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(ROM) Minixfreak_OS S905X May25/2019 ""NEW""

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    Originally posted by mAtvXk View Post
    Thank you man. Can you please explain me how to put my remote controle in function?  I red prewius posts but i can not understand. With usb mouse i can do nothing. Cursor goes up and down but on the keybord i can not click any single letter.


      Originally posted by Mozzart1 View Post
      ...Can you please explain me how to put my remote controler in function?...
      Replace remote.conf file in #/system/etc folder with stock one.
      Use a file manager with root access (ES File Explorer, Root Explorer, FX File Explorer...) to make changes.


        Thank you so much.


          hi guys
          can I install this rom in eachlink x3 mini?
          specs: CPU: Amlogic S905X3
          Core: Quad Core
          RAM: 4G RAM
          RAM Type: DDR4



            Hello, why does the Launcher not be changed? I install a different one and it is changed, but when restarting it returns to the one that brings by default ....


              Originally posted by joseac View Post
              Hello, why does the Launcher not be changed? I install a different one and it is changed, but when restarting it returns to the one that brings by default ....
              its androidTV Not Regular Android .... find a regular android build .... this is AndroidTV Build


                Originally posted by minixfreak View Post

                its androidTV Not Regular Android .... find a regular android build .... this is AndroidTV Build
                So you can't change the launcher? I'm testing with ATV Launcher


                  Originally posted by joseac View Post

                  So you can't change the launcher? I'm testing with ATV Launcher
                  leanback launcher is androidtv launcher, atv is for regualr android devices to make it look like atv ....


                    Originally posted by minixfreak View Post

                    leanback launcher is androidtv launcher, atv is for regualr android devices to make it look like atv ....
                    Aaa, ok


                      Is there any chance to change keyboard? I tryed few of them and no one is working? Tnx.


                        Originally posted by Mozzart1 View Post
                        Is there any chance to change keyboard? I tryed few of them and no one is working? Tnx.

                        Install another or change it ?, I could do both.


                          I installed 5 of them but don't work


                            Originally posted by joseac View Post

                            So you can't change the launcher? I'm testing with ATV Launcher
                            You can easily change the launcher.

                            1. Install a launcher of your choice (I tried HALauncher, ATV Launcher and XBMC Launxher)

                            2. Start the launcher you installed at least once.

                            3. Use a file explorer with Root support.

                            4. Go to system/priv-apps and delete 'leanbacklaunchet' folder.

                            5. You need to restart you box once or twice and select your new launcher as default.

                            I personally find HALauncher and ATV more 'mother-in-law friendly' than Leanback.


                              Last edited by canadien; 24 July 2020, 06:11.


                                Originally posted by Zahir View Post
                                1. The inconstant screen resolution is a pain, I agree, and I have fixed that in V2. You should now have 1080p constant through all reboots and power ons. Power menu works better too.

                                The issue was caused by bypassing Minixfreak's bootloader (in order to avoid problems with USB Burning Tool when flashing another rom). With V2, I have minimized the conflict with the Vim but you will still need to use that three-button routine I mentioned above in order to move to another rom. That works fine for me.

                                i.e press all three buttons while connecting to USB. Keep all three pressed then release the reset button, holding the other two until USB Burning tool connects. May need to do this once or twice.

                                2&3. I can't do anything about HDMI-CEC, it's broken in Minixfreak's system.img. And the codes for the Khadas Vim remote are embedded in the official Nougat kernel, which I also cannot use because this rom will only boot up on its own kernel, as I discovered... You will need to use a usb remote/air mouse.

                                Sorry about that! Still, a very quick and capable rom, enjoy it for what it is..

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                                hey bro, hope you are well, is possible for you to upload this file again ?

                                thanks again

