Very happy to announce the availability of the complete Linux distribution for PicUntu for 3188 quad core devices.
No more tinkering with settings, downloads, drivers, partial things working... now download and use with assurance. As always, PicUntu is created for end users who can download and use the device without the need for technical knowhow (Yes, we are working on getting the installation simplified)
This is based on 3.0.36+, and currently supports
1. MK802IV - Pre July Version (8188eu)
2. MK802IV - Post July versions (ap6210)
For a short period, there were 8188etv based modules also - that has not been tested...
3. Others coming soon.
The distribution consists of two parts - Kernel and Root Filesystem.
A typical user would need
- PicUntu 4.4.3 - PostJul13 - 1080p
- PicUntu - 4.4.3 - BasicGUI
As the needs and complexity of the system grows, we have to cater to different types as well..So here is a complete list of options that you can play with...
So here are some of the options for Kernel
- PicUntu 4.4.3 - Pre-Jul - 1080p
- PicUntu 4.4.3 - Pre-Jul - 720p
- PicUntu 4.4.3 - PostJul13 - 1080p - With AP6210, all devices shiped after Jul 13.
- PicUntu 4.4.3 - PostJul - 720p - With AP6210, all devices shiped after Jul 13.
Here are the options available for root filesystem
- PicUntu - 4.4.3 - Skeleton
- PicUntu - 4.4.3 - BasicGUI
- PicUntu - 4.4.3 - Full - Coming soon...
All files have working modules included in the root file system/kernel.
How to install
1. Start with making your option of
- Kernel file
- Root filesyste,
2. Download them and save in a location on your system - lets assume /tmp/picuntu/
3. Download a very nice tool on Linux by linuxerwang - rkflashkit. For windows User get rockchip flash tool 1.37
4. Flashing the kernel
- Connect USB cable to your PC (Linux/Windows)
- Remove SDCard, any other power supply to MK802IV
- Insert the pin into the MK802IV. While keeping it pressed, connect the other end of USB cable to the OTG port to bring it to bootloader mode. When in bootloader mode, the screen will turn blank.
- Using either rkflashkit(Linux) or flashtool 1.37 (windows) flash the kernel (that you saved in /tmp/picuntu) into the RECOVERY partition
- Reboot your device. (it will boot into android - which is ok)
5. Making the rootfilesystem
This is one of the most crucial steps and most of your problems that creep up, will be a result of the following steps not done properly
For windows, there are solutions available to make the ext4 partition, I have not tried that yet. Your best bet is to download a live linux CD - like Mint 15 or something and do the above.
- Take an SD Card, a usb stick, or even a hard disk
- The capacity of this card/stick/harddisk is depending on what type of file system you want to use - Skeleton - 1Gb, Basic GUI - 2GB, Full - 4GB
- Remember, the next steps will delete all items on this disk.
- Using Gparted - create a partition -
"Partition type: Primary",
"File system: ext4"
"Label : linuxroot"
- Once the partition is made, take out the card and insert it back again. If you have a modern linux system, it should get mounted automatically. If not mount the drive. (Lets say you have mounted under /media/linuxroot)
- Now, on the command line, (for Linux)
tar -xzf /tmp/picuntu/<name of the filesystem.tgz> -C /mnt/linuxroot
- Wait for the command to be completed
- Type
umount /media/linuxroot
- Wait for 4 seconds
- Wait for 4 seconds (yes, you get the idea)
6. Booting up MK802IV
- Now that you have the basics done.
- insert the card. Remember, if you are using the USB memory stick, make sure you use a USB 2.0 compliant HUB)
- Once you boot into the system - depending on the version you chose, you may go to GUI or use the text mode.
- Irrespective - you can go to command line by pressing - CTL-ALT-F1 (to go back to GUI - ALT-F7 or ALT-F8)
- At the command line, login as picuntu (passwd: 12qwaszx) CHANGE IT NOW.
- Set root password
sudo passwd root
Modules included
More than 180+ modules have been included. Notable of them are
ntfs, sata, cramfs, nfs, cifs, 20+ remotecontrols, network ethernet drivers, IR controllers, GPS (several), Joystick, Touchscreen, bluetooth support etc. etc.
What works
- Almost everything that should work on a good modern Linux system.
- Sound, Wifi etc.
What still does not work.
- MALI hardware (that does not mean you cannot play movies/video... you can)
- Bluetooth - internal.
This has been the result of the herculean joint efforts by OmegaMoon, Astralix, Galland, Linuxium, Self... - many others.. working tirelessly across the timezones (and life zones). Ever since the 3188 source came out, countless hours of members have been spent to get this thing together... and running on many many more things as well (such as 3.0.72 kernel, working on R42, MK908 etc etc). But, by and large, we have finally got this together.
Not to forget the significant contribution of Sponsors (Perry Kivolowitz, Andrew Kirby, Alex) to provide us initial devices to the testing on...
Please try it out and let us know of the issues that you face for us to fix or improve.
What's next
1. Kernels for other devices
2. Bluetooth (hopefully)
3. Mali - ofcourse
4. Touch screen support for Lenovo 23" (I have this, it better run on this touch atleast

Well thats it, download and enjoy.
Alok Sinha