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LibreELEC 7.0 For S905/X (old)

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    LibreELEC 7.0 For S905/X (old)

    [LibreELEC] Bolt Ons! AceStream & EmulationStation + RetroArch/Libretro for S905/S905X devices!

    I will admit I have had huge issues with the Nexbox A5 with the Amlogic S905X SOC.
    I thought all the issues was due to the S905X. I was wrong. The issues is due to the poorly built Android ROM.

    I was about ready to sell the Nexbox until I came across the LibreELEC build. I honestly can't empathize how much of an improvement installing LibreELEC has been. You just need to try it yourself.

    Since installing LibreELEC I have had no issues.

    All of my HEVC videos work fine and I have had no frame drops or stutters. CEC also works.

    The difference from running LibreELEC compared to Android is night and day.


    For this to work you need to restore the original firmware back to the box so TWRP can install. If you are already using the original firmware you can ignore this.
    For TX5 Pro owners you need to restore firmware version 20160805. Newer versions disabled the ability to boot from SD.

    Other Original Firmwares:
    LibreELEC will work with all S905X Devices that have a reset button.

    To install LibreELEC you need TWRP.

    This is the TWRP recovery for S905X. To install, rename the file recovery.img and place it onto a 16GB or smaller Micro SD card and put it into the box. Then hold in the reset button while powering on the device and it will boot into TWRP. You can install TWRP to the box recovery by going to install, selecting "image" instead of zip, and flashing it to "recovery".

    The MD5 for TWRP is: 46cb115fbe0d31c4ed3db72179963003

    Once the TWRP recovery is installed you can now flash LibreELEC. The version you want to install is this one: (Works with both 1/2GB RAM Models)
    (I would use TWRP to make a backup of the installed Android system before installing LibreELEC. Just make sure you store the backup to an external storage device.)

    The guys working on it are updating it all the time. So check here for updated info:
    All I am doing is converting the images so they can be installed via TWRP (The default booting from SD method they use didn't work for me).


    Here is a zip with a few remote.conf for those that need them:

    The remote.conf needs to be placed in the .config folder (I use FileZilla to connect to the box).

    user: root
    password: libreelec

    If you are having any playback issues try replacing the guisettings.xml in /.kodi/userdata/ with this one (make sure you unzip it first), then reboot the device. The file uses all the correct settings for smooth playback.

    You could also test out this Kodi Build that has the correct setup. You install it by going to "Install from zip file" in Kodi and selecting the zip (it needs an internet connection otherwise it will fail to install), then run the wizard from "Program Add-Ons"
    Last edited by trebor; 07 November 2017, 20:03.

    Just wanted to say thanks for this post it really helped me set up my A95X Nexbox as just a kodi box without any of the android fluff - I've been testing a few movies 24p, 60fps etc and so far not a problem all butter smooth and switching the TV 24p as necessary - brilliant stuff!

    Also just to add I had to install the original Nexbox firmware back to the box before TWRP could install.


      Originally posted by niftyifty View Post
      Also just to add I had to install the original Nexbox firmware back to the box before TWRP could install.
      Yeah, if you have installed a 3rd party firmware you will need to restore the original firmware. Well to be more precise you need to restore the original bootloader that came with the Box.

      A quick and easy way to see if your device is booting from the SD is to use a USB flash drive that has an activity indicator light. If it flashes while holding the reset button while powering on. It means it should be able to boot the recovery from the SD card. If it doesn't you need to flash the original firmware.

      LibreELEC is pretty awesome, It has gave my box new life.

      It isn't working in the build I posted but they have got HW support for VP9 playing 4k 60fps, and fixed the memory leaking. They have also got h264 4k working.

      The build that will include these fixes should be out next week. Keep and eye here to see when it has been released:

      Also updating LibreELEC doesn't destroy your current Kodi setup. It will just update the system and kernel.


        I have been using libreelec on the a95x for a week now and i agree that kodi is almost flawless. And even more fixes are coming (like vp9) .

        However the build is very ''picky'' regarding booting. Most times it doesnt boot (i am trying the sdcard method since i want to dual boot with android). However kszaq fixed this (among other things) :

        Regarding installation you dont need twrp. After you prepare the sd/usb according to instructions simply put a dummy on the sd/usb and through System update app, locate the dummy zip, select it to flash and done! System will reboot and libreelec logo will show up! Should you want to install it to nand and remove android altogether there is an option for that too. (i wouldnt recomend it for now, besides with a fast sd/usb its still very fast plus you get to have dual os boot)

        System will always boot with libreelec unless you a: remove sd/usb b:select to reboot to nand(android) from the power menu.
        Like pinguy said, it is prefered to have the stock android on nand(it locates the remote.conf file) however i think you can just copy the remote.conf on the sd card.

        I had a rpi2 before and this little puppy smokes it in every possible way ( except 3d mvc of course).


          As LibreELEC is the way forward with these Boxes as the supplied Android image is pretty much garbage, I have made an update for all S905/X Nexbox's with 2GB of RAM.

          This is based on the 2016-10-03-devel version.

          All I have done is included the dtb.img. Without it HD audio won't work and gives the crackling sound. I have also replaced the Nexbox boot image with the default Amlogic S905X boot image.

          To install just flash with TWRP.

          This should work with:
          • Tanix TX5 Pro
          • MINIM8SII
          • Nexbox A5
          • Nexbox A95x
          • COOLEME MB1

          Last edited by pinguy; 12 October 2016, 23:19.


            Originally posted by madshadow
            I have been using libreelec on the a95x for a week now and i agree that kodi is almost flawless. And even more fixes are coming (like vp9) .

            However the build is very ''picky'' regarding booting. Most times it doesnt boot (i am trying the sdcard method since i want to dual boot with android). However kszaq fixed this (among other things) :

            Regarding installation you dont need twrp. After you prepare the sd/usb according to instructions simply put a dummy on the sd/usb and through System update app, locate the dummy zip, select it to flash and done! System will reboot and libreelec logo will show up! Should you want to install it to nand and remove android altogether there is an option for that too. (i wouldnt recomend it for now, besides with a fast sd/usb its still very fast plus you get to have dual os boot)

            System will always boot with libreelec unless you a: remove sd/usb b:select to reboot to nand(android) from the power menu.
            Like pinguy said, it is prefered to have the stock android on nand(it locates the remote.conf file) however i think you can just copy the remote.conf on the sd card.

            I had a rpi2 before and this little puppy smokes it in every possible way ( except 3d mvc of course).
            Hi as total novice can you give step by step instruction of dual boot libreelec fit s995x nexbox, I would like Android with libreelec. Thank you.

            Sent from my PLK-L01 using Tapatalk


              Bit of a link dump, as the info maybe handy for other people.

              I am looking for away to get Acestream working on the S905/X LibreELEC Boxes. The way to go about this seems to be to use "Docker".



                Hi can you try a hevc 10bit x265 mkv file to see if it runs smoothly. Thank you.

                Sent from my PLK-L01 using Tapatalk


                  Originally posted by ddogishere View Post
                  Hi can you try a hevc 10bit x265 mkv file to see if it runs smoothly. Thank you.

                  Sent from my PLK-L01 using Tapatalk
                  It does. It is the main reason why I got rid of Android and installed LibreELEC.
                  You will want to use this version:


                    Originally posted by pinguy

                    It does. It is the main reason why I got rid of Android and installed LibreELEC.
                    You will want to use this version:
                    Hi thanks can you make a root with SuperSU I want to install adaway.


                      Any help would be appreciated. I flashed this on my a95x and only get video on half my display when it boots into Kodi. TWRP and the boot screen display fine, just kodi only shows half screen. (Bottom half by the way)


                        Originally posted by alleyrm View Post
                        Any help would be appreciated. I flashed this on my a95x and only get video on half my display when it boots into Kodi. TWRP and the boot screen display fine, just kodi only shows half screen. (Bottom half by the way)
                        Make of Box and can you take a pic.


                          Nexbox a95x s905x 2gb/8gb. What did you want a pic of? The box or the display?


                            Originally posted by ddogishere View Post
                            Hi thanks can you make a root with SuperSU I want to install adaway.
                            LibreELEC is just Kodi. Those apps are for Android. Read up on what LibreELEC is.


                              Originally posted by alleyrm View Post
                              Nexbox a95x s905x 2gb/8gb. What did you want a pic of? The box or the display?
                              The screen. Just take a pic with your phone and upload it.

