ram is tested

      note2, in dmesg log have a reserv ram value, and your system cant use total avaliable ram...note only 1,5gb is usable of 2gb available on physical ram (this is for system only ... minus GPU dedicated ram) this reserv ram cant be tested too, because it is reserved for a process and locked by kernel.

      note3, dmesg get 2092032kb (2043mb) value for real ram available

      this is not fake ram, are 2,72 memory...... but, not have a real 3gb ram, because has 500mb for virtual ram (yes this is allowed)

      my conclusion, i think" your box have real physical 2gb ram (2043 + 5mb dedicated for gpu) and swap, go to 2,5 ~2,7mb ram total.

      note4, this is based on logs, the free command in your case is confuse ...why is print 2,72gb? if only have 499mb on swap.... has 250mb missed on this count....

      not is bad :-)
      sorry my english
      Last edited by Rollidark; 30 January 2019, 07:47.


        Hi Rollidark, i've made the same exactly considerations as you time ago...

        The weird thing is that inside my box there are 2 x K4A8G165WB-BCRC and 2 x K4A4G165WE-BCRC Samsung chips so 3 GB DDR4!!(according to the official site of Samsung)
        Any way i've quit from this and from beelink products...!! (it WAS my last device from this "unamed" company and i'm not recommend it to anyone)
        They give as (to all byers with s/n A706D..-B706D..) answers...thinking that we are stupid...


          Hi serte,

          yah, but phisycal ram if you have 2x K4A8G165WB-BCRC and 2x K4A4G165WE-BCRC is = 1,5GB ram phisycal not 3gb

          note the code K4A 8G 16 5WB-BCRC = 8G x16 blocks = 512mb for block = 2x 1gb

          note2 the code K4A 4G 16 5WE-BCRC = 4G x16 blocks = 256mb for block = 2x 512mb .....

          TOTAL is 1,5GB ram

          but i think your box has 4x K4A4G165WE-BCRC 2 on top and 2 on botton PCB and 4x256 = 1gb

          Total 2gb ram


          this problem is not only a beelink, some "unamed" and named companies make this trick with this devices...
          not only on devices with 3gb ram, even in devices with 2gb ram has it.

          see it i buy a 2gb x96 mini 16gb rom, and received a half of it

          for now i give up on this!
          and recommend stay away this "unameds" too

          sorry my poor english
          Last edited by Rollidark; 17 February 2019, 19:47. Reason: x96 mini correction name!


            @Rollidark..."but i think your box has 4x K4A4G165WE-BCRC 2 on top and 2 on botton PCB and 4x256 = 1gb"

            get a look of what REALY i have...
            It's a very weird thing....because i owned 2 Beelink GT1 ULTIMATE 3/32gb!!!

            Both boxes come with 2x K4A8G165WE*-BCRC 2 on top(front PCB) & 2x K4A4G165WE** -BCRC on botton(back PCB)
            one with REAL 3gb of RAM and one with FAKE!!! LOLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!
            Same chips but different what make the difference..!!!!

            That's right:
            *the code K4A8G165WB-BCRC: 16blocks X 512Mbits = 8.192Mbits = 1024MBytes or 1GByte of RAM

            **the code K4A4G165WB-BCRC: 16blocks X 256Mbits = 4.096Mbits = 512MBytes or 0.5GByte of RAM

            2x K4A8G165WE 1GByte = 2GBytes Front & 2x K4A4G165WE 0.5GByte =1GByte Back TOTAL 3gb of RAM or NOT?

            3gb RAM REAL vs FAKE.jpg


              hi serte
              note in datasheet samsung says that every CI block for K4A8G165WE is 512mb if you have only 2, it's only got 1GB

              in note your fake 3gb ram v30 board, I think if it is false to serigraphy on the chips, note that the serial number for CI chips is the same E8D20502C, and the serial never never repeats on original chips

              can you run the commands on the actual 3GB ram memory? to view the logs because the chips and the official data sheet do not beat, they are wrong in 2 cases this is based on official datasheet

              K4A8G165WE has 16 x 512mb blocks = 8GB, 2x = only 1GB, not 2gb
              K4A4G165WE has 256mb for block (Black CI)and need 16 for 4gb... if has 2= 512mb only, not 1gb this is very strange for the 2 devices ...

              if you can test the real device with commands, diskinfo, and ram truth and post here the results...

              but i "think" you have 2 false devices. i think you have 2 devices with real phisycal ram 2gb and 1gb for virtual ram = 3gb but not real phisycal RAM Circuits swap is a VIRTUAL RAM on emmc or nand partition.

              if has a SWAP partition on device A (ORIGINAL) this not have 3gb PHISYCAL.

              note the CI memory chip block with 1gb for block is K4A8G085WB-BCRC

              in this case with K4A8G085WB-BCRC 2x1gb blocks is 2gb total.

              other note... note in fake ram board, top DDR4 memory size is correct, but on back size is for DDR3 memory blocks... this is very very very strange.... -.-' or is a photo impression?
              Last edited by Rollidark; 20 February 2019, 19:41. Reason: correction words


                Hi, Rollidark,
                256 or 512 x 16 is the organization of chip ram.
                But for us important thing is the
                K4A8G165WE is 8Gb means 1GB (x2 chips = 2GB front)
                K4A4G165WE is 4Gb means 0.5GB (x2 chips = 1GB back)
                total 3...

                Unfortunately i don't have right now on my hands the "REAL" device but when i will have the chance i'll post also the results with commnads.

                After our discussion i think that ONE THING is quite sure....BEELINK....!"?$%&/@#@..


                  yeah I think it close case! and you are right!

                  but for density you cant affirm your density for this chips


                  page 10, says x16 size chips has varios densities (128, 256, 512, 1gb with the same code serigraphy), and, can not confirm what is actually used on that device.. only with test commands or UART cable! to be sure!

                  so it is inconclusive.
                  beelink and others with this trick ... never more!
                  Last edited by Rollidark; 22 February 2019, 01:56.


                    Good evening...and here Rollidark the results of test memory from my "REAL" GT 1 Ultimate 3gb comparison with the "fake" one.


                    In front of this EVIDENCE the Beelink company answered me that the crash on Fill Ram Memory apk and the fact that libreelec can not start with 3g.dtb file is due to
                    firmware error and i had to downgrade to 708D....i tried out but nothing happened nothing solved.
                    With this latest photo i think that we have closed for ever the question Beelink fake ram ....(& priceless products).


                      hi serte

                      Yes, these logs clarify more about these devices ...

                      note, my opinion is based on logs.

                      in fact, all 2 devices have no real 3GB ram physical, it appears, a 2gb and 2.5gb phisycal + ZRAM virtual ram swap (500mb)

                      fact 2, in device 2, Zram swap does not seem to work, log show 0 in use. but in the dmesg kernel log it says: found in the start up 3gb of available memory! (confused)

                      fact 3, the device false, has a problem with the firmware and can not access the memory.

                      but I "guess" (my opinion) device 1 (FAKE) has a FALSE memory chips (such as a fake pendrivers) and so the memory hangs because it can not access the memory information properly in the kernel.
                      but it is not a defective device, there is clear evidence of manipulation in the uboot for this "trick" to work.

                      off topic.
                      device 2 has a problem with the free command,(bug or manipulation) if you have only 253mb free and 1.2gb inactive, the firmware is not cleaning the memory properly.
                      Active memory is the memory that is being used by a specific process.
                      Inactive memory is the memory allocated for a process that is no longer running.
                      On device 2 you are running a custom ROM? but the logs show that there is actually 3gb available in this device, but with a high ram consumption, which can generate instabilities.

                      if you do not have problems with instabilities, disregard this!

                      however if you have tried these steps.
                      you need not to clear this Inactive memory when system reboots this memory automatically became vanish, still If you have a large amount of inactive memory ,you can use following command.
                      $ free && sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && echo "" && free

                      its work on linux machines, but I've never tried it on android devices.

                      thank you friend, for your time, to clarify this device to the community. bye


                        can someone give me instructions how to fix this problem ? i have a gt1 ultimate with the same fake ram here ?

