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    PMID701C TV Out

    Picked up one of these at Big Lots yesterday and found you guys straight off. Great info and go the Market (Google Play) installed and I was off and running. Threw and 8gb SD card in and all is well.

    I did not see anything about the TV out port so decided to take a look at it and happened to have a set of (correction here) "component cables" from one of my DV camcorders.

    Pluged it in. Set up the RGB to my 42" TV and fired up a game called Defender. Handed it to my 10 year and said now kick some butt. I want to see what it looks like. Clear! saw detail in the game I never noticed before.

    The TV out port is always on so you dont have to enable it. Took me all of 5 minutes to plug it on and get it going. Also pluged in a set of audio cables into the headphone jack. Nice feature for a tablet that cost $99.

    Also ran a couple AVI movies for a few minutes and seemed fine. Low quality so I will look for a higher res files and test it out.

    Great work on these forums for this Tablet. Thanks!
    Last edited by MasterR; 02 April 2012, 03:57.
    Biglots 701c
    Rooted - Super 1 Click
    Updated Google Play Store
    SystemUi.apk Mod - Status Bar

    Originally posted by MasterR View Post
    Picked up one of these at Big Lots yesterday and found you guys straight off. Great info and go the Market (Google Play) installed and I was off and running. Threw and 8gb SD card in and all is well.

    I did not see anything about the TV out port so decided to take a look at it and happened to have a set of composite cables from one of my DV camcorders.

    Pluged it in. Set up the RGB to my 42" TV and fired up a game called Defender. Handed it to my 10 year and said now kick some butt. I want to see what it looks like. Clear! saw detail in the game I never noticed before.

    The TV out port is always on so you dont have to enable it. Took me all of 5 minutes to plug it on and get it going. Also pluged in a set of audio cables into the headphone jack. Nice feature for a tablet that cost $99.

    Also ran a couple AVI movies for a few minutes and seemed fine. Low quality so I will look for a higher res files and test it out.

    Great work on these forums for this Tablet. Thanks!
    For a high res test file using the desktop user agent in the dolphin web browser you can go to and play the HD h264 version of any of their podcasts. Looked real nice on the tablet and should have decent output.


      just checking: Composite or Component?

      You mention composite video but I was under the impression that it was component video. Did you plug just 1 RCA into a Yellow jack or 3 RCAs into a Blue, Green and Red?

      I re-read and see you mention RGB so I am going with component. Would you mind sharing the pin out of your working cable?

      I have a old iBOOK video out cable and the pinout is:

      3.5 plug:

      base = GND (shield on all three RCA ends)
      ring 1 = Grey RCA pin
      ring 2 = Red RCA pin
      tip = Yellow RCA pin

      I have tried all combinations of G, R, Y on the cable to B, G, R jacks on the TV.

      More than willing to cut and edit this cable to work if I can get your pin out.

      Last edited by notpod; 01 April 2012, 23:48.



        So where can I get one of these cords? Radio shack? Would they even know what it is?


          Componet Video

          It is Component Video and is the 3 jacks no audio (YPbPr). Red Blue and Green so looks quite good.
          Although my cable had the Red and Blue backwards but that is because it was for my DV camcorder.

          RadioShack should have the cables.

          Here is what I used


          Sadly both are out of stock

          Something like this should work as well

          Only you would use all 3 for the component video no audio. Have to guess at which one is Reb, Blue, Green

          Good luck and Drywall Ill give it a shot and let your guys know tomorrow how it looks.

          NotPod my multimeter is out of battiers but ill get tomorrow and test the cable and let you know mate.
          Biglots 701c
          Rooted - Super 1 Click
          Updated Google Play Store
          SystemUi.apk Mod - Status Bar


            awesome please do

            Yes please do. I dug around some more and found a cable for my old DV cam. I will upload a pic of it for reference as to what a 3.5mm 4 pole to 3 RCA cable looks like. The pin out for this cable has GND on RING1 but I still had no luck.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	4pole3rca.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	40.4 KB
ID:	428839
            Last edited by notpod; 03 April 2012, 01:58.


              same for me

              Originally posted by notpod View Post
              Yes please do. I dug around some more and found a cable for my old DV cam. I will upload a pic of it for reference as to what a 3.5mm 4 pole to 3 RCA cable looks like. The pin out for this cable has GND on RING1 but I still had no luck.

              I found a similar cord with the white yellow red rca connections. I couldn't get that to work. I'll be going to the store to find one with RGB connections. When I did plug it in I found that the red connection would always make the screen go blank and muted the sound. No other connector did this no matter what position I put them in. So something is going on, just not sure what. Hopefully walmart or radioshack will have what I need to test the TV out connection.


                Pin Out

                Ok here is what I have on my cables

                3.5 plug pin out:
                Tip = Red RCA pin
                Ring 1 = Blue RCA pin
                Ring 2 = Green RCA pin
                Ring 3/base = GND (shield on all three RCA ends)

                Like I said my Red and Blue were reversed when I first plugged them in.

                Bruiserman. It should not have anything to do with the audio but only the 3 R G B video RCA jacks on your TV.

                Hope that helps
                Attached Files
                Biglots 701c
                Rooted - Super 1 Click
                Updated Google Play Store
                SystemUi.apk Mod - Status Bar


                  TV out now working with iBOOK video cable

                  Thank you MasterR!

                  OK Here is the map for using a old apple iBOOK cable:

                  Yellow RCA to GREEN on the TV

                  Grey RCA to BLUE on the TV

                  Red RCA to RED on the TV

                  Now is the part where I man up and go "Here's my sign!". Why? Because on my TV if you have something plugged into the DVI port you lose YPbPr port 1. I switched to YPbPr port 2 and viola!


                    Originally posted by notpod View Post
                    Now is the part where I man up and go "Here's my sign!".

                    "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
                    "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
                    "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
                    "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
                    "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
                    "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
                    "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
                    "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
                    "Forgive them as they know not what they do"


                      Great. Glad you got it working. Picture quality is quite good isn't it?

                      Now if I can just add a bluetooth and keyboard my kids can use our TV to check email, facebook etc.
                      Not sure there is support for USB bluetooth or which one to get.

                      Now a bluetooth mod inside of it would be cool. Have to see where the USB ties into the MB.
                      Biglots 701c
                      Rooted - Super 1 Click
                      Updated Google Play Store
                      SystemUi.apk Mod - Status Bar


                        going to make one I think

                        I'm going to tear apart the rca jack and solder up a red green blue and give that a go. Not like I can use the one I have anyway. Thanks for the info on how the cord is set up.



                          Originally posted by MasterR View Post

                          Bruiserman. It should not have anything to do with the audio but only the 3 R G B video RCA jacks on your TV.
                          yeah, I know it shouldn't do anything to the sound. That's why it seemed weird to me when it muted.


                            audio mute

                            The audio mute also happened to me when trying combos of connections. It's not just you. I had to reboot to get audio back.



                              So I tested my cord and figured out which jack went with which section. I've tried it a bunch of times with nothing. I may just order the apple cord since two of you have had success with it. Not quitting yet but for something so simple it shouldn't be so hard.

                              Edit: It must have been the tv. Hooked it up to a different TV and it worked. Thanks guys.
                              Last edited by Bruiserman; 03 April 2012, 01:16.

