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(ROM) Minixfreak_OS S905X May25/2019 ""NEW""

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    Thank you, OP, the credit for this lovely rom is entirely yours and I will underline that when I release my port.

    AngelfromSpain hold your horses a little longer.. should be ready with it today.


      Originally posted by Zahir View Post
      Thank you, OP, the credit for this lovely rom is entirely yours and I will underline that when I release my port.

      AngelfromSpain hold your horses a little longer.. should be ready with it today.
      Amazing Wonderfully
      For Khadas vim1? ( 2Gb RAM 16Gb ROM ) ?


        Yes, for the Vim 1, 2gb (or 1gb)..



          Minixfreak_OS running on the Vim. Let's see how you get on with it, AngelfromSpain.

          It's a pleasure to be able to port such a neat, fast and cherry-picked rom to our little box. A lot of thought has gone into the components of this full-featured rom, which will help to extend the little Vim's life.

          Kudos to Adam-Andrew Evett Williamson aka Minixfreak, the credit for this firmware rests entirely with you.

          UPDATE: Revising the boot files gets this rom running on the Vim but to flash another rom, you may need to enter maskrom. You can also get the USB Burning tool to do it after several tries or by erasing the Vim's internal memory with all three buttons. I will look into this but if you're not happy with that process, this is not for you.

          Update 2: I have resolved the issue and there should be no problem going from this rom to another at any time. The Uboot in the original rom conflicts with my revised bootfiles, causing the problem. What we have now is a rom that boots to a logo, then blacks out briefly followed by a loading animation. Just sit back and let it do that. It remains the fact that the power menu and boot sequence worked better with the first version, but we can't go back to it because of the re-flashing issue.

          Link to new file: see my post below.
          Last edited by Zahir; 21 June 2019, 18:49.


            AngelfromSpain - good friend, you may pay the price for early adoption but if you persevere you can get USB Burning tool to burn the new file successfully. Or use maskrom.

            I managed by loading the new rom into the tool, then pressing all three buttons while connecting to USB. I kept all three buttons pressed for ten seconds and then released the reset button, holding the other two until USB Burning tool connected. After trying this twice, the new rom burned in easily with no errors.

            The bottom line for the Vim with this nice rom is: we can get a smooth boot/loading sequence and fully functional power menu if we use Minixfreak's original bootloader. The price we pay is a harsh conflict with the Vim Uboot that creates issues when flashing another rom. OR we can skip his bootloader, use our own and avoid this conflict, while incurring a funky boot sequence with a brief (20 seconds) blackout and a reboot function that sometimes doesn't re-load.

            Either way, the rom runs and is very capable.

            I chose the second as best for most users, while I would have liked the first more had it worked.
            Last edited by Zahir; 20 June 2019, 11:36.


              Originally posted by Zahir View Post
              AngelfromSpain - good friend, you may pay the price for early adoption but if you persevere you can get USB Burning tool to burn the new file successfully. Or use maskrom.

              I managed by loading the new rom into the tool, then pressing all three buttons while connecting to USB. I kept all three buttons pressed for ten seconds and then released the reset button, holding the other two until USB Burning tool connected. After trying this twice, the new rom burned in easily with no errors.

              The bottom line for the Vim with this nice rom is: we can get a smooth boot/loading sequence and fully functional power menu if we use Minixfreak's original bootloader. The price we pay is a harsh conflict with the Vim Uboot that creates issues when flashing another rom. OR we can skip his bootloader, use our own and avoid this conflict, while incurring a funky boot sequence with a brief (20 seconds) blackout and a reboot function that sometimes doesn't re-load.

              Either way, the rom runs and is very capable.

              I chose the second as best for most users, while I would have liked the first more had it worked.

              Hello friend Zahir, great and admired Zahir. Good morning from Spain. Last night, download and install the Minixfreak_OS ROM for Khadas Vim 1

              Excellent work Zahir. Very fast and stable. With several very interesting applications.

              Both the connection via WIFI and Ethernet RJ45 worked perfectly. Bluetooh also works correctly, BUT ... I have a couple of problems or doubts:

              1 ---> Whenever I turn on the Khadas Vim1, it always appears by default with the screen resolution at 480p 60Hz or if I select or activate the option that says "Automatically change to the best resolution of the TV" then the resolution of my screen changes to 720p 60HZ and I would like to be able to leave the 1080p 60HZ screen resolution activated always and by default. My TV supports that resolution (1080p 60Hz) but the Khadas Vim1 does NOT start or does not turn on with "that" resolution (1080p 60Hz) and then I am forced to change it manually every time I turn on the Khadas Vim1.

              I have tried to use several HDMI cables or to connect it to another HDMI port or another FullHD TV but the same thing always happens: the Khadas Vim1 starts or starts with a resolution of 480p ...

              Please help !! I trust you !! I know that you are capable!

              2 ----> My other problem is that I can not get my TV's remote control to operate the Khadas Vim 1. I have the HDMI CEC option activated but I can not get the remote control of my TV to work the Khadas Vim 1
              Besides, on the GearBest website, I bought 2 remote controls for the Khadas Vim1 that work by Infrared but none of the 2 controls work on the Khadas Vim1. The exact models are: ( and this ( = 1433363)

              None of those 2 controls or the remote control of my TV work with the Khadas Vim 1

              Please help !! I trust you !! I believe in you !! I know that you are capable!

              My most sincere recognition for ALL your work and for sharing with all of us. Long live the Khadas Vim system :-)

              Thank you very much again

              PS: Talk to the SuperCeleron user and agree both and make a SPECIAL KHADAS VIM1 version of the Rom Minixfreak_OS
              Together both (SuperCeleron and Zahir) are unstoppable and the Khadas Vim1 would fly !!!

              Receive a cordial and affectionate greeting from a Spanish lover of the Khadas Vim1 system

              Have a very good weekend!


                1. The inconstant screen resolution is a pain, I agree, and I have fixed that in V2. You should now have 1080p constant through all reboots and power ons. Power menu works better too.

                The issue was caused by bypassing Minixfreak's bootloader (in order to avoid problems with USB Burning Tool when flashing another rom). With V2, I have minimized the conflict with the Vim but you will still need to use that three-button routine I mentioned above in order to move to another rom. That works fine for me.

                i.e press all three buttons while connecting to USB. Keep all three pressed then release the reset button, holding the other two until USB Burning tool connects. May need to do this once or twice.

                2&3. I can't do anything about HDMI-CEC, it's broken in Minixfreak's system.img. And the codes for the Khadas Vim remote are embedded in the official Nougat kernel, which I also cannot use because this rom will only boot up on its own kernel, as I discovered... You will need to use a usb remote/air mouse.

                Sorry about that! Still, a very quick and capable rom, enjoy it for what it is..

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                  Originally posted by Zahir View Post
                  1. The inconstant screen resolution is a pain, I agree, and I have fixed that in V2. You should now have 1080p constant through all reboots and power ons. Power menu works better too.

                  The issue was caused by bypassing Minixfreak's bootloader (in order to avoid problems with USB Burning Tool when flashing another rom). With V2, I have minimized the conflict with the Vim but you will still need to use that three-button routine I mentioned above in order to move to another rom. That works fine for me.

                  i.e press all three buttons while connecting to USB. Keep all three pressed then release the reset button, holding the other two until USB Burning tool connects. May need to do this once or twice.

                  2&3. I can't do anything about HDMI-CEC, it's broken in Minixfreak's system.img. And the codes for the Khadas Vim remote are embedded in the official Nougat kernel, which I also cannot use because this rom will only boot up on its own kernel, as I discovered... You will need to use a usb remote/air mouse.

                  Sorry about that! Still, a very quick and capable rom, enjoy it for what it is..

                  MEGA provides free cloud storage with convenient and powerful always-on privacy. Claim your free 20GB now
                  cec works in my firmwares i use it ..... khadas vim is different board altegther


                    Yep, it is - sometimes just getting a rom running on the Vim feels like an achievement...


                      I installed this ROM this morning - unfortunately wifi isn't working on my Vim 1 even after several reboots.

                      Is there any way to revert the theme and wallpaper to stock ATV or is that embedded in the ROM?

                      Thanks for the great work Zahir


                        Originally posted by mousemat View Post
                        I installed this ROM this morning - unfortunately wifi isn't working on my Vim 1 even after several reboots.

                        Is there any way to revert the theme and wallpaper to stock ATV or is that embedded in the ROM?

                        Thanks for the great work Zahir
                        It's possible but I embedded it


                          Originally posted by minixfreak View Post

                          It's possible but I embedded it
                          Great work also minixfreak!

                          Could you share details of how to reset the theme & wallpaper to stock?


                            WiFi works fine on my Vim - it's possible your Vim runs a different chipset.



                              Will the firmware for the s905x2 ?


                                Great work minixfreak! May I ask which firmware you recommend for the T95Z Plus as I can see you are across a number of development teams/projects?

