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[LibreELEC] Bolt Ons! AceStream & EmulationStation + RetroArch/Libretro for S905/S905X devices!

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    Added: video_shared_context = true to the retroarch.cfg

    It is needed to run games nonbuffered. Otherwise you will just get a black screen.

    Removed parallel_n64 (dosen't work well so no point including it), prosystem & atari800.

    Updated the cores that could be updated.

    Use the same download link to get the new version. You will have to delete /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/ before installing.


      Originally posted by lale02 View Post
      First. pinguy Thank you very very much for your hard work, and making this awesome port.
      Is it possible to hookup some kind of wireless controller (PS3, PS4, Xbox)
      I can provide you some feedback about this,

      Xbox 360 wireless controller works fine but the light on the pad is blinking non stop for an obscure reason (outdated linux kernel).

      Personaly, I switched to logitec F710 which is pretty good. The wireless distance is weaker than xbox controller but it's a nice compromise.

      Awesome work pinguy! I will update to test psp.

      I added carbon theme to emulationstation ( I recommend it especially If you scrap games with Universal XML Scraper.


        Originally posted by *Frisk* View Post

        I can provide you some feedback about this,

        Xbox 360 wireless controller works fine but the light on the pad is blinking non stop for an obscure reason (outdated linux kernel).

        Personaly, I switched to logitec F710 which is pretty good. The wireless distance is weaker than xbox controller but it's a nice compromise.

        Awesome work pinguy! I will update to test psp.

        I added carbon theme to emulationstation ( I recommend it especially If you scrap games with Universal XML Scraper.
        Thats a pretty cool theme. I have included it but not set as the default.


        Also if you could report back about the PSP that would be great. Games are hit and miss. If they run, they run extremely well. If they don't, they are complete garbage.

        The two games I know that run well are Ridge Racer 2 & Soul Calibur - Broken Destiny.


          OK. Updated the themes for EmulationStation. It is now using the latest versions including the most up-to-date version of es-theme-crt.


            Originally posted by pinguy View Post
            Got Yabause libretro core working (well using the word "working" is a very loose term to use), It works but haven't found any games that play at any decent FPS. niabi wondering if you could try compiling it for are systems to see if that makes it run better.

            I also took a look at virtualjaguar libretro core. The core will load but I couldn't launch any games.
            I can try and compile it, but not sure if they will work at good FPS


              Originally posted by niabi View Post

              I can try and compile it, but not sure if they will work at good FPS
              Getting Sega Saturn working would be cool. It may not have a huge amount of games for the EU/USA. But in Japan it has a LOT.


                By the way niabi since you have moved over to the LibreELEC 8 base EmulationStation doen't work on 7 and some of the cores stop working (glupen64 was one not sure what the other was but it was more than one). But your pcsx_rearmed core compiled on LibreELEC 8 runs like a champ on LibreELEC 7. Its nice having a more up-to-date version working. The one I was using was compiled 5 months ago.

                The system you built base on 7, all the binaries/libs work on 7 & 8. Your latest version many of the binaries are not backward compatible with LibreELEC 7. Not a huge issue for me as I get most of what I need from the AlexELEC build, but I was using your version of EmulationStation and a few of the cores that AlexELEC didn't have.



                  Added new default theme to EmulationStation.

                  There is now 2 dark themes and 2 light ones.

                  Got the size of the package down to 73.6M by removing the systems in the themes not in use.
                  Last edited by pinguy; 02 March 2017, 21:49.


                    You should add neogeo to es_systems with fba :

                    <extension>.zip .ZIP .iso .ISO</extension>
                    <command>/storage/.kodi/addons/ fbalpha %ROM%</command>

                    and megadrive for european users (genesis means nothing for them ) :

                    <fullname>Sega Megadrive</fullname>
                    <extension>.zip .ZIP .md .MD</extension>
                    <command>/storage/.kodi/addons/ picodrive %ROM%</command>

                    Systems are also in disorder, for example it's nice to have nes then snes then n64 at screen. A little tweak.

                    You set bilinear filtering by default, in my opinion it makes games blurry but it's just a matter of taste


                      Originally posted by pinguy View Post
                      By the way niabi since you have moved over to the LibreELEC 8 base EmulationStation doen't work on 7 and some of the cores stop working (glupen64 was one not sure what the other was but it was more than one). But your pcsx_rearmed core compiled on LibreELEC 8 runs like a champ on LibreELEC 7. Its nice having a more up-to-date version working. The one I was using was compiled 5 months ago.

                      The system you built base on 7, all the binaries/libs work on 7 & 8. Your latest version many of the binaries are not backward compatible with LibreELEC 7. Not a huge issue for me as I get most of what I need from the AlexELEC build, but I was using your version of EmulationStation and a few of the cores that AlexELEC didn't have.
                      well..not sure why that would be, since most of them are using the same code. can you run a "ldd emulationstation" to see if its missing libraries?

                      I am thinking of continuing the LE 7 builds based on Alexelec since I am also having a few problems with LE 8, to be honest, my idea behind this was to make a system that was only emulation related (no kodi or anything else) but it seems at least from the feedback I've gotten not many are looking for that.

                      Also Lakka just released a version for S905 and S805 which I might use as the base for my new version, adding a few emulators and ES + Lakka sounds perfect for me and I am sure you can continue to get the binaries from there.

                      If you give me a list of cores and emus you need, when I get time I can compile them on LE 7 for you and see if they run on LE 8. I love this ad-don and I would like to help as much as I can but do note that I am very new to compiling things in Linux, and more so on LE so I still run into a lot of problems trying to compile things that otherwise seem simple.

                      BTW I updated AdvMame to v3.3 and it fixes the issue I was having with the screen not setting correctly for 1080p, unfortunately it doesn't play nice with ES


                        Originally posted by *Frisk* View Post
                        You should add neogeo to es_systems with fba :

                        <extension>.zip .ZIP .iso .ISO</extension>
                        <command>/storage/.kodi/addons/ fbalpha %ROM%</command>

                        and megadrive for european users (genesis means nothing for them ) :

                        <fullname>Sega Megadrive</fullname>
                        <extension>.zip .ZIP .md .MD</extension>
                        <command>/storage/.kodi/addons/ picodrive %ROM%</command>

                        Systems are also in disorder, for example it's nice to have nes then snes then n64 at screen. A little tweak.

                        You set bilinear filtering by default, in my opinion it makes games blurry but it's just a matter of taste
                        If you want to create the es_systems.cfg how you would like (make sure to include the SD Card & USB) I will replace what I have. To be honest, not all that fussed about the order, but if you think people will prefer it I will use what you have.

                        Also I don't use meme. So all my arcade games including neogeo go into the fba folder.

                        Yeah I like the bilinear filtering. I think it makes NES games look better.


                          Originally posted by niabi View Post

                          well..not sure why that would be, since most of them are using the same code. can you run a "ldd emulationstation" to see if its missing libraries?

                          I am thinking of continuing the LE 7 builds based on Alexelec since I am also having a few problems with LE 8, to be honest, my idea behind this was to make a system that was only emulation related (no kodi or anything else) but it seems at least from the feedback I've gotten not many are looking for that.

                          Also Lakka just released a version for S905 and S805 which I might use as the base for my new version, adding a few emulators and ES + Lakka sounds perfect for me and I am sure you can continue to get the binaries from there.

                          If you give me a list of cores and emus you need, when I get time I can compile them on LE 7 for you and see if they run on LE 8. I love this ad-don and I would like to help as much as I can but do note that I am very new to compiling things in Linux, and more so on LE so I still run into a lot of problems trying to compile things that otherwise seem simple.

                          BTW I updated AdvMame to v3.3 and it fixes the issue I was having with the screen not setting correctly for 1080p, unfortunately it doesn't play nice with ES
                          Thanks for this. Yeah I would love to keep this going with the cores and emus you have compiled.

                          The package is just so convenient. Due to the way it is put together it doesn't matter what LibreELEC version you are running. This means when there is a LibreELEC update, dropping it into the .update folder and updating the system won't have any effects on the EmulationStation/RetroArch setup.


                          Ever heard of batocera? It does sound like what you are after. There is a Odroid C2 version (that board uses the S905).


                            Originally posted by pinguy View Post

                            If you want to create the es_systems.cfg how you would like (make sure to include the SD Card & USB) I will replace what I have. To be honest, not all that fussed about the order, but if you think people will prefer it I will use what you have.

                            Also I don't use meme. So all my arcade games including neogeo go into the fba folder.

                            Yeah I like the bilinear filtering. I think it makes NES games look better.
                            I only wrote samples to not overload but yes there are three to modify for each systems.

                            I also use only fba for both neogeo and arcade games. As I have the complete fba neogeo set of roms, I split fba in two, one for neogeo and one for arcade games.
                            It's a small mod from me as I definitely prefer using fba


                              Originally posted by *Frisk* View Post

                              I only wrote samples to not overload but yes there are three to modify for each systems.

                              I also use only fba for both neogeo and arcade games. As I have the complete fba neogeo set of roms, I split fba in two, one for neogeo and one for arcade games.
                              It's a small mod from me as I definitely prefer using fba
                              What order would you like the systems?

                              List them in the order you like and I will make the changes.

                              I have had a few thoughts.

                              I could do them by data of release.

                              Or group the systems (Nintendo, SEGA etc.)

                              Or by type of console (home, handhold, arcade, PC etc.)


                                Originally posted by pinguy View Post

                                Thanks for this. Yeah I would love to keep this going with the cores and emus you have compiled.

                                The package is just so convenient. Due to the way it is put together it doesn't matter what LibreELEC version you are running. This means when there is a LibreELEC update, dropping it into the .update folder and updating the system won't have any effects on the EmulationStation/RetroArch setup.


                                Ever heard of batocera? It does sound like what you are after. There is a Odroid C2 version (that board uses the S905).
                                Yeah I heard of batocera, it does not work for Generic s905, even tho it works with the Odroid C2 (not sure why and I am not skilled enough to make it work)

                                Lakka+my changes to LE will work perfectly for me

