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    If you have read my threads for very long, you know that I'm mostly passive when it comes to repeating the same instructions...over...and over....and over...and over, again and again. But after the 20th time I have to address the SAME THING, I tend to become a little irritated. I don't want to sound like a jerk, so please forgive me if my tone is a little bit jaded...but I'm trying to communicate some VERY IMPORTANT CONCEPTS, HERE!!!!!!!!

    COME ON PEOPLE!!!!! Can't you read the experiences of others BEFORE you try something????????

    There is a wealth of valuable information in the threads of that everyone should study before you pull the trigger on doing something for the FIRST TIME. All of my ROM's come with a First Time User's Guide which will take you through the whole process of flashing one of my ROM's. I just updated this guide to address more tips that user's have shared that make the process even better. ALWAYS READ THIS GUIDE before you start because it will save you some headaches.


    First of all, these first KitKat ROM's are intended for you to get a taste of the KitKat experience. They are all Beta Previews from Pipo and there is NO SECRET that some things JUST DON'T WORK, YET. Yes, I do like feedback as to what is missing or isn't working...that's great. This way we share the information with everyone else. But please don't blame me, or complain to me that something isn't working right after you flash one of these KitKat ROMs. It isn't within my control. And there is no sense in me wasting time trying to fix these problems, because THEY WILL BE FIXED, EVENTUALLY by Pipo in non-beta releases.


    Next is the issue with the LOADER. Let me explain this ONE MORE TIME, in great detail, so EVERYONE IS CLEAR!!!!!!!

    Android 4.2.2 ROMs come with an entry on the flash tool usually called "RK3188Loader(L)_V1.24.bin". By default, this "loader" line is unchecked. Usually, it isn't necessary to flash the loader...because it's the same loader that came installed on your tablet when you unboxed it. Before now, the only time you needed to flash this, usually, was if you brick your tablet and had to reset the NAND chip in MASK MODE. I will explain how to do this below.

    Android 4.4.2 ROMs come with an entry on the flash tool called "RK3188Loader(L)_V2.08.bin". DO YOU NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE? This is a DIFFERENT LOADER. All KitKat ROMs require this loader to boot into the system. The reason for this is that KitKat ROMs come with a new data partition called "metadata". There is speculation that this new "metadata" partition is a place for encryption to take place by the system for added security. Whatever it's for, the KitKat system won't boot without the FIRST TIME YOU FLASH A KITKAT ROM, YOU MUST FLASH THE NEW LOADER. I have checked the loader by default in the flash tool for this reason.


    For whatever reason, people are trying the KitKat ROM for a while and then decide to switch back to Jellybean. That's OK, I have no problem with that...because right now the better user experience is with the latest Jellybean ROM. BUT YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!!!! In order to revert back to a Jellybean ROM, you MUST check the LOADER in the flash tool before you flash. If you don't do this, your tablet won't boot...and you could very well have bricked the tablet. I can't go back and check this by default for you...YOU HAVE TO DO IT, YOURSELF!!!!!!

    I don't know how to emphasize this any more than this:

    YOU MUST FLASH THE LOADER if you go back and forth between Jellybean and KitKat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In post #2, I will go over the procedure to unbrick your tablet after you have bricked it by forgetting this VERY IMPORTANT STEP in the flash process.
    Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
    Read my BIO Here
    Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
    Donate here

    How Do I Unbrick it, after I f##ked it up?

    The great thing about Rockchip devices is that they are almost bomb proof when it comes to bricking. You can recover from most mess ups by putting your tablet into "Mask Mode". By "recover"...I mean returning your hardware to a usable state again.

    If you forgot to check the loader during a flash...going back and forth between Jellybean and KitKat, this is a case that would require you to put your tablet into "Mask Mode".

    Some of the symptoms of bricking are:

    1. Flash doesn't complete and shows a failure error in the flash tool.
    2. Erasing IDB shows a random display of numbers and never finishes.
    3. You see the flash tool perform a test that never finishes while attempting to flash.

    Those are the main three that I remember...there may be more.

    Yes, I've done it.....I've bricked my tablet this way...twice. The first time was because I had not discovered that a new loader was required to run KitKat. I was the first developer here on Freaktab to experience I was on my own... Until then, after flashing devices hundreds of times, I had NEVER had to follow this procedure. I was very lucky to this point, but I had to learn the solution rather quickly.

    The second time, I did it on retrace the steps I took to unbrick, and make this tutorial for you guys.

    Here's what to do:

    1. Remove the back of the tablet. Be careful not to break anything. Since I'm in the medical profession, I used a scalpel blade and a guitar pick to achieve this feat. Just start on one of the corners away from the side that has the connectors and buttons. You'll figure out pretty quick how the back is attached...with a series of clips that are easily pulled back. Just work your way around the tablet, being careful not to loose the buttons that fall out.
    2. Locate the NAND chip.
    3. Read the part number on the NAND chip and look up the data sheet on that chip to find out which pins are used to reset NAND. Some list 7 and 8, some list 8 and 9.
    4. Connect your tablet to the PC and use the correct external button combination to get into flash or "loader" mode and see that the flash tool is open and recognizes the tablet in "loader" mode.
    5. With a paper clip or the exact o knife, short pins 7 and 8 on the NAND chip. (or pins 8 and 9...whatever the data sheet said. You may have to short several sets of pins to locate the correct ones...kinda risky...but the alternative is having a useless electronic brick, what the hell...)
    6. When you have the proper pins shorted, you will see the flash tool recognize the tablet in "mask mode". You may have to keep holding the power button during this process if it goes off when you release it.
    7. While in "mask mode", Erase IDB and flash the ROM (with the LOADER checked, this time)
    8. When the flash is complete, your tablet will go through the first boot process as usual.

    Here is a picture of a NAND chip:

    Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
    Read my BIO Here
    Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
    Donate here


      Randy, now you know my PAIN when I spend a hell of a lot of time writing up a unique README that goes with every ROM I make and people don't read it!

      Then they come and complain of being bricked or whatever because they would not spend the time to study a little before just blatantly flashing a ROM.

      I understand your frustration buddy... GOOD JOB making a post telling people to NOT be
      I usually have no tolerance for this "instant" type of person.......

      DONT BE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE FOLKS! READ what Randy is telling you!

      "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
      "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
      "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
      "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
      "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
      "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
      "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
      "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
      "Forgive them as they know not what they do"


        Response to thread - Pipo users: READ THIS BEFORE FLASHING A KITKAT ROM!!!!!

        Fully understanding your reaction (with the above thread) I must point out the most important issue that you left un-mentioned: ones own responsibility!
        People who are not sure of what they do or/and not aware of the consequences that flashing Rom's may produce should keep away from flashing or let someone more knowledgeable do it for them.
        Self responsibility is a must here. Period!
        Keep on the good work Randy as only good comes from your direction

        Originally posted by rrileypm View Post


          Thank you for all you do!

          Riley, Leolas and Bob: I often wonder how anyone can be as patient as you guys are with people on the forum. You are incredibly patient and helpful time and time again, while being professional in every way. I am glad a little of that frustration building up was let out in a post. Thank you for all you do.

          Side note: Those who frequent the forum should be gracious for your help, yet many come forward caustic and privileged, seems so odd to me. I often think it must be immaturity or just the way "geeks" relate to one another. Suredly, these folks would never be able to hold a job with a boss as they can not take responsibility for themselves.

          Thanks again!
          Last edited by Playonlover; 10 January 2014, 17:00.


            another method

            Hi there,
            I ran to another method to unbrick. Hold power button when flashing the first part using rockchiptool. Then you don't have to open the tablet.



              Are you talking about M9 pro in post 2 ?
              I have a total brick,want boot anymore,do you know witch pins i have to shorten on the M9 Pro ?

              Thanks for your great work.

              Back on business,solved,suddenly RK batchtool see the tablet again and flashed Finless 1.5 again. Thanks for thinking with me
              Last edited by ludoke; 11 January 2014, 10:17.


                other method for m6pro

                Originally posted by ludokerightrom-img39

                Are you talking about M9 pro in post 2 ?
                I have a total brick,want boot anymore,do you know witch pins i have to shorten on the M9 Pro ?

                Thanks for your great work.
                Sorry for being to brief.

                By trying I unbricked my completely dead new m6pro after changing from kitkat to jellybean (kasty).I used Rkbatchtool 1.7.

                When I attached the tablet over usb there was no reaction untill I held the power button for a few seconds, then I heard a connection sound on windows7. On Rkbatchtool there was a blue square when holding power.
                So I did not open the tablet.

                1 I connect tablet over usb.
                2 I load the right rom-img file.
                3 Hold the power button.
                4 While holding press restore button.
                5 Keep power pressed untill first part of flashing done (button is green)
                6 at first I released power to soon and the contact over usb stopped as did flashing
                7 Flashing completed and pipo rebooted again to normal.

                This made me very happy so I hope it will work for you as well with another tablet. Well you can always try, no big deal.
                Please let us know.


                  Originally posted by keeshg View Post
                  Sorry for being to brief.

                  By trying I unbricked my completely dead new m6pro after changing from kitkat to jellybean (kasty).I used Rkbatchtool 1.7.

                  When I attached the tablet over usb there was no reaction untill I held the power button for a few seconds, then I heard a connection sound on windows7. On Rkbatchtool there was a blue square when holding power.
                  So I did not open the tablet.

                  1 I connect tablet over usb.
                  2 I load the right rom-img file.
                  3 Hold the power button.
                  4 While holding press restore button.
                  5 Keep power pressed untill first part of flashing done (button is green)
                  6 at first I released power to soon and the contact over usb stopped as did flashing
                  7 Flashing completed and pipo rebooted again to normal.

                  This made me very happy so I hope it will work for you as well with another tablet. Well you can always try, no big deal.
                  Please let us know.
                  I have tried that Batchtool say"this operation didnt'do,no device. Drivers are installed for shure,it has worked before. There's no sign of life. Pressing power+esc +pin reset is also no go.
                  I think i did the impossible on a Rockchip device...brick to dead.


                    Re: Pipo users: READ THIS BEFORE FLASHING A KITKAT ROM!!!!!

                    Originally posted by ludoke View Post

                    Are you talking about M9 pro in post 2 ?
                    I have a total brick,want boot anymore,do you know witch pins i have to shorten on the M9 Pro ?

                    Thanks for your great work.
                    Pretty much all Rockchip devices are the same...except for variations in the NAND chips. If you can look up the data sheet for the specific chip, its better...but a little bit of trial and error is usually required to find which pins need to be shorted.

                    I copied those steps straight out of a thread where I helped a user unbrick an M6 I think. I stickied that thread, too. I'm mobile, so I can't look it up right now to verify. I've slept since then....hahaha!!!!!

                    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
                    Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                    Read my BIO Here
                    Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
                    Donate here


                      When all else fails: Read the instructions!!


                      A great big THANKS for all of the hard work that you and Bob contribute.


                      I really understand your frustration having had the same; “Answer this question again please!” experience while teaching.

                      I have notice that there are many 'repeat' questions from NON-NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKING tablet owners. This may be partly the cause for both your (and their) frustration and the cause for failure to understand and/or follow the great instructions and information on this site.

                      Although I'm not a M9Pro(wifi) "flasher" yet, I follow this site with interest.

                      The included instructions with your ROMs are really clear to me; but then, I'm a native ( US red-neck modified) english speaker. I don't know how well google translates to the many different native languages that frequent this site. I have had some really good laughs over how google butchers the translation process.

                      Have a great day and I hope your Fire House meeting went well!!


                        Originally posted by rrileypm View Post
                        Pretty much all Rockchip devices are the same...except for variations in the NAND chips. If you can look up the data sheet for the specific chip, its better...but a little bit of trial and error is usually required to find which pins need to be shorted.

                        I copied those steps straight out of a thread where I helped a user unbrick an M6 I think. I stickied that thread, too. I'm mobile, so I can't look it up right now to verify. I've slept since then....hahaha!!!!!

                        Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
                        If I am not wrong, another way to do it is:

                        > reset buttom;
                        > connect usb;
                        > connect charger;
                        > wait until it show up on pc...

                        I did it like 2 or 3 times already, usually the screen didn't even "turn on" or it shows the "dead android"... Anyway, hope I am right


                          I'd just like to add my respect and thanks to rrileypm. His roms and user guide enabled me to buy a superb tablet for my daughter and then improve it significantly through his cutom rom. I used the tutorial included and whilst i had to read it a few times it was idiot proof . I sympathise with randys frustration as he's doing it with no reward other than good will, although i do owe him a pint if i ever see him in the pub


                            Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                            Read my BIO Here
                            Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
                            Donate here


                              With due respect given to @rrileypm and this FORUM, I have reverted back to Android JellyBean(4.2.2),without any bricking issues so far.
                              HAT'S OFF TO ROCKCHIP + PIPO , both of which made an amazing and Rockiinnnggg product.

                              I have restored to :

                              Here is an Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean rooted firmware for the PiPO M8 PRO (model without 3G module) it is based on latest official update published on 2013/11/11.( update-M8pro_chinese_NO3G_20131111.img / M8pro software_NO 3G_chinese version_android4.2_20131111 )

                              Build information:
                              Kernel: Linux version 3.0.36+ (root@alex-System-Product-Name) (gcc version 4.4.3 (GCC) ) #282 SMP PREEMPT Tue Sep 17 14:38:20 CST 2013
                              Android 4.2.2 JB: rk30sdk-eng 4.2.2 JDQ39 eng.root.20131111.151640 test-keys

                              - Certificate Center and original PiPO launchers have been kept in the firmware
                              - Certificate Center will ask for product key, which is not needed, just hit later and connect to Internet and it will be activated
                              - any update received thru OTA may interfere with our custom firmware, we recommend not to apply any OTA update

                              Custom firmware features:
                              • root with latest SuperSU version 1.65 (free version)
                              • removed most Chinese and unnecessary applications
                              • Google Play Store fixes so more application are visible/compatible
                              • updated busybox v1.21.0.git (2012-11-29)
                              • Unix like init.d boot scripts support, more details on init.d scripts here
                              • changed permissions on external sdcard to allow write access
                              • increased space for applications (/data partition) to 4 GB
                              • kernel modules (cifs, tun, lan, serial, xpad) compiled by Oma & Crew RKTablets, thank guys!
                              • NEW! : optional ClockworkMod (CWM) Recovery easy install package
                              • all launchers have been kept: stock Android, Kid Launcher and PiPO launcher
                              from the ARCTABLET NEWS Forum (

                              I pay my respects and gratitude to @rrileypm and other experts belonging to this Forum.

                              In fact I tinkered and played by installing/re-installing/restoring various Custom ROM's for my Pipo Max-M8 Pro Tablet.

                              By the blessings & grace of GOD and best wishes from all of you, my Tablet is running(functioning) FINE.

