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Beelink S82/S82H/M8/MXIII & Tronsmart S89/S89H - Finless 2.0 ROM

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    My remote control does not work

    My audio system does not work
    I use AV cable
    My remote control does not work


      anyone else magicly lose root? i installed a samba server, it informed me it had a permissions error, on a hunch i installed root checker, it said my device was not rooted, so i used the rooter zip and rooted it


        Originally posted by AndreLuizSF View Post
        My audio system does not work
        I use AV cable
        My remote control does not work
        Tenho um tronsmart S89-H e funciona perfeitamente.
        Experimente atualizar por reset no pino de a/v.


          Originally posted by manero View Post
          Tenho um tronsmart S89-H e funciona perfeitamente.
          Experimente atualizar por reset no pino de a/v.

          I have a tronsmart S89-H and works perfectly.
          Try updating the reset pin for a / v.
          "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
          "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
          "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
          "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
          "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
          "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
          "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
          "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
          "Forgive them as they know not what they do"


            i read post before mine real fast i thought was talking about me . this is second time i have installed it, this is 2nd time its happened maybe its something to do with the mxiii 2g, who knows im just reporting what it has done twice, losing root, great rom otherwise
            Last edited by leo5111; 18 November 2014, 02:38.


              recovery.img is missing - need help

              i have download the zip file and extract it but there is no recovery.img file there.
              also try to download version 1.9, but also there is no recovery.img file.
              help please?



                Hi bob im using the oman xbmc 4k and I ran into a problem in live tv section when I bring up the menue it doesnt show thr full picture only when I have to make it full screen .. im going to test out another xbmc incase its ur rom


                  Re: NEW - Beelink S82/S82H/M8/MXIII & Tronsmart S89/S89H - Finless 2.0 ROM

                  Originally posted by londonshore View Post
                  Hi bob im using the oman xbmc 4k and I ran into a problem in live tv section when I bring up the menue it doesnt show thr full picture only when I have to make it full screen .. im going to test out another xbmc incase its ur rom
                  So I answeared my own question its not ur rom its the oman xbmc that isnt doing it


                    I got CIFS mounts working!

                    First off great stuff with the ROM - your work is really appreciated.

                    I thought I'd share something cause this has been messing with my head for ages! I mentioned a while ago that I had CIFS mounting sort of working on the stock ROM with the Chinese SU app but I was unable to fix it on Finless' ROM.

                    So a bit of background: even though the ROM and kernel both support and mount CIFS just fine, only the app that makes the mount is able to see the content. CIFS Manager claimed to mount the share but no files were visible in ES File Explorer. This was replicable in a terminal session using the mount command - the contents of the share were visible from the terminal with ls but not in file browsers, media players etc.

                    It's due to the way Android handles multi-user storage (/storage/emulated/sdcard) - there's some more info here:

                    It turns out there's a switch in SuperSU that creates the mount at a lower level, so they are visible to all users/processes:

                    So to mount CIFS shares:

                    Launch Terminal Emulator and su with the --mount-master switch (-mm) then mount the share as normal:

                    su -mm
                    mount -o username=youruser,password=yourpassword -t cifs \\\\192.168.0.*\\sharename /sdcard/cifs

                    The double slashes are needed to escape the special backslash character.

                    I can now point Poweramp to /sdcard/cifs and play the whole music library on my NAS

                    Manually typing the long-ass command into terminal with an air mouse each time you reboot your box is not ideal but it's a good enough workaround for now. Anyone know if this can be made to work in fstab, or can knock up a script?

                    Damn that was much more difficult than it needed to be!


                      Just make an init.d script!

                      Using ES File explorer and making sure you set system as RW do this

                      Go into /system/etc/init.d
                      Make a new file
                      edit this file and put in it:

                      su -mm
                      mount -o username=youruser,password=yourpassword -t cifs \\\\192.168.0.*\\sharename /sdcard/cifs

                      Now rename the file to 01cifs
                      Do not put a .sh extension on the name.

                      Now set the permissions of the file to:
                      rwx rwx rwx

                      When you reboot this should run and set you up. Please allow a little bit of time for the script to run once you see the launcher show up.

                      "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
                      "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
                      "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
                      "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
                      "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
                      "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
                      "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
                      "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
                      "Forgive them as they know not what they do"


                        I wouldn't wonder if it also works without 'su -mm' at init.d.... OK, I only use NFS and not CIFS but never have had a problem with it like TrancerSte described when using it at init.d (also at s802 e.g. minix x8-h)...
                        RK3288 Devices
                        - Overview BOX (LINK !)
                        - Overview STICK (Dongle) (LINK !)

                        MINIX NEO: Z64 W/A - (Intel Z3735F); X8-H Plus - (Amlogic S812H); A2 Lite (sponsored by
                        UGOOS UT3S (4/32GB with fan) - FW 2.0.6 - (RK3288) (sponsored by
                        Tronsmart Draco AW80 Meta (2/16GB) - FW v2.0rc3 - (Allwinner A80) (sponsored by
                        Beelink / UBOX R89 - FW 111k4110_1219 - (RK3288) (sponsored by Netxeon (Beelink))

                        RK3188: pcb => "CH001 1332 TN-BX09_V2.1" (K-R42 / CS918...) => wasser KK 1.0.3 (old rev)
                        Fly Mouse Mini Wireless Keyboard with 2 mode learning IR remote 'iPazzPort KP-810-16'


                          Before the mount you should insert
                          while [ ""`getprop dev.bootcomplete` != "1" ] ; do sleep 1; done
                          because this ensures that the system is up and the lan/wifi is ready...
                          RK3288 Devices
                          - Overview BOX (LINK !)
                          - Overview STICK (Dongle) (LINK !)

                          MINIX NEO: Z64 W/A - (Intel Z3735F); X8-H Plus - (Amlogic S812H); A2 Lite (sponsored by
                          UGOOS UT3S (4/32GB with fan) - FW 2.0.6 - (RK3288) (sponsored by
                          Tronsmart Draco AW80 Meta (2/16GB) - FW v2.0rc3 - (Allwinner A80) (sponsored by
                          Beelink / UBOX R89 - FW 111k4110_1219 - (RK3288) (sponsored by Netxeon (Beelink))

                          RK3188: pcb => "CH001 1332 TN-BX09_V2.1" (K-R42 / CS918...) => wasser KK 1.0.3 (old rev)
                          Fly Mouse Mini Wireless Keyboard with 2 mode learning IR remote 'iPazzPort KP-810-16'


                            Originally posted by no_spam_for_me View Post
                            Before the mount you should insert
                            while [ ""`getprop dev.bootcomplete` != "1" ] ; do sleep 1; done
                            because this ensures that the system is up and the lan/wifi is ready...
                            Nice! +100!

                            "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
                            "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
                            "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
                            "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
                            "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
                            "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
                            "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
                            "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
                            "Forgive them as they know not what they do"


                              Nice one, I'm away for the next couple of weekends so I won't have time to test it out for a while but I'll let you know when I do.

                              I've set up SSH access so I can create the script on my PC and upload it via SFTP


                                thanks for this

                                Just wanted to step in with a big thanks to Bob & this ROM. S-89-H + Finless 2.0 +SPMC , this is the first Android box I've had that pretty much does all I wanted it to do.
                                Many many thanks for your work on this

