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X96 unbranded firmware with some fixes

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    I've noticed one thing, my apologies if i'm wrong
    you wrote S905X... that's a Amlogic processor, right?
    mine is a RK322X (9/8??????)
    Probably it won't work....
    I'm attaching my build.prop
    Attached Files


      No offence but this makes the problem quite obvious LOL
      I am actually surprised the flashing worked at all in this case...
      Best way to go is to get the original firmware for your box and to use the Rockchip tools to flash it onto the device.
      And that time the device should be recognised by the tools.
      A bootable SD or USB stick might work too for this task, so check what is available in genuine firmware first before you revert to custom roms!
      First you need to get the basic system in terms of partions and so to match again.
      Only if you can't get the genuine firmware check the rockchip section for available custom roms but study the thread or use a custom google search to find info on your device.
      Quite often someone else already try that rom on a similar device and depending on the outcome you know if it is worth trying yourself.


        it wasn't mine that bricked. I'm still in the process of choosing the right TWRP. I've seen a post about the use of TWRP on a RK that bricked it, so I'm being over cautious.
        At this time, I would be happy to solve the "enter" key problem.
        I imagine you had to do some key mapping, can you point me in the right direction? Did you had to compile any software to correct that?
        I'd done some android development while back, and to today only bricked 1 device so far. (over 20 different devices now).
        But this enter key problem is getting on my nerves.


          Anyway, starting from scratch. I can connect via ADB on TCPIP, but not with a cable, which is also getting on my nerves.
          tried 2 usb cables, 2 sets of drivers for RK.... no answer from box... nor while on recovery mode, or turned on for normal use.
          1º root it
          2º install mapping keyboard apps, or solve it all together (affects many other keyboards and systems.... don't know why it hasn't been solved for good)
          3º document the all thing


            You might not be able to use the cable because you falshed a firmware that is not rockchip
            To use the cable you need to install a genuine firmware first, so USB stick or SD for this one.
            Once you got a working stock firmware you can think about modifying it to your needs in terms of rooting, SuperSu and keymappings.
            Just change the .kl files you need to give ENTER the right code.


              I'm sorry, I haven't explained myself right,
              I've done nothing (that could harm the box) so far.
              My pc doesn't recognize my box (via USB). It never had.
              From experience with previous android devices (mobile phones and tablets, never a tv box) I never proceed without having full control via adb, and connected via USB.
              But, because I have installed several ABD, AdbWinApi.dll,AdbWinUsbApi.dll and specific devices drivers, over the time I might be having a conflict in recognizing my box.
              It just never appears in my device list.
              So, is still working like the day I unboxed it, apart from some attempts to install software to overcome some troubles, like rotate managers, virtual keyboards etc
              So, now I have some troubleshooting to do, buy a new cable USBA-A... mine was a bit old... and clean old device drivers, from previous android experiences on my pc.
              I have access via adb on tcpip, but a colleague a mine, bricked one, while trying to root a tablet without the cable. It had to be returned to the factory, so I won't risk it.
              I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


                i have also X96 TV BOX and it was always laggy perhaps the worst tv box i have ever purchased. Now, i tried yours rom and it's better than the original firmware but still laggy. I am not what else can i do. It's real annoying! Would you give me some info or advice what else could i do? Thanks


                  I want also to try to flash it again, but it seems that i get error every time i tried on slow download (filefactory). Can you upload it somewhere else? Like google drive?


                    An helpful tip about this X96 box is why after the flash whit ROMS via TWRP, several boxes goes in permanent stand by (whit red light on)???
                    is few users lucky than others or there are several fake-boxses?? , personally i buyed from a trusted merchant


                      Originally posted by MunteanuRO View Post
                      An helpful tip about this X96 box is why after the flash whit ROMS via TWRP, several boxes goes in permanent stand by (whit red light on)???
                      is few users lucky than others or there are several fake-boxses?? , personally i buyed from a trusted merchant
                      Maybe some are using Amlogic img, on Rockchip versions.
                      Downunder 35m is clear, "X96 (S905X)", not X96 (RK3229)


                        Sir , downunder is clear S905X not RK... but i have a X96 whit S905X, i'm clear too right?

                        So an example of problem is this :

                        - Have formatted USB flash drive as FAT32
                        - Downloaded, unpacked X96-P212-OTA-20170428.RAR on the drive
                        - FLashed whit TWRM & Works !q

                        -formatted USB flash drive as FAT32
                        -Downloaded, unpacked BETA5-1GB-2GB.rar
                        -flash whit TWRM & box go in a permanent standby after succes install

                        same on all BETA



                          is anybody gonna answer in any post?


                            Originally posted by zafeira View Post
                            is anybody gonna answer in any post?
                            First, people might be busy doing other things....
                            Patience is the key....
                            You want help but did not include any specifics.
                            Laggy can be anything, same for the causes....

                            Originally posted by munteanuro
                            Sir , downunder is clear S905X not RK... but i have a X96 whit S905X, i'm clear too right?
                            I can not replicate this here.
                            Did you delete the partitions in TWRP before flashing the Rom?
                            Might be a good idea to wipe system and userdata first.


                              Meaning lagging i cant do anything right. Everything is so slow and everything crashes after some minutes. When i try kodi or terrarium tv or playstore or gmail or whatever i want to do in the box. I tried the last one beta 6 and i got to give a code number i do not know why. I am trying 2 days now to download previous firmware from filefactory and i can not as slow download. So can you give any solution atleast from where to download previous firmware? It would be helpful. And at least but not last i apologize if i got in any way rude but it was not in my intention. Thanks and i am waiting for reply if i could anything with this X96 TV BOX.


                                The lagging in this could be due to leftovers of the old installation.
                                I suggest to wipe the partitions or to do a factory reset before installing the new firmware.
                                There should not be any crashes or really slow apps.

