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Solution for stuck in Android load AML8726-MX Dual Core TV Box Android 4.2.2

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    cmx installation aborted

    Hey guys,
    I<ve been buying 30 cmx boxes from geekbuying for a good price and installing openelec and then resell them, they installed and worked like a charm. But on the last 10 boxes I ordered, no matter what i do install starts and verifies installation check and then just says installation aborted, I tried in almost all of them and did nothing.
    CMX boxes are the cheapest amlogic mx boxes one can get because their android firmware was buggy and not very much comunity supported.
    I didn't mind the android bugginess since I loaded right away openelec and was more than good for me and my customers.
    With this installation aborted issue, I asked on many forums what to do and I was told to install matricom 1.1.6 firmware using the toothpich method with the sd in (so nothing to select on recovery screen) it loads instantly into an android installer, i can see the progress and then bang blank screen and the LED remains red.
    When I removed the power plug to and replugged it the LED remains red and nothing happens no matter how long i wait.
    I don't know if we can call this soft-bricking or whatever bricking type, but I solely want my boxes to load openelec and I'm so confused since I don't know if my method is good or no since i don't want to brick all the other 8 boxes.
    Your help guys is more than appreciated


      Originally posted by momokabbaj View Post
      Hey guys,
      I<ve been buying 30 cmx boxes from geekbuying for a good price and installing openelec and then resell them, they installed and worked like a charm. But on the last 10 boxes I ordered, no matter what i do install starts and verifies installation check and then just says installation aborted, I tried in almost all of them and did nothing.
      CMX boxes are the cheapest amlogic mx boxes one can get because their android firmware was buggy and not very much comunity supported.
      I didn't mind the android bugginess since I loaded right away openelec and was more than good for me and my customers.
      With this installation aborted issue, I asked on many forums what to do and I was told to install matricom 1.1.6 firmware using the toothpich method with the sd in (so nothing to select on recovery screen) it loads instantly into an android installer, i can see the progress and then bang blank screen and the LED remains red.
      When I removed the power plug to and replugged it the LED remains red and nothing happens no matter how long i wait.
      I don't know if we can call this soft-bricking or whatever bricking type, but I solely want my boxes to load openelec and I'm so confused since I don't know if my method is good or no since i don't want to brick all the other 8 boxes.
      Your help guys is more than appreciated
      Your in the same boat as many of us. You most likely have a newer hd18 v2.22 board which is the same as the mx2 boxes but has this problem with jumping to the 1.1.6 matricom FW for openelec FW to go on. The magic sd card should un brick u back to 1.1.5

      im trying something to see if I can do what c2k has done to push his firmware to 1.1.6 and will let everyone know my results


        Originally posted by kerikhaos View Post
        Your in the same boat as many of us. You most likely have a newer hd18 v2.22 board which is the same as the mx2 boxes but has this problem with jumping to the 1.1.6 matricom FW for openelec FW to go on. The magic sd card should un brick u back to 1.1.5

        im trying something to see if I can do what c2k has done to push his firmware to 1.1.6 and will let everyone know my results
        Spent all tonight trying to recreate what I did - I must have missed a step somewhere as it doesn't work - in fact I cant even get the nand erase working now I'm very sorry about that. I will continue trying it on the one 2.22 box I've got here and let you know what happens.

        What I do know is I've got one box that didn't run Openelec now running it and the second is steadfastly refusing


          Originally posted by c2k View Post
          Spent all tonight trying to recreate what I did - I must have missed a step somewhere as it doesn't work - in fact I cant even get the nand erase working now I'm very sorry about that. I will continue trying it on the one 2.22 box I've got here and let you know what happens.

          What I do know is I've got one box that didn't run Openelec now running it and the second is steadfastly refusing
          I noticed on these recent cmx boxes compared to previous ones i have purchased, the wipe functions are slower than before, so i don't know if the recovery is corrupted or something (just guessing, not a pro).
          I decided to return the boxes to the supplier, because the purpose was to have them running openelec.
          I'll have them for 2 more days if no solution, i'll just ship them back


            Originally posted by momokabbaj View Post
            I noticed on these recent cmx boxes compared to previous ones i have purchased, the wipe functions are slower than before, so i don't know if the recovery is corrupted or something (just guessing, not a pro).
            I decided to return the boxes to the supplier, because the purpose was to have them running openelec.
            I'll have them for 2 more days if no solution, i'll just ship them back
            I dont think that has anything to do with the recovery it just maybe that the cmx boxes have a crappy version of android on them with most likely a bad version of recovery to go with it. If you magic flash them with matricom magic sd card then they will perform as normal mx2 boxes.

            My question now is what has matricom done to their offline firmware to block the installations where ebfore when the OTA was working there was never a problem with the upgrade. Its only when updating via usb or sd card the fail happens. Its very weird and im sure maybe the version of motherboards we are using are newer revisions to the older matricom boxes (ie ours are the HD18 v2.22 - the older matricoms maybe version 2.21 or 2.2) The firmware offline can pick this up and fail the update where the OTA version had no hardware check,

            The other thing they could of done was check for valid mac addresses on the motherboard with the offline update. Once the update begins the firmware checks for mac number reference sees its not genuine and fails.

            My reasons for this theory

            With magic SD card created with an 8gb micro SD card i can:

            1. Flash ANY matricom versions from 1.1.2f, 1.1.4b and 1.1.5 final. All flash perfectly in any order no matter what firmware i running. Perfect install first time round

            2. From versions of matricom below 1.1.5 i can run the pre1.1.5 fix and it works perfectly ready to receive the OTA update to 1.1.5.

            3. Once flashed the pre1.1.5 FW i can successfuly flash either with SD card of USB stick th3 3 files of the 1.1.5 matricom firmware. Again perfect results everything working

            4. Attempt to flash 1.1.6 by either SD, or USB via recovery mode (both SD pre inserted and recoevry pin pressed while powering on or the software update app in apps - must select the mx2update file for reboot and install). Flash fails always at the same place repeating the same error of install aborted script failed blah blah blah. This message comes up all the time no matter what combination is used for 1.1.6 update.

            5. Outside of matricom i can force flash all the chinese MBOX roms (which in my opinion is miles better than matricoms), all the androidgadget roms old and new and even the roms old and new perfectly. On top of that the box can be flashed with all the old MTD versions of Linux xbmc - again no problems with lost settings etc everything works perfectly.

            6. Final thoughts : only the 1.1.6 matricom fw fails all the time in the same place with the same message. I have downloaded many times the fw from different locations and i have compared the crc checksums and they are all the same. All fail over and over. It makes sense they can detect were not official matricom approved boards.

            My newest thought - can someone please post a copy of the matricom 1.1.6 firmware they happen to have downloaded and archived before the termination of the OTA feature in their firmware. I want to test the older version of the 1.1.6 matricom maybe before they had the chance to tamper with it for the hardware detection it does now.

            I am still battling to find combinations to get this thing to take the 1.1.6 firmware only because of openelec not because of the matricom fw.

            If the developer deceides to release an old MTD version of the openelec then i will give up with matricom all together since openelec is what i am after.

            Please anyone who can help with an older version of the 1.1.6 matricom firmware please upload for us here so we can test further


              Originally posted by kerikhaos View Post
              I dont think that has anything to do with the recovery it just maybe that the cmx boxes have a crappy version of android on them with most likely a bad version of recovery to go with it. If you magic flash them with matricom magic sd card then they will perform as normal mx2 boxes.

              My question now is what has matricom done to their offline firmware to block the installations where ebfore when the OTA was working there was never a problem with the upgrade. Its only when updating via usb or sd card the fail happens. Its very weird and im sure maybe the version of motherboards we are using are newer revisions to the older matricom boxes (ie ours are the HD18 v2.22 - the older matricoms maybe version 2.21 or 2.2) The firmware offline can pick this up and fail the update where the OTA version had no hardware check,

              The other thing they could of done was check for valid mac addresses on the motherboard with the offline update. Once the update begins the firmware checks for mac number reference sees its not genuine and fails.

              My reasons for this theory

              With magic SD card created with an 8gb micro SD card i can:

              1. Flash ANY matricom versions from 1.1.2f, 1.1.4b and 1.1.5 final. All flash perfectly in any order no matter what firmware i running. Perfect install first time round

              2. From versions of matricom below 1.1.5 i can run the pre1.1.5 fix and it works perfectly ready to receive the OTA update to 1.1.5.

              3. Once flashed the pre1.1.5 FW i can successfuly flash either with SD card of USB stick th3 3 files of the 1.1.5 matricom firmware. Again perfect results everything working

              4. Attempt to flash 1.1.6 by either SD, or USB via recovery mode (both SD pre inserted and recoevry pin pressed while powering on or the software update app in apps - must select the mx2update file for reboot and install). Flash fails always at the same place repeating the same error of install aborted script failed blah blah blah. This message comes up all the time no matter what combination is used for 1.1.6 update.

              5. Outside of matricom i can force flash all the chinese MBOX roms (which in my opinion is miles better than matricoms), all the androidgadget roms old and new and even the roms old and new perfectly. On top of that the box can be flashed with all the old MTD versions of Linux xbmc - again no problems with lost settings etc everything works perfectly.

              6. Final thoughts : only the 1.1.6 matricom fw fails all the time in the same place with the same message. I have downloaded many times the fw from different locations and i have compared the crc checksums and they are all the same. All fail over and over. It makes sense they can detect were not official matricom approved boards.

              My newest thought - can someone please post a copy of the matricom 1.1.6 firmware they happen to have downloaded and archived before the termination of the OTA feature in their firmware. I want to test the older version of the 1.1.6 matricom maybe before they had the chance to tamper with it for the hardware detection it does now.

              I am still battling to find combinations to get this thing to take the 1.1.6 firmware only because of openelec not because of the matricom fw.

              If the developer deceides to release an old MTD version of the openelec then i will give up with matricom all together since openelec is what i am after.

              Please anyone who can help with an older version of the 1.1.6 matricom firmware please upload for us here so we can test further
              Hey mate, where can i find the magic sd card files, i was unsuccessful to find it in a trustworthy place?
              many thanks


                Originally posted by momokabbaj View Post
                Hey mate, where can i find the magic sd card files, i was unsuccessful to find it in a trustworthy place?
                many thanks
                go here and read carefully the steps


                  Originally posted by kerikhaos View Post
                  go here and read carefully the steps

                  I really appreciate it, i will try this once i get home and report back.


                    Solution for stuck in Android load AML8726-MX Dual Core TV Box Android 4.2.2

                    Is there any way to install Openelec on the boards v1.1 or are they just good to throw away?


                      Originally posted by mannyp View Post
                      Is there any way to install Openelec on the boards v1.1 or are they just good to throw away?
                      HD18 v1.1? What firmware did you use on this before because i cant say i have ever heard this model before. Did you have matricom sitting on it at any time?


                        Originally posted by kerikhaos View Post
                        HD18 v1.1? What firmware did you use on this before because i cant say i have ever heard this model before. Did you have matricom sitting on it at any time?
                        It will be the board used in the CMX boxes -

                        Posts 4 and 18 show 1.1 board

                        I uploaded a boot image to allow recovery in post 127 of that thread


                          Solution for stuck in Android load AML8726-MX Dual Core TV Box Android 4.2.2

                          Originally posted by c2k View Post
                          It will be the board used in the CMX boxes -

                          Posts 4 and 18 show 1.1 board

                          I uploaded a boot image to allow recovery in post 127 of that thread
                          That's the one. With the upside down Ethernet port. I haven't been able to load matricom on the box. I can get into recovery, but once I put an SD card in, recovery will not load Eddie will not automatically load like it's supposed to


                            Re: Solution for stuck in Android load AML8726-MX Dual Core TV Box Android 4.2.2

                            With several MX2 clones I purchased during last year ,there was one CMX board. It was cheaper:50$ but it will be the last I ever purchase, I saved 20$ but spent so much time with troubleshooting it. Not worth the price. Another crappy board I once got is the g02ref. Sometimes cheap turns out expensive.
                            My advise to everyone here : buy good MBX boards. If you want to be sure you get a reliable g18ref board goto Ali express and buy it from a reliable seller (acemax). It comes preloaded with openelec. Worth every penny. If you like toothpick and cursing, go ahead , buy hd v1+


                              Solution for stuck in Android load AML8726-MX Dual Core TV Box Android 4.2.2

                              Originally posted by save View Post
                              With several MX2 clones I purchased during last year ,there was one CMX board. It was cheaper:50$ but it will be the last I ever purchase, I saved 20$ but spent so much time with troubleshooting it. Not worth the price. Another crappy board I once got is the g02ref. Sometimes cheap turns out expensive.
                              My advise to everyone here : buy good MBX boards. If you want to be sure you get a reliable g18ref board goto Ali express and buy it from a reliable seller (acemax). It comes preloaded with openelec. Worth every penny. If you like toothpick and cursing, go ahead , buy hd v1+
                              My issue is that I bought 5. I was promised that It would be v2. In Fact , the seller sent me a picture of the board I would be receiving. (Supposedly v2) now shipping back to China is $110 to get credited back 210. Not worth it.


                                the main issue is we have the problem with the newer HD18 V2.22 boards not other cheaper clones with other labels on the motherboards.

                                I just want as many people with these boards to help contribute the correct process to get to matricom 1.1.6 successfully and post on here the steps they have taken

                                I am still trying and will post my feedback as soon as i get some more positive news

