thank you for this information. ok, so i see that isn,t possible to change the background or some view...
Delete and ad app icons i now (try,d bevor a little), but this is just possible below the big boxes. Thoose boxes i cannot give a specific app, doesn,t matter, i think i can live with this and not need to use so much anymore, ok.
But i have some more questions (sorry).
1. with "RKTVLauncher" you mean the standard launcher?
2. If i would change the launcher (i just klick everytime on use just one time, ore similar) where i can change back again. I was carefully to set one fix launcher because i affraid cannot joice it again. In the setting menue is no setting for the homescreen.
And some questions again about the rom:
1. Ok, and now i think i did a misstake and flash,d the MVR9_RK3328_Custom_ROM_v1.7b_by_mo123 rom, but i see now there is a newer release?
I got some problems with kodi, youtube, my network connection to Nas server all times lost (i dont know it is from rom, but bevore i had no problems) and also my leanback keyboard is cracy by tap/writing (must put passwords a hundred a time :-(
2. So ist the MVR9_RK3328_Custom_ROM_v1.8b_by_mo123 now the latest (i see some youtube problems are fixed)?
3. And for flashing again i cannot upgrade with this flashtool or something like to a newer release?
If i flash so everything is gone again? I will do this, i think with some app backups (Kodi,....) it isn,t so much work after... no problem
4. Once i had bevore: after flashing i couldnt use any google apps (playstore...) about no google device certficate. So i registration the device in google (with the "Google Framework Services Android-ID") , then after it works. If i flash again must i do this again to (ore loose the item ID/get new after flash)?
Sorry, so many questions, but i dont need ask everything once by once. :-)