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Kitkat Kernels for All (well most!)

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    Kitkat Kernels for All (well most!)

    The following are kernels built against Rockchip sources. These are intended to be used with the recent release of "official" ROMS (April 2014 onward). Some devices will not boot with these kernels, generally speaking that is because either the stock power supply is rubbish and needs replacing with a decent quality 2A supply or the individual RK3188T SoC has a really bad PLL clock / leakage problem.

    Version 4.2.x
    • TV Boxes - RK1000 support (Audio codec & TV out) / Dual lcdc
    • TV Sticks - No codec / Single lcdc
    • HD resolution (1920x1080)
    • SD resolution (1280x720)
    • Single kernel for all SOCs (this is overclock for RK3188T)
    • CPU: 1.6 GHZ, GPU: 600 MHz, DDR: 720 MHz
    • Increased PLL stability over v4.1
    • Boots properly on MK902/CS968 models
    • [Edit:] 4.2.2 Audio Fix for those without Audio on 4.2
    • [Edit:] 4.2.4 Added ESP8089/MT7601/RTL8723AU^ support
    • [Edit:] 4.2.4 Added support for RTL & MT6622 Bluetooth
    • [Edit:] 4.2.5 Added MT5931 & RTL8723BS^ support
    AP6210-Alt - under test - please report results

    ESP8089* (CH2x00/QF8700 usb ethernet drivers)

    * with MT6622 BT support
    ^ with RTL Bluetooth support
    All others use Rockchip RFKill for Bluetooth

    Source code here

    Last edited by d33; 11 December 2015, 11:42.
    Measy U4B (=Tronsmart T428) used by my kids!
    Onda v975m - M802 - Bought from
    Pipo M8HD 3G - RK3188 - don't buy from pipo-store
    Tronsmart S89 Vega -S802 (sponsored by Geekbuying)
    CX921b -RK3188T (sponsored by AndroidTV)
    Cube U30GT2 - RK3188 (part sponsored by Geekbuying)
    RKM MK902 - RK3188 (sponsored by RKM)

    Donate to Finless

    To vary the T kernels for those that want to push to find their highest possible CPU potential you can can use the amended "Overclockomatic" perl script created by PHJAnderson. I've made a small alteration to make it compatible with KK.

    KK Overclockomatic Script
    Last edited by d33; 01 April 2014, 21:52.
    Measy U4B (=Tronsmart T428) used by my kids!
    Onda v975m - M802 - Bought from
    Pipo M8HD 3G - RK3188 - don't buy from pipo-store
    Tronsmart S89 Vega -S802 (sponsored by Geekbuying)
    CX921b -RK3188T (sponsored by AndroidTV)
    Cube U30GT2 - RK3188 (part sponsored by Geekbuying)
    RKM MK902 - RK3188 (sponsored by RKM)

    Donate to Finless


      Hi, can You build for devices with rtl8188eu wifi chip please?


        Originally posted by yerzu View Post
        Hi, can You build for devices with rtl8188eu wifi chip please?
        I don't have a RTL8188 device. I've compiled this blind. If you test and it works I'll build a full series.
        Last edited by d33; 09 March 2014, 14:51.
        Measy U4B (=Tronsmart T428) used by my kids!
        Onda v975m - M802 - Bought from
        Pipo M8HD 3G - RK3188 - don't buy from pipo-store
        Tronsmart S89 Vega -S802 (sponsored by Geekbuying)
        CX921b -RK3188T (sponsored by AndroidTV)
        Cube U30GT2 - RK3188 (part sponsored by Geekbuying)
        RKM MK902 - RK3188 (sponsored by RKM)

        Donate to Finless


          Originally posted by d33 View Post
          I've built a whole raft of KitKat kernels which took me quite a while yesterday!

          I've taken the stock source, which has code to switch between T and non-T CPUs and converted it to make two dedicated kernels.

          So the T kernels are fixed at 1.4 GHz and 528 MHz RAM whilst the standard ones are clocked at 1.8 GHz and 720 MHz DDR.

          I've also built LCD voltage variants as TV Boxes seem to prefer 3.3V whilst some have said that 1.8 prevents flickering on T sticks.

          Finally I've built AP6330, AP6210 (standard) and AP6210 (J22) variants.

          The kernels themselves have lots of stuff compiled in.

          RK3188 AP6210
          RK3188 AP6210 (J22)
          RK3188 AP6330

          RK3188T AP6210
          RK3188T AP6210 (J22)
          RK3188T AP6330

          HD = 1920x1080
          SD = 1280x720

          18 = 1.8V LCD support (to prevent flickering HDMI on some TV sticks)
          Sounds good. I would really love to test these kernels. But i cant, cause my stick wont work with Bootloader 2.0x. And if i do flash it, it will end in a brick.
          Dear dee, pls do also some JB kernels for us who arent able to update KK.

          Thx in advance

          Max 1


            Originally posted by d33 View Post
            I don't have a RTL8188 device. I've compiled this blind. If you test and it works I'll build a full series.

            Yeah this kernel bootup for me and wifi works! Why file have T this is for rk3188T? My device is Rikomagic MK802IV rk3188. Unfortunately my LAN adapter ASIX ax88179 not work, probably You build with driver from ASIX homepage.


              Originally posted by yerzu View Post
              Yeah this kernel bootup for me and wifi works! Why file have T this is for rk3188T? My device is Rikomagic MK802IV rk3188. Unfortunately my LAN adapter ASIX ax88179 not work, probably You build with driver from ASIX homepage.
              I've updated the OP to have a fuller set for RTL8818EU.

              Yes, it was 'official' source I compiled.
              Measy U4B (=Tronsmart T428) used by my kids!
              Onda v975m - M802 - Bought from
              Pipo M8HD 3G - RK3188 - don't buy from pipo-store
              Tronsmart S89 Vega -S802 (sponsored by Geekbuying)
              CX921b -RK3188T (sponsored by AndroidTV)
              Cube U30GT2 - RK3188 (part sponsored by Geekbuying)
              RKM MK902 - RK3188 (sponsored by RKM)

              Donate to Finless


                Originally posted by Max One View Post
                Sounds good. I would really love to test these kernels. But i cant, cause my stick wont work with Bootloader 2.0x. And if i do flash it, it will end in a brick.
                Dear dee, pls do also some JB kernels for us who arent able to update KK.

                Thx in advance

                Max 1
                There's lots of JB kernels, both stock and custom.
                Measy U4B (=Tronsmart T428) used by my kids!
                Onda v975m - M802 - Bought from
                Pipo M8HD 3G - RK3188 - don't buy from pipo-store
                Tronsmart S89 Vega -S802 (sponsored by Geekbuying)
                CX921b -RK3188T (sponsored by AndroidTV)
                Cube U30GT2 - RK3188 (part sponsored by Geekbuying)
                RKM MK902 - RK3188 (sponsored by RKM)

                Donate to Finless


                  I really tested them all.

                  I found a kernel which is working very nice except wifi, bt and lan are not working.



                    Originally posted by d33 View Post
                    I've built a whole raft of KitKat kernels which took me quite a while yesterday!

                    I've taken the stock source, which has code to switch between T and non-T CPUs and converted it to make two dedicated kernels.

                    So the T kernels are fixed at 1.4 GHz and 528 MHz RAM whilst the standard ones are clocked at 1.8 GHz and 720 MHz DDR.

                    I've also built LCD voltage variants as TV Boxes seem to prefer 3.3V whilst some have said that 1.8 prevents flickering on T sticks.

                    Finally I've built AP6330, AP6210 (standard) and AP6210 (J22) variants.

                    The kernels themselves have lots of stuff compiled in.

                    RK3188 / RK3188T AP6210
                    RK3188 / RK3188T AP6210 (J22)
                    RK3188 / RK3188T AP6330
                    RK3188/RK3188T RTL8188EU

                    HD = 1920x1080
                    SD = 1280x720

                    18 = 1.8V LCD support (to prevent flickering HDMI on some TV sticks)

                    ive got a mk908II tried a couple of your kernels with finless kk beta 2 out of those ive tried no boot but im not sure im doing right im fairly confident. i would have thought the right kernel would be r3188t ap6210 tried non t as well but no joy. Does it need renaming before flash is there something im missing eg clear dalvick? Im pretty sure i dont need j22. Any help would be great


                      Originally posted by LawlessPPC View Post
                      ive got a mk908II tried a couple of your kernels with finless kk beta 2 out of those ive tried no boot but im not sure im doing right im fairly confident. i would have thought the right kernel would be r3188t ap6210 tried non t as well but no joy. Does it need renaming before flash is there something im missing eg clear dalvick? Im pretty sure i dont need j22. Any help would be great
                      Something has buggered up in the uploads

                      I'll have to start again Check back later
                      Measy U4B (=Tronsmart T428) used by my kids!
                      Onda v975m - M802 - Bought from
                      Pipo M8HD 3G - RK3188 - don't buy from pipo-store
                      Tronsmart S89 Vega -S802 (sponsored by Geekbuying)
                      CX921b -RK3188T (sponsored by AndroidTV)
                      Cube U30GT2 - RK3188 (part sponsored by Geekbuying)
                      RKM MK902 - RK3188 (sponsored by RKM)

                      Donate to Finless


                        Originally posted by d33 View Post
                        Something has buggered up in the uploads

                        I'll have to start again Check back later



                          Hey d33, would you please point the way for one that will work for the Rk3188/cx919? I've been having issues where with almost every rom I flashed, the wireless keyboards (wifi and Bluetooth) keep freezing every 5 seconds... Thanks.


                            Hi d33

                            Can you or someone build RK3188 kernel with MT7601U wifi and MT6622 Bluetooth for JB and/or KK?

                            From Mediatek

                            From Rockchip


                              mk908II booting with rk3188t 1.8 hd Antutu 15884

