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[ROM] Mecool KM9 TVStock Nexus ROM (Android TV 8.1)

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    Originally posted by kenduvernay View Post
    Has anyone successfully flashed this rom ATV8.1 on a new KM9 with android 9 (franklin board).?
    I flashed KM9 that came with Android 9 not sure whats franklin board , it worked wifi stopped working but i think thats more to hardware failure flashed back the stock and still same


      Originally posted by uscool View Post

      I flashed KM9 that came with Android 9 not sure whats franklin board , it worked wifi stopped working but i think thats more to hardware failure flashed back the stock and still same
      What's that got to do with the question? The point was if ATV 8 would run on the box...


        Originally posted by kenduvernay View Post

        What's that got to do with the question? The point was if ATV 8 would run on the box...
        you said you have the KM9 that came with Android 9, and i said I flashed the KM9 that came with Android 9 and i Flashed the custom ATV 8.1 from this page and it works sorry if i didnt make that clear

        Although the WIFI worked the first time it stopped working but that is probably do with hardware fault

        So yes KM9 that comes with Android 9 will work with the custom ATV on this thread

        Hope this helps this time


          Thanks, sorry I misunderstood your post. All the best.


            I just bought one of the Sidiwen KM9 with Android 9.0 ( and it's BUGGY as hell.

            Here's some of the fun things you can expect it to do:

            1. Randomly closes out of Kodi and returns to main screen.
            2. The "Update" app returns an error"Check Failed!Check Your OTA Server Agent".
            3. Sleep function does not work, when going to sleep the sleep light triggers, but shortly afterwards the light turns back to blue and the system becomes unresponsive. Requires a power cable pull.
            4. Because it's Android 9.0 there are NOT very many apps compatible with it.
            5. On the main screen one of the unremovable icons "TV Center" doesn't work.

            And to top it all off, it says MECOOL underneath and on the splash screen when booting up lol.

            I'll update as more are found but this thing has been a MASSIVE letdown and I JUST got it yesterday.
            Last edited by AgentJeffy; 05 April 2019, 20:05.


              Originally posted by AgentJeffy View Post
              I just bought one of the Sidiwen KM9 with Android 9.0 ( and it's BUGGY as hell.

              Here's some of the fun things you can expect it to do:

              1. Randomly closes out of Kodi and returns to main screen.
              2. The "Update" app returns an error"Check Failed!Check Your OTA Server Agent".
              3. Sleep function does not work, when going to sleep the sleep light triggers, but shortly afterwards the light turns back to blue and the system becomes unresponsive. Requires a power cable pull.
              4. Because it's Android 9.0 there are NOT very many apps compatible with it.
              5. On the main screen one of the unremovable icons "TV Center" doesn't work.

              I'll update as more are found but this thing has been a MASSIVE letdown and I JUST got it yesterday.
              Yep it is a POS. I've got one setting here with the RMA label on it going back to Amazon. There's no excuse for this nonsense, there's plenty of good s905X2 boxes out there, Leave it to Mecool to take a already proven new platform and screw it up. They never ever give a damn 'bout their Customers. I consider this purchase to be solely my fault as I already knew they where Jackass's.


                Hy, i have a problem with the install. I send a image with the problem.
                Can someone help me?



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                  You wiped your system partition, which makes it impossible to do run the environment checks in the update script. Don't do that!

                  At this point, I'd switch to the burn package (.img file) and USB Burning Tool.

                ok, I'll do the burn package. Strange happening is, I have a ms8 pro w and i follow the same steps and resolted.

                Thanks for your help.


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                  I suppose it's possible that the OEM changed the partition mapping on your device. Were you running on Pie? The fstab on my KM9 TWRP was built for Oreo, and it may not work for Android 9.0.

                Thanks Megadanz, great job. You help to make a serious tool from a toy.

                I have installed your ROM on KM9, but I have an issue with this ROM. Maybe you can help me.

                For some Channels (e.g. HBO) does my TV provider some checkings, and I am not able to watch them. The checkings are:
                1. is device rooted?
                2. is the device in debug mode?
                3. is some unofficial ROM installed?
                4. is some app for RAM debugging installed?
                I have checked, the device appears as not rooted. Also, I can turn off USB debugging and developer options.

                The problem are items 3 and 4. Maybe item 2 also.

                My questions for you are:
                • Is there a way to trick my TV software, so that it thinks it is official ROM version? (e.g. like hiding root from some apps)
                • does some debug app run in background in your ROM?
                • is there any other way to turn of debug mode?
                Thanks in advance


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                  As a rule I don't play these games trying to deceive apps into running by spoofing a different environment, since it's usually a losing battle. I'm sure there are tricks that might work for a time, but I'll leave that to others.

                  However, you can disable debugging (and all other developer features) in the Developer Options menu.

                Guest , sorry to digress, any chance of doing a custom rom for the KM3 any time soon please?


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                  I've had one on order for over a month from Gearbest, but it still hasn't shipped. I'll need to look at the hardware to say anything further. These Google Certified boxes tend to have locked bootloaders, which limits what we can do.

                Hi, i have a KM9 with android 9.0 and it was very buggy and most apps from playstore could not be installed. So i wanted to try this ROM but i had some trouble getting my PC to recognize the device at first. I was booted into recovery and tried the "reboot to bootloader" option. Well now my KM9 is stuck in a boot loop... It seems just selecting that option crashed the bootloader?

                - I tried wiping/factory restore, no effect.
                - I finally got my PC to recognize the device and tried to flash this ROM with the usb burning tool but i get a diskinitial error at 7%
                - i tried flashing from sdcard/usb but it just boots into the recovery without automatically flashing like its supposed to. I used the sd card maker tools from this forum and I tried fat32 and ntfs.
                - recovery does not mount sdcard/usb when i try opening them. sd card errors with invalid argument and udisk just doesnt show any files.

                Did i perma brick my box just by selecting "reboot to bootloader" ? Help much appreciated, thanks.


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                  Remember these u211 and u212 reference board are incredibly finicky when it comes to USB cables, so I recommend you try one with a ferrite core and braided shielding. My old male-to-male Type A USB cable that had worked for years on other devices just allowed too much signal noise for the KM9.

                  Also, this is why I removed the Reboot to Bootloader option on my TWRP build.

                I made an sdcard with this method:

                and i selected the "erase bootloader" in the burning tool and i managed to flash this ROM successfully. Dont know if the sdcard even had any effect, it was probably just the erasing of bootloader that did the trick. Anyway works now, maybe we should warn future km9 users to stay away from "boot to bootloader" option


                  Hi Magedanz , my KM9 was working fine , it started overheating i took apart the box and the IC S905x2 was getting hot ,The box boots and work for less than a minute and then keeps restarting.

                  i was doing some tests , i placed a piece of playdoug between the board and the case to push from the other side the board against the IC 905sx2 to the heatsink then i flippled the box and placed a small fan with a circular plastic rim to pull out the hot air , also hard wired the network to prevent wifi heating and seems to be working now , hope it solved fro other users
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by asegura074; 14 April 2019, 18:06.


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                    This was a common problem with the Mecool M8S Pro series, but I thought they'd fixed it in the KM9. Sad to see that doesn't seem to be true.

                  Hello Magendanz,

                  Fiesta, thank's for your rom and your work. I've two box with your rom (km9 and m8s).
                  i've problem on km9 with remonte, when i push continually down or up juste go one Time up or down, you understand ?

                  Edit : i've test with volume UP and down, same problem.

                  Thanks for help
                  Last edited by Fr3d0; 22 April 2019, 17:46.


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                    Is it the same behavior in the stock OEM firmware?

                  No, i use stock firmware without problems for d?cember, i found the remote is very slow when i click.

                  Edit : i've test with old firmware it's okey, do you know the problem ?
                  Last edited by Fr3d0; 23 April 2019, 10:48.


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                    Not really sure what could be the cause, since I don't really mess with the remote in my custom ROM other than remove the initial pairing requirement (which causes problems for everyone using the original IR remote). Are you pairing it via Bluetooth?