I have a H96Max 4K box, and a Sunvell R69 box. The Sunvell with its 1GB Ram is getting a bit weak by now and will retire as a Minecraft server for my niece.
So as a christmas gift for myself, I picked up the 4GB RAM, 32GB flash, Android 7.1.2 RK3328 H96Max 4k box, as , from reading this thread, it's amiably supported.
Since 2 weeks now I am trying to get it to run.
Using https://yadi.sk/d/DSO6euzB3ahemo => https://yadi.sk/d/DSO6euzB3ahemo/ARM...0190123.img.xz
I DD'ed them onto a trusty Kingston 8GB SDCard for testing.
I cycled through all rk3328 dtb's by now.
And the box always boots up straight into its Android system without any measurable delay.
So, should I be pressing any buttons on the remote to trigger the Rockchip to boot off the sdcard?
If so, I missed this info in this thread.
Can somebody point me either to where further boot instructions are provided, or tell me which stupid non-Allwinner error I am making?
With kind regards