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linux-amlogic-toolkit - unpack and repack AMLogic images using Linux (works with Android 7 !)

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    Well this tool is intended to be used on Linux. You're not forced to use Ubuntu or Debian, but then you'll have to install the dependencies yourself.

    Customization Tool works for Android <= 6. For Android 7+ you'll need this tool, or any other "Linux" method (mostly by hand).


      Originally posted by natinusala View Post
      Well this tool is intended to be used on Linux. You're not forced to use Ubuntu or Debian, but then you'll have to install the dependencies yourself.

      Customization Tool works for Android <= 6. For Android 7+ you'll need this tool, or any other "Linux" method (mostly by hand).
      So are these the Dependencies we will need to install as per your "Dependencies" section?
      • zlib1g-dev for simg2img and img2simg
      • libblkid-dev for abootimg (unpacking and repacking boot image)



        You have to install what is stated as "Dependencies" in the README, so it will be zlib1g-dev and libblkid-dev (or their equivalent in your distribution / package manager)


          Originally posted by natinusala View Post
          You have to install what is stated as "Dependencies" in the README, so it will be zlib1g-dev and libblkid-dev (or their equivalent in your distribution / package manager)
          Thanks so much
          One stupid question ... which .img do you use for editing ? I opened the whole Nexus img from Magadenz and I got a few directories (attachment). How do I get to the boot logo and bootanimation to actually edit the files/pictures?

          Attached Files
          Last edited by korgix300; 29 March 2018, 20:03.


            You have the list of everything generated and their location in the output directory in the README of the repository. To change the boot _animation_ you'll want to change the output/system/media/ file (IIRC). To change the boot _logo_ you'll have to edit the output/logo/bootup file. Be careful as the bootup file format may change depending on your device (BMP pixel depth, GZ compression...).


              Originally posted by natinusala View Post
              You have the list of everything generated and their location in the output directory in the README of the repository. To change the boot _animation_ you'll want to change the output/system/media/ file (IIRC). To change the boot _logo_ you'll have to edit the output/logo/bootup file. Be careful as the bootup file format may change depending on your device (BMP pixel depth, GZ compression...).
              Right and once you change the bootup logo not the bootanimation how do you flash that, via TWRP?
              Btw in Magadenz's ROM the output/logo/ folder is empty so not sure where that logo is.

              Last edited by korgix300; 30 March 2018, 15:43.


                You can flash it using a recent version of TWRP or using dd on a terminal on the device or ADB shell (simpler).

                Concerning Magendaz's ROM, I use it personally and I was able to unpack, edit and repack the logo partition without any trouble.


                  Originally posted by natinusala View Post
                  You can flash it using a recent version of TWRP or using dd on a terminal on the device or ADB shell (simpler).

                  Concerning Magendaz's ROM, I use it personally and I was able to unpack, edit and repack the logo partition without any trouble.
                  Thanks so much. One thing that I want to be certain of is this:
                  When you unpack and locate output.logo folder you see the boot image, you then change it and repack and then you flash the whole img/whole ROM? My question was once you do change the boot image can you just flash that boot image in TWRP or do you have to flash the whole ROM.

                  Also when you unpacked Magadenz's image do you get anything in the output/logo folder because I don't see any file it says 0 files?
                  Last edited by korgix300; 30 March 2018, 18:47.


                    You can do whatever you want, you can flash only the logo partition (logo.PARTITION) of the whole ROM (be careful at the latter will probably wipe all of your data).

                    And yes, when unpacking Magendaz's image I have files in output/logo


                      Originally posted by natinusala View Post
                      You can do whatever you want, you can flash only the logo partition (logo.PARTITION) of the whole ROM (be careful at the latter will probably wipe all of your data).

                      And yes, when unpacking Magendaz's image I have files in output/logo
                      How is that possible I unpacked couple of times and all times not a single file in the output/logo directory (see attachment).
                      How do you flash logo.PARTITION in TWRP ?

                      Attached Files


                        Can you give me the full logs of the unpack script ?

                        You'll have better results flashing it with dd using a terminal on your device (assuming it's rooted). First, find the block file for the logo (for me it's /dev/block/logo) and $ dd if=/path/to/logo.PARTITION of=/dev/block/logo


                          Originally posted by natinusala View Post
                          Can you give me the full logs of the unpack script ?

                          You'll have better results flashing it with dd using a terminal on your device (assuming it's rooted). First, find the block file for the logo (for me it's /dev/block/logo) and $ dd if=/path/to/logo.PARTITION of=/dev/block/logo
                          Sure where would I get the logs for that?
                          I have attached the log if this is what you were looking for.

                          Note: I have used customization tool to open the image then replace the boot logo with mine and pack. Then I ran your unpack in debian and got logo.PARTITION which I am going to dd. But wondering if I can use your tools instead of hacking with customization tool and yours.

                          Once I do a TWRP backup do you know if there is a way to make it into an img file so that I can flash it with stock recovery?

                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by korgix300; 30 March 2018, 19:26.


                            It looks like the logo_img_packer tool cannot unpack the logo partition for your device or for this particular image, I'm afraid there is not a lot I can do to help you. Did you do something weird on it ?


                              Originally posted by natinusala View Post
                              It looks like the logo_img_packer tool cannot unpack the logo partition for your device or for this particular image, I'm afraid there is not a lot I can do to help you. Did you do something weird on it ?
                              Nope this is the exact image Magadenz had for M8SPro L, it's basically his image as is, so not quite sure how you're able to extract with the same tools I am using. Hm very strange. But it seems I can modify the boot logo in Customization Tool pack and then extract with your unpacker into logo.PARTITION which I can then dd right?

                              I have also included log as I have deleted output folder and re-started with your instructions to install the tools. Seems something is missing...
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by korgix300; 30 March 2018, 19:55.


                                We were not talking about the same image I'm afraid, I was talking about the one on Beelkink GT1. You can absolutely use the Customization Tool to edit it and use dd to install it directly on your device !

