Has anyone found the solution for broken Wi-Fi on TX6 with 6330 chip for Android 7?
I would greatly appreciate it, as this device performs very poorly on Android 9 and I need to get rid of my LAN cable!
Thank you!
EDIT: I've also stumbled upon this post where someone with the same issue tried a lot of different firmwares and claims that T95 Max SCV2 and miniH6-public-3Gddr-20181113-update.img are somewhat compatible with TX6. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are working, but problems are: 3gb ram , one dead usb port, no clock, and more.
Not sure if this helps at all, but if anyone could use this to port Wi-Fi and BT drivers to TX6 Android 7 ROM, or use the above mentioned ROMs and adapt one of them to use full potential of TX6, that would be grand!