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NEW - R28/R89/HPH Finless 1.2 ROM

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    NEW - R28/R89/HPH Finless 1.2 ROM

    Hi all!
    Welcome to the 2nd 3288 ROM I have ever made. Still learning this new box.

    This ROM was made from the latest release from Beelink. 110K4109_1016.

    This ROM will work on the following and has been tested by me:
    Beelink R89
    Tronsmart R28
    HPH TV Box with 16GB.

    Please don't ask about other devices as I don't have them and cannot test. But 3288 ROMs seem to be pretty generic.


    Features and release notes for my 1.2 ROM:

    1) Stock ROM was only 2 gigs of APP space.
    I now supply you with 3 parameter files to choose from:
    2gig - the default if you do nothing
    If you guys want more let me know.

    2) Debloated of junk APPs.
    This includes the XBMC that came with 110K4, etc.
    Why? Because if I don't do this and you do a factory reset, that XBMC always gets installed on first boot!
    Removing it allows you to install whatever XBMC you want.
    I do supply the original XBMC that came with this ROM in the Removed_apps folder so you can install it if you want.

    3) All Google Apps and Google framework, Play Store, etc are updated to the latest as of this date.
    Not sure why Beelink doesn’t update?

    4) As always, I added full init.d support! If you do not know what that is... ignore it.
    For geeks that want to use it. It is there!

    5) Build.prop edit to open up the Google Play store to APPs that normally say "not compatible".
    I am spoofing a Samsung device that will show almost any APP as compatible.
    Your device will show up in google play as Samsung device not a R89 or R29! Understand this please.
    I also left the original build.prop in the ROM called build.orig.
    If you want to go back, just use ES FIle Explorer or a root file explorer and rename build.prop to build.old
    Then rename build.orig to build.prop.
    Go into settings, apps, all and go into the Google Play app. Clear the cache and data.
    Reboot! You should be back to showing up as a R89.

    6) I added a reboot APP that will allow optional reboot options like reboot to bootloader (flash mode).

    7) Other tweaks I do to add performance like buffer sizes, etc.
    Yes I still tweaked the TCPIP buffers!
    Other tweaks which are my trade secret

    8) I did a tiny bit of theming to the launcher3 wallpaper.

    9) I removed kernel from boot.img.
    This will allow using different kernels later as the Dev's here make them.


    OK here is the download.

    READ the README.TXT in the ZIP for instructions on how to flash this ROM!

    ROM -> R28/R89 HPH 3288 TV Box - Finless 1.2 ROM (414 megs)

    "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
    "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
    "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
    "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
    "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
    "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
    "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
    "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
    "Forgive them as they know not what they do"

    Thanks Finless

    Thanks Bob for the much awaited Finless for RK 3288!!

    Question..The tools load FinlessROM\uboot.img but there is no uboot.img in ROM directory should we change that to FinlessROM\RK3288Loader_uboot_V2.15.02.bin ?
    Last edited by Aicgod; 18 October 2014, 04:14.


      Dear Bob,

      Many thanks!!!... Does it mean your rom also works with Ugoos UT3 ??? As far as i know they have same pcb.


        Originally posted by racerant View Post
        Dear Bob,

        Many thanks!!!... Does it mean your rom also works with Ugoos UT3 ??? As far as i know they have same pcb.
        Many thanks for this rom Bob , you can add the Ugoos UT3 to the list of working boxes for this rom.
        I have the 2gb memory = 16gb rom version.
        The only thing that does not work is the power LED on top of the box that tells you the unit is powered up, it would be good to get that back.
        I used the 8gb partition, i just deleted the other 2 and renamed the 8gb to 2gb, worked fine.
        I love the LIGHTHOME launcher it looks great

        As above it works fine apart from the power LED issue.
        Last edited by jacko; 18 October 2014, 09:01.


          Good News Jacko Thanks a lot !!!


            Does the 8gig parameter file also fits at a 8GB device?
            Maybe it would be a good idea also to generate a 6 or 7gig parameter file for 8GB devices?
            RK3288 Devices
            - Overview BOX (LINK !)
            - Overview STICK (Dongle) (LINK !)

            MINIX NEO: Z64 W/A - (Intel Z3735F); X8-H Plus - (Amlogic S812H); A2 Lite (sponsored by
            UGOOS UT3S (4/32GB with fan) - FW 2.0.6 - (RK3288) (sponsored by
            Tronsmart Draco AW80 Meta (2/16GB) - FW v2.0rc3 - (Allwinner A80) (sponsored by
            Beelink / UBOX R89 - FW 111k4110_1219 - (RK3288) (sponsored by Netxeon (Beelink))

            RK3188: pcb => "CH001 1332 TN-BX09_V2.1" (K-R42 / CS918...) => wasser KK 1.0.3 (old rev)
            Fly Mouse Mini Wireless Keyboard with 2 mode learning IR remote 'iPazzPort KP-810-16'


              im going to give a big thumbs up..... congrats bob....hope will cure any xbmc....or spmc problems.... pinky


                Thanks, Bob for your update on the roms. One question may still remain for me, can I somehow launch Linux on the R89 ? Is there a way to somehow get into bootloader and boot from USB or SD card?

                Thanks in advance!


                  Hi Bob

                  Nagrace is going to release another firmware update next week with all users suggestions received so far.
                  Then you will have to make a new ROM again, just kidding


                    Originally posted by m1pnk View Post
                    im going to give a big thumbs up..... congrats bob....hope will cure any xbmc....or spmc problems.... pinky
                    update.... constant crashing with this rom on spmc.... like i had trouble with before..... can you look at rileys rom for the pipo p4 bob..... that works amazing with spmc..... and very fast..... thanks again... pinky


                      Originally posted by no_spam_for_me View Post
                      Does the 8gig parameter file also fits at a 8GB device?
                      Maybe it would be a good idea also to generate a 6 or 7gig parameter file for 8GB devices?

                      Wanted to join to the question,

                      R28 pro has 8gb, can we use the 8gb parameter file ?

                      Also, the rom has no kernel ? So what will happen after flash ? The old kernel from previous rom remains ?



                        Originally posted by zeevg View Post
                        Wanted to join to the question,

                        R28 pro has 8gb, can we use the 8gb parameter file ?

                        Also, the rom has no kernel ? So what will happen after flash ? The old kernel from previous rom remains ?

                        It's only for 16GB devices, the 8GB parameter is for 8GB user app space, if you want to flash it on your device, you have to use the 2GB parameter file or you can dump the parameter file of your stock ROM and use that instead. You can use the flash tool to split the stock image file into separate images including parameter file, if your ROM comes as one file, otherwise just replace the seperate parameter file.
                        All the images except user add up to less than 3GB, the rest ends up as user space until the end of the ROM automatically. If you use the 8GB parameter it will use 9GB space and the rest 7GB end up as user space automatically, so it's more than the 8GB ROM you only have and won't work.

                        The kernels are usually inside the boot.img. If you flash, all the previous data is erased.
                        You should keep/dump the boot.img and resource.img from your original ROM image file that should be posted by someone in the forum and use it in combination with the new ROM if the ROM doesn't boot for you. Remember the different parameter file.


                          Thanks mo123 !


                            uboot.img is not used. It was not in the 110K4109.
                            I do not know what uBoot partition is used for as every box I have dumped to date that has been empty. Also there is a new partition called radical_update. That so far is also unused. So it's possibly there for something later or maybe for manufacturing / debugging.

                            For you 8gb guys, I can make a 6mb parameter file if you like. Let me know.

                            "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
                            "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
                            "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
                            "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
                            "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
                            "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
                            "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
                            "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
                            "Forgive them as they know not what they do"


                              Dear Bob,
                              I know that you said for us not to ask you for other ROMs but will you consider adapt this ROM to the HPH 4Gb / 32Gb box?

