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MECOOL M8S Pro + TV Box Amlogic S905X Android 7.1 2/16GB Fast Lan, WiFi 802.11b/g/n

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    Originally posted by Zahir
    Is there any way to get the IMG file for usb burning tool?

    Enviado desde mi HUAWEI RIO-L03 mediante Tapatalk


      No img file currently available. And what would we do with one? The box has no OTG port, USB Burning tool cannot connect. No reset button either, although you can reboot into Android recovery using a dummy with the Update app. This thing has all the drawbacks of the MiBox (locked bootloader, signed firmware, no OTG) with none of the advantages (no Netflix HD, no wireless AC, no nice BT remote with voice etc)...

      BUT see my post below.
      Last edited by Zahir; 12 July 2017, 04:18.


        There is a button in the front next to LED wonder what that does ?
        Please consider
        Donating to Freaktab


          Dont push it..... Ever...... Youll be sorry.....
          Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.


            Originally posted by Zahir
            No img file currently available. And what would we do with one? The box has no OTG port, USB Burning tool cannot connect. No reset button either, although you can reboot into Android recovery using a dummy with the Update app. This thing has all the drawbacks of the MiBox (locked bootloader, signed firmware, no OTG) with none of the advantages (no Netflix HD, no wireless AC, no nice BT remote with voice etc)...
            I want to use the img for other box...I flash a U2+ android 7.1 firmware in my T95x and works perfect but I cant root I was looking for other img s905x android 7.1 firmware to test...the zip cant flash in my box.

            I will have to wait for THL to share the 7.1 firmware and hope for a img...

            Enviado desde mi HUAWEI RIO-L03 mediante Tapatalk


              Nicely spotted, Trebor, that button is the reset that takes you a portal from Florida to Australia, to the android recovery menu.

              AND it gets better... if you connect a USB A to A cable from PC to the rear usb port while pressing that button, you get OTG... so now we can burn an img. Any opinions on which one...?


                Superceleron's Android TV rom for the Mini M8SII running smartly on the Mecool. ATV/Ethernet/Root/TWRP all working. No wifi or stock remote. The doors on this thing have been opened...


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                      Yep...and also TX5_Pro rom etc etc..

                      If some kind soul with the original firmware could post a copy of the factory build.prop, that might be helpful to me if I ever decide to go home...those OTA zips check several things in build.prop before going forward.


                        Originally posted by superceleron
                        Fix that wifi and stock remote please.. Does rom leave widevine level one intact. Perhaps s mi box rom port

                        Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 7041X using Tapatalk


                          I moved on to the TX5 Pro ATV rom V2 which on this box seems more fluid than the SC one. Still no wifi or stock remote, but it runs fast and well. DRM info reports Level 3 in place...

                          Would appreciate a copy of the original build.prop from the factory rom, but not sure if I'm ever going back there..

                          NB: for the faint-hearted, experimenting with this box as I am, will likely leave you unable to restore your original factory rom and DRM Level 1. That is, until/unless Videostrong releases an IMG firmware file. Personally, I'm happy to try a bunch of other firmwares that offer root/ATV/TWRP and several other things that the factory rom doesn't. DRM Level 1 is pretty meaningless at this stage, and I have the MiBox and Khadas Vim in my s905x collection as well. But be warned!
                          Last edited by Zahir; 12 July 2017, 14:05.


                            Originally posted by Zahir
                            I moved on to the TX5 Pro ATV rom V2 which on this box seems more fluid than the SC one. Still no wifi or stock remote, but it runs fast and well. DRM info reports Level 3 in place...

                            Would appreciate a copy of the original build.prop from the factory rom, but not sure if I'm ever going back there..
                            Did you try the original remote.conf file from your box in the tx5 pro rom? That fix my remote in my box in roms for other boxes.

                            Enviado desde mi HUAWEI RIO-L03 mediante Tapatalk


                              Thanks, I thought of that rather late! The factory firmware and remote.conf file are now behind me...maybe someone who has that file would be kind enough to post it?


                                Originally posted by trebor View Post
                                Zahir agree , and they have stated (Videostrong) and Quote

                                (Well, it 's a pity that the promoting Ads (posters) were not double confirmed by our team before releasing and it made such a big damage.
                                But it is true that we didn't intend to cheat any customer)

                                I also was on there tail about this to get an answer, was too late, if you got the box at the right price closer to 30$ with coupon not too bad for a 2/16.
                                as mentioned not to bad hardware wise.

                                Hope this will open their eyes to see what the users want and they can do something about it.

                                I recall paying $180.00 long time ago for one with promises of great many did

                                MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68

