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MECOOL M8S Pro + TV Box Amlogic S905X Android 7.1 2/16GB Fast Lan, WiFi 802.11b/g/n

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    I ripped a UHD disc Interstellar, and it looks like crap (wrong black level) when played on my M8S Pro+ because the box displays in 8 bit color. Is there a way to enable 10 bit "deep color" in the stock rom? Or I have to go LibreELEC to do that?


      HI guys,

      My box is constantly freezing which I have that bad batch of M8S Pro Plus and I was trying to update on the latest version for what after updating I am not able to start my box. Is freezing! I was not able do downgrade to firmware M8S_PRO+-20170829.121614.V0321. so can Anybody tel me haw can I fix it?



        Best you can do is get back to a freezing 0829 box

        You will have to use a USB Burning tool IMG method I think.
        I had to Force Erase All to get mine to go back and it took a few attempts. No Widevine L1 after this though.
        Others have managed a simple standard burn but it may take a number of trys before it completes ...
        You will probably still have to use a LibreELEC system to get the box to work reliably.
        I haven't bothered with mine

        Get a refund if you can.
        Good luck


          Originally posted by Zahir View Post
          Currently running Magendanz's Nexus ATV rom for the Beelink Mini Mx 3 II...the nicest for this particular box at this time. No wifi or stock remote, but a fast, stable ATV rom all the same. I've written Videostrong suggesting they release their firmware in IMG format (fat hope, I know) and hinting that this would go some way to overcoming the false ad campaign around their box because people will at least feel able to experiment with other roms... Actually if Magendanz added a wifi driver for the M8 Pro Plus, I'd be happy to stay put with it. I suspect the remote is hard coded into the bootloader or kernel since it has power management built in..but wiser heads may know better.

          If anyone else starts to tinker with USB Burning tool, note that with some IMGs. you may get an error after it erases the current bootloader. Don't panic. Leave the Tool running with the firmware you want still loaded. Unplug and replug the usb cable pressing the reset button briefly. When you reconnect, the Tool will then continue to burn the rest of the rom successfully...

          PS: added build.prop from Superceleron's ATV rom for the Vim, which spoofs the Mibox. DRM Widevine remains at Level 3 but an unexpected bonus is that the Vim IR remote now works out-of-the-box...AND YouTube now plays at 2160p on my 2k monitor, so it will do 4k on the right screen. All we need is to add the relevant wifi driver..what chip does this damn thing use?
          Does anyone know where I can find this (or any) build.prop that spoofs the Mibox?


            M8S Pro Cool Family

            Click image for larger version  Name:	M8S-Pro-CoolFamily1_Pro.jpg Views:	1 Size:	111.2 KB ID:	705448

            Passive cooling options


              Hi there, I have recently bought a M8S pro and Im experiencing problems with the audio. No matter what app use (Kodi, TvCenter, a single video player) that the audio goes down for a second and then It comes back ... repeatdly

              I have tried a lot of different configurations in Kodi. Im using HDMI and in the android menu I have choosed HDMI for audio...

              Any suggestions?
              Last edited by Kaladin; 02 February 2018, 20:58.


                Originally posted by Kaladin View Post
                Hi there, I have recently buyed a M8S pro and Im experiencing problems with the audio. No matter what app use (Kodi, TvCenter, a single video player) that the audio goes down for a second and then It comes back ... repeatdly

                I have tried a lot of different configurations in Kodi. Im using HDMI and in the android menu I have choosed HDMI for audio...

                Any suggestions?
                What is your box connected to, TV, AV receiver???
                MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


                  Originally posted by clarkss12 View Post

                  What is your box connected to, TV, AV receiver???
                  To a TV, a sony bravia kdl32


                    Originally posted by Kaladin View Post

                    To a TV, a sony bravia kdl32
                    Under your settings, make sure you have the "Surround Sound" set to "never" and see if that helps.......

                    You seemed to always mention Kodi, does that problem happen with YouTube or Netflix??? Or even try playing your videos with VLC and see what that does.
                    MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


                      how to find out if I have a bad batch device or not without having to open it? just got it today from geekbuying who told me the version sent is good


                        I have issue with the google cast... when i try to connect to it via my samsung s5 (nougat) .. it says "there was a problem connecting to M8S pro+"


                          Originally posted by yeahman45 View Post
                          how to find out if I have a bad batch device or not without having to open it? just got it today from geekbuying who told me the version sent is good
                          If you don't have a Reset Switch (Front, just to the right of the status LED) - Good, made after Bad Batch.
                          If you don't have FW dated 0829 probably OK

                          You can check with eMMC Brickbug or Amlogic Tool - but ignore not known bad result as designed for an old Samsung phone issue - have to compare eMMC chip and date to Bad list.

                          Reply with your results ...

                          p.s. How many posts to become a Senior Nerd ???


                            I don't have a reset button on mine. That means it's good? Where can I find my firmware version?

                            I get freezes from time to time... When trying to ppen play store it freezes


                              Originally posted by clarkss12 View Post

                              Under your settings, make sure you have the "Surround Sound" set to "never" and see if that helps.......

                              You seemed to always mention Kodi, does that problem happen with YouTube or Netflix??? Or even try playing your videos with VLC and see what that does.
                              it doesnt matter if a check or not "sorround sound". And it doesnt matter if I use Kodi or VLC or Youtube.

                              Im experiencing problems to use google cast also, allways fails to connect.

                              I tried to flash the Nexus room of other thread but I got the same issues. Sounds goes off for a sec and I cant connect via miracast / DLNA


                                Hello, everyone. I've been reading for a while on this box because obviously I have one. It came with firmware 270715, which was disabling my broadband connection. I decided to update to 20171124 and didnĀ“t like.

                                How do I downgrade? Anyone can inform of a firmware that has the navigation bar (the one that stays at the bottom of the screen)? Or then someone can point me to a zip or img from M8S_PRO+-20170715.093046.V0321?

                                Last edited by BuffyDawn; 11 February 2018, 02:53.


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                                  The OEM update script won't let you downgrade or install from TWRP, but I have some that I've fixed so that they will. Just look for the "-fixed" suffix here: