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Mini M8S II 4K Smart TV Box Amlogic S905X 2/8GB WiFi 10/100 LAN BT

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    Yes, first thing I tried but the issue persists. I can get passthrough to work but the sound ducks/glitches for half a second from time to time and it's impossible to watch a movie like that.


      Originally posted by dastinger View Post
      Yes, first thing I tried but the issue persists. I can get passthrough to work but the sound ducks/glitches for half a second from time to time and it's impossible to watch a movie like that.
      Did you install the latest Latest Jarvis build of SMPC from or from the google store? The Google store doesn't have the latest APK yet. Also looking at the commit history there are lots of audio fixes happening:


        I installed the apk downloaded from the website, not the Play Store.

        The commits you're seeing are probably from the beta Krypton. Lots of audio fixes being pushed on that release. Let's see if those are enough to fix the issues.


          Hello everybody.
          I have this box Tv too.

          And I have a problem with pass thought DTS sound in Kodi/SPMC. When the movie plays, sound "crack" "crick" very quickly.
          Do you know what is the solution ?

          (Sorry for my English, I'm French and I know I do some mistakes).


            Youtube 4k works???
            Free 100Gb space for your files:


              I have this box but I notice in kodi acceleration it doesn't have amcodec so I get dropped frames with media codec and only get round this by turning off all acceleration. Any ideas on either enabling amcodec ?


                Originally posted by trebor View Post
                Anyone else notice the color off after this firmware update? Videos for me seem pretty dark now.


                  Pretty dark in Kodi but totally fine in Archos. Noticed it yesterday, not sure if it was the update since its only in Kodi.


                    Originally posted by dastinger View Post
                    Pretty dark in Kodi but totally fine in Archos. Noticed it yesterday, not sure if it was the update since its only in Kodi.
                    I'm using SMPC and everything is dark too . I guess I'll use archos until the next firmware update.


                      Hi guys, hope you can help me, I got a Mini M8S II S905x tv box - everything worked fine for a couple of days. It then came up with the OTA update so I downloaded it and installed - my box is now bricked. After a bit of research the USB Burning Tool can see the box even though there is no power light on the front, so I contacted the seller and she sent me a link to the firmware for it - sd_update_minim8s_rv106L04 - this file loads into the USB Burning Tool but I get the following error when I try to update - [0x10105002]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Read initialize status/USB Control setup error. Ive tried a couple of times but still the same, I've even downloaded the firmware that I found in this thread but that file is for a SD card update. I don't know what to do and can't seem to find the IMG file to use with the USB Burning Tool - anybody have any ideas??


                        I think that firmware was for the original mini m8s box with s905 not the ii with s905x. Better get a sd card.


                          That's what I think too, so I found the update in this forum -, but this is the files for the SD card upgrade which won't help me because I can't get this tv box to actually startup - no power LED or picture on the TV. It's as if this box is bricked, has anybody come across the IMG file for this box so I could try to update it using the USB Burning tool. Or does anybody know if I can short any pins on this board like I've seen on some other Amlogic boards to kick some life back into it? Of course I got this from China so sending it back just isn't worth it !!!


                            Certainly a cloddish answer :
                            Did you try to reset with toothpick and button under the box ?


                              Yeah, tried the reset button, tried without the reset button. I've been reading a lot on this forum and others and have tried everything but to no avail. I have the older version of this box the Mini M8S with the S905 CPU and got Openelec installed with no issues and even went back to Android using the USB Burning tool so I know my OTG cable and everything is fine, I reckon this new box has had it, sometimes I suppose what do we expect for €50 ?? It sounds more like a hard brick than soft do you think? Thanks for your help by the way, I do appreciate your time !


                                Is there a way to configure the CEC options for this box? For some reason, when I shut off the TV, it suspends the box, but doesn't wake it back up when I turn the TV back on.
                                MXQ / M8S+ / MXIII-Plus / Mini MX / Mini MXIII / T95 / Mini M8S II / R68 / V88 / GT1

