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Patched for CS968 stock firmware to enable XBMC's spdif/hdmi passthrough.

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    Originally posted by webipsum View Post
    This should be the link here to 2M device (camera) and 1080p!:
    Is that even?
    Did you test this ROM out yet ...? Is It truly 1080p ...? I will test this ROM out and pre-root it ... Plus I will add the hack to it ...


      Originally posted by Tech1 View Post
      Did you test this ROM out yet ...? Is It truly 1080p ...? I will test this ROM out and pre-root it ... Plus I will add the hack to it ...
      Here it did not work. After entering the Android OS, the screen goes black.
      During the boot the screen is flickering.
      I returned firmware: CR11S_cloudnetgo_ap6210_1080p_20131019_update.


        Originally posted by webipsum View Post
        Here it did not work. After entering the Android OS, the screen goes black.
        During the boot the screen is flickering.
        I returned firmware: CR11S_cloudnetgo_ap6210_1080p_20131019_update.
        This ROM works perfect on my CS968, it's the best 1080p 2MP ROM, that I have test thus far .... Remember what I said, these devices are not all made by the same manufacturer ... Some ROMs builds will work on certain devices, while the same ROM will not work on other devices with the same brand name ... The ROM build that you have on your device will not work on my device, it's very strange ... Well it's HERE for download .....
        Last edited by Tech1; 20 December 2013, 06:07.


          I do not know the manufacturer of my CS968. In the box have the Jesurun mark.
          What is the manufacturer / mark of your CS968?


            Originally posted by webipsum View Post
            I do not know the manufacturer of my CS968. In the box have the Jesurun mark.
            What is the manufacturer / mark of your CS968?
            On the box it doesn't say whom it's made by ....


              This update version of cloudnetgo works so far good. Xbmc runs not bad, but some add ins fail.
              The main improvement seems to be that it works good in both hd resolutions.
              How do you know that there are different manufacturer? It could be one manufacturer, who deliver on orders for branding. Mine has no serial no., it is possible the original without any branding.
              But there are possible different revisions with changes in the hardware parts.



                Optical passthrough only works for dts not ac3

                Originally posted by Tech1 View Post
                Please Note:The patch fix is built into this ROM ....
                Hi Tech1, After much tinkering and trying various roms I found that only dts passthrough is working. AC3 or DD5.1 is not working either in both playing something with dd 5.1 local file or xbmc. It took me a few tries to realize that it is only aC3 format i am having problem with. I have decided to settle with your latest cloudnetgo modified patched rom. There might be two reasons for this and one is that patched libmedia has something with ac3 format that my box doesnt like. Who can help me with the libmedia file that may look into this issue? Other than this issue and the player slection the ROM is pretty good.


                  Originally posted by hillyu View Post
                  The original firmware already support passthrough, but the xbmc can't use it properly. However, the passthrough can be enabled by a hack. This hack include two part, one is a modified the other is a tweaked XBMC, for detail referred to the awesome dude stafstrom who found this solution (also the download link of tweaked XBMC can be found there):

                  As he mentioned it is a binary patch, so I figured it might be possible to do it myself on my CS968. I spent some time figuring out what has been patched. And the result is this working which you may find in the attachment.

                  How to use:
                  1. mount /system as rw
                  2. replace /system/lib/ with this new file
                  3. reboot
                  4. enjoy!

                  Att: for cs968 stock firmware.

                  for 15-10-2013 version:

                  Happy tweaking and hacking!
                  How about making one for the mk802IV ? pretty please with sugar on top?


                    SPDIF setting in Sound Device Manager getting lost after power cycle.

                    HI hillyu,
                    I'm using SPDIF output to connect CS968(clone) box(android 4.2.2) to my audio receiver. So I select ROCKCHIP-SPDIF in the Sound Devices Manager and then there is output through SPDIF(optical). However if the device is powered OFF any time, the sound device setting reverts back to the default setting(analog audio out) and there is no output through SPDIF. Again I have to set SPDIF in the Sound Device Manager and it lasts only till next power OFF. Will this patched solve this issue also? If not, do you have any other suggestion to fix this?



                      Originally posted by hillyu View Post
                      The original firmware already support passthrough, but the xbmc can't use it properly. However, the passthrough can be enabled by a hack. This hack include two part, one is a modified the other is a tweaked XBMC, for detail referred to the awesome dude stafstrom who found this solution (also the download link of tweaked XBMC can be found there):

                      As he mentioned it is a binary patch, so I figured it might be possible to do it myself on my CS968. I spent some time figuring out what has been patched. And the result is this working which you may find in the attachment.

                      How to use:
                      1. mount /system as rw
                      2. replace /system/lib/ with this new file
                      3. reboot
                      4. enjoy!

                      Att: for cs968 stock firmware.

                      for 15-10-2013 version:

                      Happy tweaking and hacking!

                      Help!! Mine gets hung at reboot!!!

                      Luckily it responds when I press the reset button with a wooden pick.It seems the device restores all the /system directory when I press reset, because the tweaked disappears and the backup I did of this file also disappears ( I renamed the original to but I still have the same problem, no 5.1 sound at all.
                      Do you have any other tweaked that could help me?? I really don't want to change the firmware 'cause I am so newbie in these things and a little coward...

