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RK3328 Firmware Center RTL8723 , AP6255 , SV6051 , IT6334 AND MORE (Stock-ROMs , Custom-ROMs by Silver)

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    RK3328 Firmware Center RTL8723 , AP6255 , SV6051 , IT6334 AND MORE (Stock-ROMs , Custom-ROMs by Silver)

    I have seen many users bricking their RK3328 TV box with incorrect firmware.
    In this thread i will supply some IMG files for you all so you can reflash your box with working wifi/bt drivers

    This includes 2 firmwares i have customized with preinstalled apps some patches and root

    The CPU frequencies have been changed based on wifichip kernel. You can tweak CPU with Kernel Auditor.
    Do note the RK3328 CPU and MALI-450MP GPU are not suited for multitasking nor gaming, best usage is for streaming using apps like youtube ect.
    Box may run HOT depending on flashed firmware.

    RTL8723BS: 2016MHZ max.
    AP6255: 1500MHZ max.
    OTHERS: 1300MHZ, 1800MHZ



    -SuperSU root (do not update SU binary)
    -Preinstall apps (Launcher, Kernel Auditor, Navigationbar, Gboard, FTMC, YoutubeVanced, XposedInstaller ect.)
    -Fix Autoframerate in FTMC
    -Fix WallpaperService
    -Fix missing menu in some apps (3dot menu)
    -Fix apps crashing
    -Patched recents for normal view
    -Build.prop tweaks
    -Wifidriver tweaks

    Notes: i cannot fix these issues i am not the manufacturer

    IF FTMC not installed, open calculator app and input chinese "PI" symbol followed by "318" so "PI318" (just make sure it shows the symbol instead of "PI"

    Some USB ports may work unstable with certain peripherals on these ROMs.
    RTL8723BS wifi module unstable if bluetooth enabled and using Bluetooth mouse for example
    Possible more bugs but nothing dramatic, these are chinese tv boxes you cannot expect everything to work perfect

    Downloads for custom ROMs by Silver:



    You can send me some cookies if i helped you = 1NMaX2Y2P1XW6UYhQCWwzVp2qEvekoGhBZ

    ATTENTION: I am not responsible if you brick your box because you flashed wrong firmware!


    -Backup your current working ROM if anything goes wrong (You can use RKDumper for example)
    -Understand how to flash your TV Box with AndroidTool or FactoryTool

    Firmware Description:



    Try different versions of AndroidTool and FactoryTool before posting errors here!
    I have tested all firmwares and they run fine.

    Stock Firmwares and files:

    Notes: i have included AndroidTV firmware (Widevine L1 is blacklisted sorry) also includes rooted boot.img so you can try to root your android 7.1 firmware with it.



    Note: Box will not boot you have to flash IT6334 patch i have uploaded IT6334 patch (use AndroidTool load the provided config select and flash all images in your box)

    Confirmed working on:

    V88 Piano
    ...more to come

    Here are my steps to flash the firmware from 'Silver' (rk3328_d4_7.1_rtl8723bs_20180705_r1_root.img) :
    1. Install Rockchip_DriverAssitant_v4.4 or v4.8
    2. Open "rkdev tool - AndroidTool_Release_v2.51" and goto 'Upgrade Firmware' tab
    3. Click 'Firmware' and locate the img file
    4. Remove screws of the TVbox. Refer to the image attached below and find the copper dots which are necessary to short-circuit to enter MASKROM mode.
    5. Use a wire or a conductor to connect the two dots. While doing that, connect the male-male USB cable to PC and USB 2 port of the tv box. AndroidTool will show "Found One MASKROM Device" immediately. Remove the Short-circuiting conductor.
    6. Click 'EraseFlash'
    7. Click 'Upgrade'
    8. After the upgrade is finished, remove the USB cable.
    9. Connect HDMI cable
    10. Connect power cable (sometimes, you might have to hold the av-reset pin before connecting the power cable. but I didn`t have to do that)
    11. Boot animation will appear within few seconds. If the display goes to standby mode, remove and replug the power cable.
    12. the android logo will appear. then wait.....
    13. Done !!!
    14. Let me know if this helps.
    Pins to Short-circuit:

    Click image for larger version  Name:	fetch?id=819923&d=1612085123.png Views:	0 Size:	173.8 KB ID:	819964

    Please test firmwares and reply back here so others know what works for what box.


    Last edited by Silver; 01 February 2021, 09:19.

    I have x88max + tv box. I tried your method, but without success. The tv box did not load, the indicator does not work. Do you have any ideas?
    Attached Files


      Originally posted by Michurin View Post
      I have x88max + tv box. I tried your method, but without success. The tv box did not load, the indicator does not work. Do you have any ideas?
      Can you tell me what firmware you used, i need a photo of your tv box PCB, that android is only for a5x max or mx9 pro (8.1)


        IClick image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20200425_091039.jpg
Views:	1001
Size:	100.5 KB
ID:	803514
        Attached Files


          I use now firmware from hk1 mini tv box
          Work lan , not work --led indicator,wi ,sd card
          my problemstart from i load firmware --T9_3328_d4_9.0_IT6334_x88max+_20181207_r1.img. With firmware T9 -work indicator ,not work sd,wifi
          i try several over -firmwares- from other boxes --work like now with firmware from hk1 mini -- RK3318_DC_HK1_MINI+_SP6334Q_9_20190626.1553.img
          sorry my english ))


            Try correct wifi driver, i read IT6324 i only have IT6334 firmware?


              My box have it6334 wifi chip
              I try mx9 pro 7.1 firmware - box show mx9 ,and not start
              now download update to 8.1 ,and try it
              From yourth metod -- i try update 7.1 mx9pro -- not work


                Originally posted by Michurin View Post
                My box have it6334 wifi chip
                I try mx9 pro 7.1 firmware - box show mx9 ,and not start
                now download update to 8.1 ,and try it
                From yourth metod -- i try update 7.1 mx9pro -- not work
                You installed the wifi patch with androidtool?


                  I try it with 7.1 mx9pro
                  befor install - a see only logo mx9 pro
                  after install patvh logo blink after start,and no boot, box not work


                    Flash your stock image "Boot.img." from your original firmware.


                      Thanks for this rom rk3328_d4_7.1_rtl8723bs_20180705_r1_root
                      But I can't find FTMC installed..?
                      I use it on MX10..


                        Originally posted by Ac2n View Post
                        Thanks for this rom rk3328_d4_7.1_rtl8723bs_20180705_r1_root
                        But I can't find FTMC installed..?
                        I use it on MX10..
                        Then install it manually.
                        There is a whole thread about FTMC on freaktab where you can download it.


                          Originally posted by Ac2n View Post
                          Thanks for this rom rk3328_d4_7.1_rtl8723bs_20180705_r1_root
                          But I can't find FTMC installed..?
                          I use it on MX10..
                          open the calculator input "?318" it should install FTMC


                            Please write the chinese "PI" symbol


                              Originally posted by Silver View Post

                              open the calculator input "?318" it should install FTMC
                              Thanks a lot,
                              Other tips like that to know ..?

