Note: This is the official Mecool M8S Pro W 2.4 (Android TV version). Do not attempt to install it if your device is the non-Android version of Mecool M8S Pro W, this will cause problems for your device. Try the procedure below only if your device is the M8S Plus W. Neither I nor the freaktabs forum are liable for any damage to your device. That said good luck, and let's go.
How to make it? Very simple, next a little tutorial:
- Download the M8S Pro W ATV OEM Firmware here.
- Using Es File Explore modify target Version Date (below).
- Put the firmware on the USB stick, connect to the box.
- Go to the UPDATE app, open and choose local update
- Choose from the root of the your pendrive.
- Check Wipe Data and Wipe Media, data will be cleaned.
- Press confirm and wait for the update to complete
Go to system/build.prop, find the line "ro.buid.figerprint=Amlogic/p21x/p21x:7.1.2/NHG47L/20180523.122853.V0213:userdebug/". Change date '20180523' to '20180223' and save the change. Go to root/default.prop and repeat the same procedure above in /default.prop on last line:
On my device Wi-Fi did not start so I had to make another change in the build.prop
- Go to /data/misc/wifi/ now delete wpa_supplication.conf and NetworkHistory.txt.
- Shutdown your device and wait 20 minutes, turn on and connect on your wifi again.
Especial thanks for: Guest Marcelo Filgueira and sappy