If you have read my threads for very long, you know that I'm mostly passive when it comes to repeating the same instructions...over...and over....and over...and over, again and again. But after the 20th time I have to address the SAME THING, I tend to become a little irritated.

COME ON PEOPLE!!!!! Can't you read the experiences of others BEFORE you try something????????

There is a wealth of valuable information in the threads of Freaktab.com that everyone should study before you pull the trigger on doing something for the FIRST TIME. All of my ROM's come with a First Time User's Guide which will take you through the whole process of flashing one of my ROM's. I just updated this guide to address more tips that user's have shared that make the process even better. ALWAYS READ THIS GUIDE before you start because it will save you some headaches.
First of all, these first KitKat ROM's are intended for you to get a taste of the KitKat experience. They are all Beta Previews from Pipo and there is NO SECRET that some things JUST DON'T WORK, YET. Yes, I do like feedback as to what is missing or isn't working...that's great. This way we share the information with everyone else. But please don't blame me, or complain to me that something isn't working right after you flash one of these KitKat ROMs. It isn't within my control. And there is no sense in me wasting time trying to fix these problems, because THEY WILL BE FIXED, EVENTUALLY by Pipo in non-beta releases.
Next is the issue with the LOADER. Let me explain this ONE MORE TIME, in great detail, so EVERYONE IS CLEAR!!!!!!!
Android 4.2.2 ROMs come with an entry on the flash tool usually called "RK3188Loader(L)_V1.24.bin". By default, this "loader" line is unchecked. Usually, it isn't necessary to flash the loader...because it's the same loader that came installed on your tablet when you unboxed it. Before now, the only time you needed to flash this, usually, was if you brick your tablet and had to reset the NAND chip in MASK MODE. I will explain how to do this below.
Android 4.4.2 ROMs come with an entry on the flash tool called "RK3188Loader(L)_V2.08.bin". DO YOU NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE? This is a DIFFERENT LOADER. All KitKat ROMs require this loader to boot into the system. The reason for this is that KitKat ROMs come with a new data partition called "metadata". There is speculation that this new "metadata" partition is a place for encryption to take place by the system for added security. Whatever it's for, the KitKat system won't boot without it...so the FIRST TIME YOU FLASH A KITKAT ROM, YOU MUST FLASH THE NEW LOADER. I have checked the loader by default in the flash tool for this reason.
For whatever reason, people are trying the KitKat ROM for a while and then decide to switch back to Jellybean. That's OK, I have no problem with that...because right now the better user experience is with the latest Jellybean ROM. BUT YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!!!! In order to revert back to a Jellybean ROM, you MUST check the LOADER in the flash tool before you flash. If you don't do this, your tablet won't boot...and you could very well have bricked the tablet. I can't go back and check this by default for you...YOU HAVE TO DO IT, YOURSELF!!!!!!
I don't know how to emphasize this any more than this:
YOU MUST FLASH THE LOADER if you go back and forth between Jellybean and KitKat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In post #2, I will go over the procedure to unbrick your tablet after you have bricked it by forgetting this VERY IMPORTANT STEP in the flash process.