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Amlogic Android tool

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    Amlogic Android tool


    I made an android app to handle some amlogic device problems.
    The function at that moment:
    GP functions
    - GP test: solution for unfortunately, Google Play Store has stopped problem. Get new GP. Root needed
    - Revert: back to original GP. Root needed
    - Periodical check: background process for checking new GP
    Display related functions
    - CEC keep-alive: some devices lose cec functionality after switch to another source (eg. tv or other hdmi). this can solve the problem
    - Auto frame fix: some devices has wrong rights for auto framerate in SPMC or FTMC. root needed
    - Auto frame rate: it can be enable/disable the auto frame rate of the system (it can be work with other app (eg: mxplayer, not only from spmc/ftmc)
    - Noise Reduction: it can be enable/disable the noise reduction
    - HDMI RGB color mode
    - Display settings: contrast and brightness settings
    - Display resolution: switch among supported resolutions
    - HDMI info: shows some interesting hdmi info and plugged-in tests
    Hardware related fuctions:
    - MMC Info: shows some useful info about the mmc (manufacturer, date, serial, etc)
    - Wifi Info: shows some useful info about the wifi chip
    Init.d support: it creates the init.d directory where you can put your scripts or you can edit a pre-created default script ( from the app (init.d script editor menu).
    Init.d editor: edit the default app created script
    Img unpacking: it can unpack the amlogic img files
    Restart: it reboots the device with different types (from sd card (without push the reset button on the device), from recovery, etc)

    If someone tries it please send the hdmi info report with the report button (at the bottom of the dialog).
    Ps: any ideas, further fuctions, problem descriptions are very appreciated (from feedback menu)
    It's on Play, you can try it
    Thanks a lot

    Temperature related things: here

    Ps: it's tried on S905 and S912 but should work on S8xx
    TV-Box-Tester für Amlogic S8xx und S9xx SoC-basierte Geräte
    Last edited by smrtprjcts; 12 January 2018, 10:57.

    RGB fix added


      Contrast and brightness settings
      New restart types
      Plugged-in tests


        Contrast and brightness settings
        New restart types
        Plugged-in tests


          Congratulations, very interesting application! Does the auto frame fix work only in spmc or any Android apps? I often use iptv Extreme, YouTube and cinetrailer. Would be great if it worked on all apps!


            Originally posted by Marco78 View Post
            Congratulations, very interesting application! Does the auto frame fix work only in spmc or any Android apps? I often use iptv Extreme, YouTube and cinetrailer. Would be great if it worked on all apps!
            Only with spmc. Apps should support that


              Good job. Is a very useful tool.


                Google play apk download fix
                New function: amlogic img file unpack (can be useful for developers)


                  New function. Useful for developers.
                  Img unpacking: it can unpack the amlogic img files


                    maybe move to amilogic tool section so dont get lost in posts?
                    Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.


                      Hi scooter ,

                      do you mean this Topic , or what , i already deleted one , becaucse it was double , was it wrong ???

                      if sorry , but before i moved the post to this one and only deleted the first Post .

                      greetings gefattern



                        With my Sunvell T95X the RGB fix dont work.

                        Best Regards


                          I added some new functions into the app.
                          eg.: init.d support, auto frame rate, noise reduction related functions


                            And you just added eMMC Check

                            Just installed on my M8S Pro+ using my comp browser to visit Playstore as not in ATV Playstore.
                            Installed and


                            Good to have the eMMC check built in.

                            Never really tried to get auto frame rate to work but tried manual before and my Amp rejected 24p mode
                            but ... Turned on Auto in your app and works a treat
                            Many thanks

                            Edit: Couldn't find in ATV Playstore but installed easily from computer browser Playstore and it has a nice Leanback Launcher Icon
                            Last edited by P.X; 05 January 2018, 12:41.


                              Originally posted by P.X View Post
                              And you just added eMMC Check

                              Just installed on my M8S Pro+ using my comp browser to visit Playstore as not in ATV Playstore.
                              Installed and


                              Good to have the eMMC check built in.

                              Never really tried to get auto frame rate to work but tried manual before and my Amp rejected 24p mode
                              but ... Turned on Auto in your app and works a treat
                              Many thanks

                              Edit: Couldn't find in ATV Playstore but installed easily from computer browser Playstore and it has a nice Leanback Launcher Icon
                              I'll try to solve this ATV Playstore problem. At that moment I don't know why it's not available.
                              Maybe it's working with real ATV devices.

