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NEW - Finless ROM 2.0 - KitKat 4.4.2 for AP6210 wifi - BETA

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    Thanks for the beta, with my CX-919II I have NO WIFI with either the kernel_stock or any of the over-clocked variants.


      Finless, are you gong to be adding the systemui edits for volume/power anytime soon or should i dust off my apk dissembler

      Also two things i noticed, on the first boot, the screen edges were not visible, had to go into settings and scale it down, after every boot it happens but after completing the boot it goes to the scale set in the settings (after 10 second)

      The second thing is that when i put my tv on standby, the stick shutsdown after a while, 20 mins i think, i have to replug it to boot it backup

      One more thing i noticed is that i no longer need null keyboard app with my logitech k220 since it doesn't popup the keyboard when its reciever is plugged in

      Edit: it seems screenshots are being saved in /internal_sd/0 instead of /internal_sd/Pictures/Screenshots/

      Edit 2: google contact system seems to be missing frim the ROM? My whatsapp /viber wont find any contacts, neither doea contact+, it keeps crashing

      Edit 3: Volume contrilling seems to be missing aswell, can only silent the audio, the slider wont move to lower the audio, tested using mxplayer aswell..
      Last edited by ather; 04 January 2014, 08:21.


        hdmi output on and off

        after upgrade to this rom I am expiriencing some video output problems
        the screen is on and off

        pls help


          great job

          This ROM finally fixed all the display issues I had (screen flikkering, lags...) Tested all the other finless roms, JB, Neomode, but I was not working.

          This one is finally fitting my expectations!

          Thanks a lot for the great job!


            First of all, thanks, Bob.
            I've tried this ROM on my GK525 and it works! Wi-Fi works, Bluetooth works, and even camera works too.
            And it is more stable than the stock ROM.
            I had a couple of serious problems with the stock ROM. First, I couldn't use Wi-Fi and Bluetooth normally at the same time. When I connect Bluetooth mouse, Wi-Fi stopped working in several minutes. I had to turn off Bluetooth, turn off Wi-Fi, and then turn on Wi-Fi again to make it work normally. Second, video was always slow on stock ROM.
            With this custom Android 4.4.2 ROM situation is better, but not perfect. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi may now work together, but the mouse pointer is very slow when Wi-Fi is active, and the Wi-Fi speed is very low too (about 200 Kb/sec). Video works much better now. But with any kernel I tried the maximum speed of CPU is only 1.2 GHz (instead of stock 1.6 GHz and overclocked 1.7-1.9 GHz), and the same situation with GPU and RAM, I think, so overall speed is rather low. The minimum CPU speed with different kernels is either 384 Mhz (stock), or 504 MHz.


              Re: NEW - Finless ROM 2.0 - KitKat 4.4.2 for AP6210 wifi - BETA

              Originally posted by orion23 View Post
              NOTE: YOU MUST FLASH THE BOOT LOADER (RK3188Loader(L)_V2.08.bin) WITH THIS ROM! If you don't you will be bricked!
              If you decide to go back to 4.2.2 ROMs you MUST flash the loader for that not this new one!

              How do I flash the loader of the 4.2 ROM if I were to go back from Finless' 4.4 ?

              I'm just afraid that my wifi won't work with this rom since the 4.4 beta posted originally loads but leaves me without wifi...

              GM282 / CX-919II
              Same way as when flashing 4.4.2.

              Leave boot loader selected when flashing. This is default behaviour.

              If you unselect it manually, that is when trouble begins.

              Signature? Signature!


                Originally posted by Aseeal View Post
                This ROM finally fixed all the display issues I had (screen flikkering, lags...) Tested all the other finless roms, JB, Neomode, but I was not working.

                This one is finally fitting my expectations!

                Thanks a lot for the great job!
                Well, I think it must be a kernel and/or a Beta thing, because everything works great on my MK908II with this ROM, except for the display. I have serious distortions on my screen, flickering lines, screen on and off, and can only watch anything when the resolution is set to the lowest option. Anybody else having issues with their output, or does this happen because I'm using a hd ready television and not a full hd television?

                This was never a problem on the 4.2.2 ROM though...

                Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk 4


                  Download Application

                  Originally posted by KasSGT View Post
                  Well, I think it must be a kernel and/or a Beta thing, because everything works great on my MK908II with this ROM, except for the display. I have serious distortions on my screen, flickering lines, screen on and off, and can only watch anything when the resolution is set to the lowest option. Anybody else having issues with their output, or does this happen because I'm using a hd ready television and not a full hd television?

                  This was never a problem on the 4.2.2 ROM though...

                  Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk 4
                  Found out that the Download Application doesnt open in this Rom. I need to go to it through an explorer.




                    First of all, good work you guys do here!!

                    Will this rom run on my MK802IV ? Right now i'm running neomode 1.9a but having problems with my USB to LAN adapter, my device freeze or reboots

                    Chipset on USB to LAN is: AX88179, AX88772A or SMSC7500 bought on ****: LAN Adapter should have high speeds, but dosent work or freeze up my device :/

                    So, is 1 of these chipset included in this rom ? Then i will give it a try!

                    - Thanks.


                      New Bug using this ROM

                      thanks FINLESS for all you effort !
                      i am expiriencing a new bug with CX-919 old WIFI

                      " has stopped"

                      the only solution is to install again the rom `(


                        I flashed the new Finless 4.4 ROM on my GM282 (purchased from Geekbuying),and as with a few others on this thread,I have no wifi (or bluetooth).I have tried to reflash the updated factory 4.2 ROM from Geekbuying but it fails to flash.Reflashing the 4.4 kitkat is successful but still no wifi or bluetooth.Are the CX919 and CX919ll actually the same,as I thought the GM282 was a CX919ll.




                            Still testing

                            Sixaxis is not working right!!

                            Any touch profile I create just does not work
                            All touch profiles I have saved from android 4.2 the buttons have rotated right by 90 degrees but the writing on the button is the correct way around but they still don't work anyway

                            Games that auto detect the game pad seem to be ok

                            Also does anyone no if theres a way to swap internal sd to external sd by editing a system file or something, on android 4.1 & 4.2 I used to edit the vold.fstab file but there don't seem to be one on 4.4

                            On a good note I love how snappy this rom is & how clean it looks antutu score of 18249

                            The testing commence's
                            Last edited by blinkone; 05 January 2014, 14:08.
                            Please consider making a Donation to freakTab


                              I jut got up this AM... Wow... lots of testing!
                              Thanks folks....

                              As I said this is a beta ROM and I expected some things not to work and I also could not test everything. But at least we see what's to come soon.

                              I really like the performance of KitKat even with it's low Antutu scores right now. Once we start getting performance kernels from the kernel guys here, we should see some rapid improvement.

                              As for the RK apps like ehome media center, I expect we will see releases of these from Rockchip soon that work on 4.4.

                              "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
                              "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
                              "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
                              "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
                              "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
                              "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
                              "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
                              "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
                              "Forgive them as they know not what they do"


                                Originally posted by blinkone View Post

                                Also does anyone no if theres a way to swap internal sd to external sd by editing a system file or something, on android 4.1 & 4.2 I used to edit the vold.fstab file but there don't seem to be one on 4.4

                                The testing commence's
                                Blinky, fstab is now in boot.img in /sbin. Thus to mod it you have to build a new boot.img.

                                Here is the fstab in boot today.

                                # Android fstab file.
                                #<src> <mnt_point> <type> <mnt_flags and options> <fs_mgr_flags>
                                # The filesystem that contains the filesystem checker binary (typically /system) cannot
                                # specify MF_CHECK, and must come before any filesystems that do specify MF_CHECK
                                /dev/block/platform/emmc/by-name/system /system ext4 ro,noatime,nodiratime,noauto_da_alloc wait
                                /dev/block/platform/emmc/by-name/cache /cache ext4 noatime,nodiratime,nosuid,nodev,noauto_da_alloc,di scard wait
                                /dev/block/platform/emmc/by-name/userdata /data ext4 noatime,nodiratime,nosuid,nodev,noauto_da_alloc,di scard wait,encryptable=/dev/block/platform/emmc/by-name/metadata

                                /dev/block/platform/emmc/by-name/user /mnt/internal_sd vfat defaults voldmanaged=internal_sd:auto,noemulatedsd
                                /devices/platform/rk29_sdmmc.0/mmc_host/mmc /mnt/external_sd vfat defaults voldmanaged=external_sd:auto
                                /devices/platform/usb20 /mnt/usb_storage vfat defaults voldmanaged=usb_storage:auto

                                "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
                                "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
                                "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
                                "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
                                "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
                                "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
                                "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
                                "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
                                "Forgive them as they know not what they do"

