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Solve this Mystery!! Google Play Music goes silent

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    Originally posted by erocm123 View Post
    I have found a solution that is working for me on. I'm guessing that this should work on other RK3188 devices. It seems that Rockchip has implemented the use of ffmpegmediaplayer in their development image. For some reason, this media class causes the Android mediaserver (/system/bin/mediaserver) process to die when Google Play Music performs certain actions. I didn't dig deep enough to see what Google Play Music was doing to cause the error. I didn't have problems with other music apps, but they may not use Androids built in media player.

    The solution is a simple build.prop edit. I believe this edit effectively disables ffmpegmediaplayer so keep in mind that you will lose the extra codec support / features that it provides. This was not a big deal for me. Some of this information is speculation / assumption so don't take it as gospel. If anyone out there is more knowledgeable than me on the subject please interject. I do know that Google Play Music now works for me without a hitch. Before it was crashing / throwing errors after reaching the end of the first song. The solution was to change (in build.prop) and then reboot:


    Hello guys; I'm new to this forum, but not new to "forums" per se'. I've been searching on this matter for close to a week now, & did find this thread earlier in the week, only to find out that KK 4.4.2 doesn't have that text in the build.prop.

    So there's no way to edit that of course; has anyone found another alternative for this? Or is this something we have to wait on Google to fix?..


      Originally posted by Marque View Post
      Hello guys; I'm new to this forum, but not new to "forums" per se'. I've been searching on this matter for close to a week now, & did find this thread earlier in the week, only to find out that KK 4.4.2 doesn't have that text in the build.prop.

      So there's no way to edit that of course; has anyone found another alternative for this? Or is this something we have to wait on Google to fix?..

      Unfortunately I was never able to find out how to fix this problem with KitKat on my Rockchip devices. I had to stick with Jellybean ROMS. I don't know if this is something that Google needs to fix or will fix. Seems like a problem with how Rockchip uses a custom back end media processor.


        Originally posted by erocm123 View Post

        Unfortunately I was never able to find out how to fix this problem with KitKat on my Rockchip devices. I had to stick with Jellybean ROMS. I don't know if this is something that Google needs to fix or will fix. Seems like a problem with how Rockchip uses a custom back end media processor.
        Wow; that sucks a bit; Thanks for the response; I have a CS918 & just ordered a Tronsmart Draco Telos, so that I can have 1 of the boxes on the house. (I actually bought it initially to put in the car, so I'll put the CS918 in the house & Telos in the car)

        But I was hoping the Telos would remedy the Google music problem. I'll gladly go to a Jellybean ROM if that's what it works with, because being able to play music (from Google music) is a biggie for me!..


          Hi every left over of the CS918, K-R42 and other RK3188

          I found a solution using the patch Wasser create for the Minix Neo X7. Thank you to him for all his work

          You need root access for this.

          patch (flash zip with the recovery mode):

          source link forum:

          This patch replace the file " " file located in " system\lib "
          For my part I did not flash the zip file, I have replaced file manually

          It worked for me on my CS918 wtih ROM Wasser Kitkat 4.4.2 v1.04.

          Good luck
          Attached Files


            Thanks for the comments of everyone. Helped me

