If you still know how the original X96 looks with the original firmware you will be surprised

What has changed from the branded firmware:
Bootlogo original S905X.
Google bootanimation - that was the hardest part, allowing for a custom animation...
Media Box Launcher unbranded and with unbranded theme.
Unbranded Kodi completely removed so the rom will comply with all piracy laws and restrictions - more in the added apps section.
OTA updater removed.
All programs from the branded version removed, so no social media, Chrome, Netflix and so on.
Apart from the naked system with Google apps I included:
ADW Launcher
XMBC Laucher for Kodi
File browser replaced by FX filemanager
Power Menu added - still requires to root the box! More under added apps.
Added apps and modifications:
Kodi was removed, but the install script for the addon packs is still valid.
The script no longer refers to the system folder but to /sdcard/apps
This means if you decide to install Kodi you can place the tar.gz archive for the addons in the apps folder of the internal SD.
Kodi itself is not included.
All fixes for the wireless keyboards fixed!
This means now the ENTER or OK key will do just that without any unwanted characters instead.
I also added the IR remotes Power function to the WiFi keyboard - press F12 and you can power down directly.
If you need this power feature included into other controllers instead of using the Power Menu app let me know.
The additional apps I thought to be of use will be in the apps folder of the internal SD.
In FX file explorer it is called "Main Storage".
Here you will find:
SuperSU by Chainfire
VLC for Android
How to install SuperSU:
All modifications to the boot image, scripts, libraries and so on are done and included.
This means the system is rooted except for the actual Superuser app.
Install from the apps folder and let the binary update, once done reboot and enjoy.
Installation of the ROM:
As before wipe all through TWRP then install the ZIP file from extracted RAR archive - so unpack the RAR first to your SD card.
Installation through TWRP does take a few minutes due to the hash verification.
Since all included apps are integrated into the system the first boot is a bit faster compared to the above ROM.
And the additional apps land on the internal SD for everyone to choose or delete if not wanted.
Please allow about 5 minutes after after the launcher selection appeared before you actually start using the apps - some things are still installing in the background!
Once you finnished the network and personal setup of accounts and such bott into TWRP and make a full backup in case you need it.
A factory reset will set you back to the point of the installation of the rom - so no SuperSU and the added apps folder might be gone too.
Known bugs:
Just noticed the WiFi is not available at first activation.
As the chipset is identified during activation you might have to select the network twice until you see WiFi available.
Download from Filefactory
Update 10/05/2017:
The Beta 3 is here along with a Fully Naked Rom.
The Beta 3 has Supersu now integrated and some apps moved into system space by default instead of having them as user apps.
The system space for both versions is increased to the 1536mb of the original, unbranded firmware.
Let me know if you find anything missing I should add or if something is not fully working.
Update 17/07/2017:
Thanks to the guys in Chine there is a new original firmware available.
To spare everyone the pain of waiting several days for a download from Baidu to complete I uploaded the pack to Filefactory.
You can find it here.
Unpack the RAR to your SD and boot into (original) recovery with your favourite toothpick in the AV port.
Be aware: This is the original and unmodified factory OTA update!
Changes from the last OTA:
New launcher with "KD Player" - a modified Kodi17 version.
Possibly with several fixes for the Amlogic SOC - I did not check though.
Default X96 bootanimation can't be changed.
We now have a notification shade and nav bar available.
Cleaned OTA - Beta 4:
All bloat in the form of added and possibly not fully legal apps removed.
Preinstalled apps moved to the internal SD for installation, the used system space will be deleted right after.
KD Player still included.
Chrome from the original included together with Ad Away.
Filebrowser replaced with FX File browser.
Kernel and system fully rooted with SuperSu preinstalled for your convinience.
Latin IME replaced by a better PC style Keyboard.
Keyboard fixes for the Enter button and shutdown using F12.
OTA and FOTA apps removed. (since they would detect a modified system there is no use to try getting any OTA updates).
You can download the archivefor the Beta 4 here. (once fully uploaded that is)
A modified version with more launchers or apps won't follow as you can download what you need.
If someone can tell me how big the system image (original) for the 1GB is then I could provide this great update for those devices as well.
Beta 5 for those who like to do their own thing and finally those with just 1GB of system space.
But even if the OTA name suggests 1 and 2GB X96 boxes I doubt the genuine ones come with 1GB as this OTA update needs more than 1GB on the system partition.
So I removed all bloat and added apps to get down to below 1GB and sized the system image as small as possible.
On a 1GB it should install just fine and report the usual size, on a 2GB system same story.
All removed apps and additional ones can be found in this archive - just unpack to SD and install with FX.
If you feel the need for even more mods you can try this Xposed version for the X96.
Unpack to your SD, flash the ZIP through TWRP install the Xposed installer after the next boot.
Use Xposed at your own risk and peril, I only confirm it installs fine and seems to allow using certain modules.
I won't give support for Xposed as I don't really use it but thought it might be useful for others.
Just to be clear: The Beta 5 can be used the same way as the Beta 4 but should work on 1GB systems as well.
You need to install everything apart from FX, included Gapps and the keyboard fixes yourself from the above archive!
For those on the Beta 4 or any previos beta the apps in the archive can be used too.
Libreelec for the X96.
How to:
Be aware all data on the SD/USB stick will be gone, so use an empty one

Download the above archive and unpack to your PC somewhere.
Use Rufus to get the LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.1j.img.gz image on a SD or USB stick, I used a USB stick in the port next to the SD slot.
Then copy the dtb.img over to the the SD/stick, overwriting the existing file!
Plug into the box and use a toothpick during boot, once you see the logo you can remove the toothpick and Libreelec will start shortly after.
Follow the instructions on the screen for the basic setup and enjoy Kodi right after.
Did not try any install on the internal memory, but can confirm it works fine from USB.
With this version you can use a MP4 video file instead of a bootanimation.
Works with sound of course and should support every MP4 video the normal video player can play.
For your own video simply replace the bootvideo.mp4 in the systems media folder.
Update 04/06/2017: Finally with Open GAPPS!
The X96 showed some real resistance to overcome the chinese limitations and to allow a working installation of updated Google Apps.
As I already spent a lot of days trying to get it to work I only focussed on Open GAPPS but no manual install or the XIAOMI Gapps installer.
With the troubles in the beginning I created a way of installing it all that worked with no errors for me - I suggest to follow it before you try other ways.
This Beta is right now considered to be in an experimental stage until users provided enough feedback to confirm it indeed works fine.
All is based on a naked and slightly modified Beta 5.
The system itself is pretty much naked except for the usual fixes, everything that could make troubles was removed, this includes:
Camera, video and music, wallpapers and so on - install what you want and need through the playstore once all is working.
Main reason for this was to avoid problems with the GAPPS package and to allow the use on 1GB systems as well.
How to install:
Unpack the RAR archive to your favourite SD card or USB stick.
Plug into the box and start with a toothpick - TWRP will show up.
Go to Wipe, Advanced Wipe and wipe Dalvik/Art cache, Data, Internal Storage and Cache.
Go back and install the X96-no-gapps archive and add the opend gapps archive into the line.
Upgrading the neural network takes a few minutes, once the AI is fully operational the GAPPS package will install.
Simply ignore the fact that some of the listed apps will not be available, like Faceunlock - this is due to the removed camera and other things but also because of our harware platform.
After that reboot.
If all goes well and the intial boot goes well you can simply follow the on screen instructions from the wizard.
In case after 10 minutes the Google animation is still going you have to try again but with a different approach (50/50 chance for the first to work).
Start over with a another wipe as above, then install only the X96-no-gapps firmware.
Reboot and do your usual setup of network and screen settings - don't start any apps or mess with SuperSu yet!
Once all is good reboot into the TWRP recovery and install the Open GAPPS package.
Now all should go according to plan.
Troubleshooting and additional infos:
If neither the first nor the second way of installing works for I suspect that your previous ROM was not based on mine or the OTA firmware.
In this case try one of my other beta firmwares if the included firmware itself already failed to boot.
The initial connection to Google can take 4-5 minutes instead of the advertised 2 minutes, so please allow 5 minutes before you panic.
The additional Google apps are not available at this stage and the loading will stay on the screen until you click next - simply add whatever Google app you need from the playstore.
This included Google Music and Google Play TV.
Again: no additional apps of any kind are included, I suggest to use VLC for audio and video or simply whatever you prefer.
Oh, before you ask: Navbar and notification shade are active and working.
Allow some time and check the notification shade for the updates once the system is running, I did not include all updated versions at this stage.
Download the new Beta 6 - Gapps version.
Update 15/11/2017:
They finally released another update, got available two days ago but file date is a bit older.
You can check on the Baidu servers yourself if you like Baidu X96 Downloads
Password there is: hp7u
Download as a RAR from Filefactory.
Once I find some time I will check if and what fixes are needed that I can do.