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WeTek Play - AML-8726 MX

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    Originally posted by aardvark View Post
    Hi droidelec, many thanks for testing that out for me I really appreciate the effort and response. Sadly this wont do what I would like it to do as it would not be the one box solution that I am looking android box with twin tuners that allows for the facility to record whilst watching another and the option to dip into kodi whilst recording tv...............if anyone knows of such a thing please let me know..........and if there is not such a thing,,,,,someone should come up with a one box solution

    many many thanks
    That won't work on android, because as soon as you minimize a window the system will kill it. Maybe if it had multi window it would work. Perhaps CT can make a multi window flashable zip for Omni so that one can try it ?

    Also it might work on OpenElec.
    if [ $ = $type.two.lazy.to_use_google ] || [ $ = $type.silly_question ];
    then mv $ /.trash; set response($response.type = ignore);
    $ = true; fi;



      Good day People....

      This box has certainly piqued my interest.

      I recently got a Tronsmart S89-H, but the support for "TV Apps" is dismal.

      I.E., even the (US) PBS app does not work, missing DRM libs, and other things.

      What I would like is to hear from people using this device with "TV Apps". HBO-Go, TMN-GO (Canadian version of hbo-go), PBS app... BBC iPlayer, ITV player.

      I'm not interested in DVB, just want to stream TV/Networks, etc...

      Do these apps work? I've come to the point where I'm about to toss my Tronsmart S89-H into the recycle bin...

      I understand a few good distros of Android KitKat are available, but if the AML SDK is missing the DRM libs', I suspect this box will be no better than the Tronsmart?

      Love to hear from you who have this and use TV apps.


        Originally posted by abdul_pt View Post
        That won't work on android, because as soon as you minimize a window the system will kill it. Maybe if it had multi window it would work. Perhaps CT can make a multi window flashable zip for Omni so that one can try it ?

        Also it might work on OpenElec.
        you should run that task as a background service (and if it's one showing an icon in the task bar android won't kill is when seeking for resources), I guess that thing would require almost a totally rewriting of the dvb player apps though (what I mean is having a background server that does all the stuff behind the scene, like vdr for example, and the dvb player app just a frontend, like vdr-sxfe)

        I don't know since any of these apps is available in Italy (it's been a pain back in the days trying to fix Netflix working with my pal flsuperstore that was doing all the tests for me)
        WeTek Play
        Recoveries: CWM | TWRP
        Lollipop ROMs: CyanogenMOD 12 | OMNI | Android TV
        KitKat ROMs: CyanogenMOD 11 | OMNI | ParanoidAndroid | AOKP
        Misc: Unbrick WeTek Play


          btw, just a teaser...

          ps: it just boots and surfs the web, video playback is broken and no dvb support yet
          WeTek Play
          Recoveries: CWM | TWRP
          Lollipop ROMs: CyanogenMOD 12 | OMNI | Android TV
          KitKat ROMs: CyanogenMOD 11 | OMNI | ParanoidAndroid | AOKP
          Misc: Unbrick WeTek Play


            Must be an overall issue with Android. These companies sell "Android TV Box", umm, no.

            Most "TV" apps fail to work due to DRM issues, HDMI detection, root detection, no 3G/4G detection, etc etc etc...

            Developers for the ROM's in the MX & Tronsmart boxes have to 'hack' these apps to work. Well, if you're not a programmer that leaves 95% of us with unusable devices for TV streaming.

            XBMC works yes, but that's only a small part of my repertoire of video playback/entertainment.

            Will just have to wait and see reports of TV apps on this device. I myself may be reporting, I just ordered one to tinker with.


              I've spoken with WeTek people about your question and what I can assure you is that if something can be done and is not a soc limit (like they don't have teo drm keys because they're not allowed to), they will look for a solution
              WeTek Play
              Recoveries: CWM | TWRP
              Lollipop ROMs: CyanogenMOD 12 | OMNI | Android TV
              KitKat ROMs: CyanogenMOD 11 | OMNI | ParanoidAndroid | AOKP
              Misc: Unbrick WeTek Play


                From my understanding, I don't think SoC will be the main issue, most Android TV apps have been 'modified' by developers on Freaktab to work on KitKat Android TV boxes for sale on GeekBuying.

                It would be good if TV apps simply worked on this box. It's a hope of mine because they do claim "Google Approved" in their adverts for the WeTek.

                But, I'm very excited to get mine soon, hopefully before Christmas, I have lot's of time off to play!

                Originally posted by ChristianTroy View Post
                I've spoken with WeTek people about your question and what I can assure you is that if something can be done and is not a soc limit (like they don't have teo drm keys because they're not allowed to), they will look for a solution


                  you hijack the apk to avoid the drm check but that might violate the law (and is not the right way to do it, it works I agree but if the device includes the right DRM keys it would be better)

                  Google approved means that it has passed the CTS test and can include Google applications without violating any law because Android might be open source (with a smart license, the Apache that allows to modify the code without redistributing) but Google Apps are a Google property, that's why aftermarket roms like CyanogenMOD don't include them as part of the zip.
                  WeTek Play
                  Recoveries: CWM | TWRP
                  Lollipop ROMs: CyanogenMOD 12 | OMNI | Android TV
                  KitKat ROMs: CyanogenMOD 11 | OMNI | ParanoidAndroid | AOKP
                  Misc: Unbrick WeTek Play


                    Thanks for clarifying "Google Approved", now I understand this term.

                    FYI, those apps are not hijacked of DRM, the TV streams are encrypted, so DRM is required to view the stream.

                    From what I understand those apps check /system/build.prop for some things, 'real phone vs tablet', HDMI cable connected or not, 3g/4g detected, and some other things I can't remember. I'm not a programmer.

                    My TV Apps that require up to date DRM to work, will run, but no video output, these I hope will work on WeTek! That would make me very happy!

                    Originally posted by ChristianTroy View Post
                    you hijack the apk to avoid the drm check but that might violate the law (and is not the right way to do it, it works I agree but if the device includes the right DRM keys it would be better)

                    Google approved means that it has passed the CTS test and can include Google applications without violating any law because Android might be open source (with a smart license, the Apache that allows to modify the code without redistributing) but Google Apps are a Google property, that's why aftermarket roms like CyanogenMOD don't include them as part of the zip.


                      Originally posted by no_spam_for_me View Post
                      seems to be a nice toy with two DVB-S2 tuner

                      I have to ask what's about e.g. OsCam and also external SC-reader




                        Originally posted by droidelec View Post
                        Hi taki,

                        Yes, tvheadend is running ok, just need to figure out why DVB is failing to scan. I will keep updated this thread as soon I figure it out.

                        [    6.374694@0] DVB: aml dvb init
                        [    6.376169@0] DVB: probe amlogic dvb driver
                        [    6.380237@0] DVB: ts2: parallel
                        [    6.383636@0] DVB: ts2_control: 0x0
                        [    6.386912@0] DVB: registering new adapter (amlogic-dvb)
                        [    6.393150@0] [dmx]src is -1
                        [    6.397143@0] DVB: async fifo 0 buf size 524288, flush size 262144
                        [    6.401995@0] DVB: async fifo 1 buf size 524288, flush size 262144
                        [    6.408581@0] FE: found dtv_demod0 driver: Avl6211
                        [    6.412228@0] FE: dtv_demod0_i2c_adap_id: 1
                        [    6.416341@0] FE: dtv_demod0_i2c_addr: 192
                        [    6.420437@0] FE: dtv_demod0_reset_gpio: GPIOD_8
                        [    6.425044@0] FE: dtv_demod0_reset_value: 0
                        [    6.429189@0] FE: dtv_demod0 memory resource undefined.
                        [    6.434527@0] FE: fe0_dtv_demod: 0
                        [    6.437781@0] FE: fe0_ts: 2
                        [    6.440553@0] FE: fe0_dev: 0
                        [    6.443447@0] FE: fe: c0c5d8c8 cap: 1 tuner: ffffffff demod: 1
                        [    6.449238@0] amlogic-dvb dvb.7: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 ()...
                        [    6.456536@0] For tongfang
                        [    6.459051@0] FE: fe1_dev: 0
                        [    6.461982@0] FE: [aml_fe..] probe ok.
                        Hi, droidelec

                        I've got a tuner which is not avl6211, I'm trying to compile the driver for it and I've got the same "FE: dtv_demod0 memory resource undefined" error, how did you solve this issue? Thanks a lot.


                          Hi sspride,

                          All WeTek Play DVB-S2 tuners are tuner/demod combination AVL6211 + AVL2012.



                            They started seeding new OTA update for WeTek Play, and in changes I saw this:

                            * Added support for apps that rely on Google Widevine.


                            I tested Voyo app which is available here in my country, it use Widevine and it works


                              I want to write that perfect support your device wetek. number one of the android producer. other producer say that amlogic 8726 mx old cpu thus dont support new kernel (based hw ) and software. but we learned through wetek. only need good devoloper. may be produce hevc based dvb device wetek. I fist buy it


                                Hi guys

                                4.2.2 satellite feeds are supported?


