One little difference is the most of us here have this device for over six montht.
A few months in my opinion have no value since hardware meets all possible requirements for now in Android world.
Please do not tell me about Android M..
I have an OnePlus One phone, perhaps that's the most "software devlelopementsupported"phone with an impressive community/developers/modders.
CM/COS is just a shit when you are looking to device stability, with nightly releases who brokes what was fixed few days earlier.
CM's true value are developers like SultanXDA, Slim Saber, XenonHD, etc who are truely shining and CM stable/nightlies is just a base for them.
KitKat 4.4.4 was/is awesome regarding stability/battery life and in Oneplus world people are going from COS12/CM12 to CM11.
In Cube's world I'm pretty happy with 4.4.4 ...looking even at stragefright vulnerabilities I haven't stored any vital information on phone/tablet (that stays in an encrypted folder in my PC/Cloud).
Regards, Edy.