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Wake up on IR remote not works

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    To add a note: I think the problem is not around IR and its drivers. My box does not wake up from suspend or poweroff from any source;neither HID nor IR remote or anything else!

    But I am confident that there is a problem somewhere in my SDK.(probably uboot) Because I succeeded to make it wake one time! (I pressed remote power button and after seeing logs, Amazingly the exit_reason was 2 (i.e. BT_wakeup!!!) However after that resume no longer works! Just for first time it wakes and with exit_reason of BT!)


      which SDK do you use?


        Originally posted by bumerc View Post
        which SDK do you use?
        Android 7.1 Nougat
        Kernel 3.14
        (Provided by our company)


          I meant compiler. To compile uboot, which compiler do you use?


            Originally posted by bumerc View Post
            I meant compiler. To compile uboot, which compiler do you use?
            gcc 4.9.3 for cross compiler and 5.3 for host compiler
            Full version is pasted here

            P.S. I used uboot from 3 sources. (my own sdk, stane1983 github, khadas github) but they make no difference in result.
            Last edited by salehdeh76; 10 September 2018, 13:30.


              Another interestig point:
              When I run this command:
              adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_POWER
              the board goes to bed and when running again (wake up using adb by issuing power key) it has no reactions! I think there may be a problem in suspend process and I will try to find out that. (Also: I has compared khadas VIM log vs mine. khadas poweroff log is similar to my board's suspend log!)


                Originally posted by salehdeh76 View Post

                gcc 4.9.3 for cross compiler and 5.3 for host compiler
                Full version is pasted here

                P.S. I used uboot from 3 sources. (my own sdk, stane1983 github, khadas github) but they make no difference in result.
                To build the BL301-FW you need strictly „arm-none-eabi-„ toolchain.


                  Originally posted by bumerc View Post
                  To build the BL301-FW you need strictly „arm-none-eabi-„ toolchain.
                  You are right but it is already set in arch/arm/cpu/armv8/gxl/firmware/scp_task/Makefile (Makefile for BL301 SCP User Task) :

                  (I have already arm-none-eabi- on my system with no problem)

                  What should I do about this? Investigating device tree against correct ones (from other boxes) I think the problem is in BL301 and/or scp_task/power_ctrl.c .....


                    I do not think so. This FW I tested successfully on several devices p212, q201, it works fine. Try LibreElec or CoreElec on SD card and see if it works there.


                      Originally posted by bumerc View Post
                      I do not think so. This FW I tested successfully on several devices p212, q201, it works fine. Try LibreElec or CoreElec on SD card and see if it works there.
                      Installing another image (Libreelec, Android,...) on box shows all things are okay. But that does not help me. I should fix my SDK and compile my image to burn on box. So as a humble request introduce me some help about this or a source of info about problem.


                        Is it possible that the problem is from uboot's devive tree? As you know there is some *.dts files in uboot/arch/arm/dts . If I copy my kernel's dts to this and add enough config to uboot/arch/arm/dts/Makefile, then can uboot understand my remote maps, etc? bumerc
                        Last edited by salehdeh76; 18 September 2018, 09:34.


                          like I said, the problem you have to look into is the kernel configuration and associated dts. Tip - Compare the source code of LE Kernel + DTS with yours, I think it's not a good idea to do the mapping via DTS

