testing now
This is great!!!!!!
this is how to do it , if you want to test and you know what I am explaining
from here I downloaded the image .. I had a small sdcard memory so I used the small version , with no desktop , just to try to boot
it's xz file so you have to extract it with 7zip to get the img file
then using balena or win32diskimager burn the image to the memory card
now you need a dtb for your device to boot
with imagerepacker , get this file
RK3566_DC_R2_HK5235F_11_20210705.1409.img.dump\Ima ge\recovery.img.dump\second.dump\rk-kernel.dtb
in my case I used the one from my device firmware
this file is already compiled for linux , so no need to recompile ,
for the next step you need a ubuntu or linux machine ...
mount the sdcard on your linux , lets call it sdb .... mkdir /mnt/tmp ; mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/tmp
cp rk-kernel.dtb /mnt/tmp/boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3566-firefly-roc-pc.dtb
that will overwrite the dtb
unmount the sdcard , put it inside your box .. turn on the power ... and test ..