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MECOOL M8S Pro + TV Box Amlogic S905X Android 7.1 2/16GB Fast Lan, WiFi 802.11b/g/n

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    Some more wrinkles with Auto Frame Rate Switching and the + Box

    I tried it on a box with V06xx ATV FW
    - 24p was running at about 10-12 and jerky
    - Did NOT Reset to Best HDMI on re-boot - stayed at 24p so lost picture because of my AV Amp - Had to do a blind Display Reset to Best HDMI
    (Down x many -OK - Down x6 -OK -OK -UP x Many -OK -Right -OK or something like that !!!)

    Installed V09xx ATV FW
    - 23p running at 23-24 and smooth
    - Resets to Best HDMI on re-boot (Phew!)

    Seems V09xx has a few advantages ...


      From the Magendanz ATV thread

      Originally posted by Jancales View Post

      That are dreamers.

      First of all the Mecool boxes don't come with thermal pad, the heat sinks are installed with paste.

      I have replaced probably 100 heat sinks in the past 6 months on S905X and S912 processors.

      For the Mecool boxes I use 40x40x11 heat sinks, as that is about the biggest size that fits without issues, and I'm happy if I can get them in the lower seventies with Kodi running a 1080p stream for 90 minutes at least.

      Of course I can also let it run for 15 minutes, just to get a good result, but I prefer not to lie to myself.

      If you want to do a real heat test download StressCPU apk, and let it run for 30 minutes, then you know how much you reduced the temperature.

      FYI with the heat sinks replaced I haven't had a single Mecool S905X or S912 box that didn't reach 80°C before it start to reduce the CPU speed to stabilize the temperature.

      The good news is that with the factory heat sink it doesn't stop at 80°C, but goes easily 5 degrees higher in Kodi at which point the frame rate will drop significantly or the box will stop working completely.

      Usually most of the current boxes with stock firmware crash at 85°C

      I also have Beelink M18 boxes with a S905 processor, and factory heat sinks which are 25x25x5 and even running a 1080p stream in Kodi for half a day will not get them above 65°C. That should tell you something.
      Hi Jancales,

      You use a 40x40x11 HS
      Is it this one (or similar) ?
      ?? (replace **** with a noted bay e)

      Any opinion on whether a 40x40x13 HS like this one would be significantly better ? Costs more and probably not very different at a guess !



        Originally posted by P.X View Post
        From the Magendanz ATV thread

        Hi Jancales,

        You use a 40x40x11 HS
        Is it this one (or similar) ?
        ?? (replace **** with a noted bay e)

        Any opinion on whether a 40x40x13 HS like this one would be significantly better ? Costs more and probably not very different at a guess !

        I didn't buy from this seller, but the product is identical.

        I paid $8.40 for 12 piece with free shipping.

        The other one looks pretty professional. Logic tells me that the more total surface you have the more heat can be dissipated.

        Not sure though if it is worth 10 times the money.

        I have now set display resolution at 1080p 50Hz, since we have PAL anyway, and that makes about 20% less CPU usage in Kodi, and at least 6-7 degrees less heat.

        If you set "auto switch to best resolution " it automatically switch to 60Hz, not sure why that happens.

        I also noticed that every box I had tried the Amlogic tool ( 3 boxes with the same build ) unknown sources was disabled in Kodi.

        Maybe a coincidence, but you may want to check on your box.

        Edit : I set display resolution in the Android settings, as i have removed Amlogic tool from all my boxes.


          Originally posted by Jancales View Post

          I didn't buy from this seller, but the product is identical.

          I paid $8.40 for 12 piece with free shipping.

          The other one looks pretty professional. Logic tells me that the more total surface you have the more heat can be dissipated.

          Not sure though if it is worth 10 times the money.

          I have now set display resolution at 1080p 50Hz, since we have PAL anyway, and that makes about 20% less CPU usage in Kodi, and at least 6-7 degrees less heat.

          If you set "auto switch to best resolution " it automatically switch to 60Hz, not sure why that happens.

          I also noticed that every box I had tried the Amlogic tool ( 3 boxes with the same build ) unknown sources was disabled in Kodi.

          Maybe a coincidence, but you may want to check on your box.

          Edit : I set display resolution in the Android settings, as i have removed Amlogic tool from all my boxes.
          Thanks for the info

          I also set 50hz manually most of the time, "best" sets fastest+highest res. available on the panel or AV device. Not really best for UK material but good for US TV !
          The auto is good for me as my AV amp won't recognise manual 24p (?)
          but I have to change back manually after use or do a re-boot (V09xx)
          Nice for me to have the option that eluded me before.


            Latest update image M8S Pro+ V098 dated 08/12/2017, received from Videostrong.

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              Originally posted by Jancales View Post
              Latest update image M8S Pro+ V098 dated 08/12/2017, received from Videostrong.

              It is interesting that there are 3 builds available with the build number 0928 (24/11, 27/11 and 08/12). Would be good to know what the differences are.


                Originally posted by spaceship9876 View Post

                It is interesting that there are 3 builds available with the build number 0928 (24/11, 27/11 and 08/12). Would be good to know what the differences are.
                Latest one only change HDMI CEC set to off by default


                  Originally posted by Jancales View Post

                  Latest one only change HDMI CEC set to off by default
                  some differences I have found in 08/12 rom since 24/11 rom:

                  only 2 options in "powerkey definition" - shutdown and restart, used to be 4 options.
                  "security & restrictions" - verify apps is disabled by default, pretty sure this used to be enabled by default.
                  hdmi cec disabled by default.


                    Trying a few more passive cooling mods ...

                    A 1.7mm thick piece of aluminium 50x65mm will fit under the PCB with 2mm heat pad material.
                    I tried without cutting open the base, but while it slows the heating process, not enough air gets into it to help much at the high end. Just a few degrees better max, with less throttling on a 4K film.

                    Added a hole in the base cover piece and that helps some more. Air gets to the plate now that it is not locked away behind the plastic.
                    Using 22x22x16 HS which lifts lid for a 2mm air gap all round (removed the "chrome" embellisher ring to allow free air exit.

                    Magendanz ATV V09xx Base
                    Kodi @ 60Hz (nominal) 4K File

                    Std. Box - rises to 80C and CPU throttles

                    MOD Box - Stable at 71-72C (60min)

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Base-NoHole1.jpg Views:	1 Size:	109.1 KB ID:	700131

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Base-Hole1.jpg Views:	1 Size:	111.5 KB ID:	700129

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Base-Plate-Pads1.jpg Views:	1 Size:	109.4 KB ID:	700130

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Base-Plate-Pads2.jpg Views:	1 Size:	180.4 KB ID:	700132

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Base-Hole-FittedPlate1.jpg Views:	1 Size:	128.8 KB ID:	700133

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Lid-Fitted-Gap1.jpg Views:	1 Size:	147.3 KB ID:	700128

                    Last edited by P.X; 09 January 2018, 02:03.


                      Originally posted by P.X View Post
                      Trying a few more passive cooling mods ...

                      A 1.7mm thick piece of aluminium 50x65mm will fit under the PCB with 2mm heat pad material.
                      I tried without cutting open the base, but while it slows the heating process, not enough air gets into it to help much at the high end. Just a few degrees better max, with less throttling on a 4K film.

                      Added a hole in the base cover piece and that helps some more. Air gets to the plate now that it is not locked away behind the plastic.
                      Using 22x22x16 HS which lifts lid for a 2mm air gap all round (removed the "chrome" embellisher ring to allow free air exit.
                      Would be interesting to know what temps a flat piece of copper would give compared to this flat piece of aluminium.


                        Originally posted by P.X View Post
                        Trying a few more passive cooling mods ...

                        A 1.7mm thick piece of aluminium 50x65mm will fit under the PCB with 2mm heat pad material.
                        I tried without cutting open the base, but while it slows the heating process, not enough air gets into it to help much at the high end. Just a few degrees better max, with less throttling on a 4K film.

                        Added a hole in the base cover piece and that helps some more. Air gets to the plate now that it is not locked away behind the plastic.
                        Using 22x22x16 HS which lifts lid for a 2mm air gap all round (removed the "chrome" embellisher ring to allow free air exit.

                        Magendanz ATV V09xx Base
                        Kodi @ 60Hz (nominal) 4K File

                        Std. Box - rises to 80C and CPU throttles

                        MOD Box - Stable at 71-72C (60min)

                        That are some drastic mods for sure.

                        While I admit that I don't really understand the frame rate thing, and I don't have a 4K 24fps movie to try it out if it plays smoothly, why don't you change yourt display setting in the Android settings to 50Hz?

                        Our tv's are 50Hz anyway, and I have not discovered any problems playing 1080p movies or live tv, but it lowers the temperature by at least 7°C on my boxes simply because the CPU-Kodi decreases from ~70% to below 50%.

                        The Mecool M8S Pro+ plays 1080P content at 33fps or around that and 720p at an even lower frame rate, while other brand boxes play the same content at exactly 50fps, with the same settings.

                        In neither of both scenarios I can see any issues with the playback.


                          50Hz is correct for UK source material.
                          60Hz is for US source material.

                          I am doing the test this way as a worst case non full stress test situation.

                          To be fair the film should be at 24fps so I am stressing more than needed, but it is not hot here at the moment, so I am trying to find a passive solution that may hold up in a real world situation and I like to experiment to see what works for fun anyway. 50Hz would probably be a better setting for 24p source anyway if 24p can't be set, as is the case with my AV amp (without using the Amlogic tool app and getting some problems with black screen boots when I was on V06xx based FW.)

                          No idea why Kodi isn't outputting at the set rates when there seems to be power to spare ?? Or why things still seem smooth when Kodi is not hitting the set perfect rate (mostly as long as things don't get too slow) ??? On my comp. if I set 50 for 60Hz source material, or vice versa, then there is a specific judder that is visible in motion scenes as the frame rate beats with the refresh rate.

                          I would have used a piece of copper if I had had any to hand and will try out some when/if I can get any. Hopefully my handy local metal stockist will have some ...


                            Originally posted by P.X View Post
                            50Hz is correct for UK source material.
                            60Hz is for US source material.

                            Does the frequency of your PAL display change when you play US content?

                            I don't think so.


                              Originally posted by Jancales View Post
                              Does the frequency of your PAL display change when you play US content?

                              I don't think so.
                              No, and that is why US content played on my UK Sony Blu-ray player jerks really annoyingly !

                              I can play it on my computer or a Korean OTT/media player that has 60Hz options. I needed a new device for the newer codecs that are now being used and for 4K, so I bought an Android box and thus the adventure begins ...


                                Originally posted by P.X View Post

                                No, and that is why US content played on my UK Sony Blu-ray player jerks really annoyingly !

                                I can play it on my computer or a Korean OTT/media player that has 60Hz options. I needed a new device for the newer codecs that are now being used and for 4K, so I bought an Android box and thus the adventure begins ...

                                Then why don't I have that problem with my display set to 1080p 50Hz in Android settings?

                                I play NBC live streams, more US based it can't be a I guess, and Kodi log shows a 33fps frame rate on the M8S Pro+ with no distortions at all.

                                What is does is lower my CPU usage drastically and my temperature.

                                I just finished Jurassic world in 1080p 5.1 sound, on stock firmware with 40x40x11 HS, and at the end of the movie my temperature stood at 69°C while my ambient temperature is 30°C.

                                The log showed 33fps and cpu usage of 50% average, and no issues with fast scenes.

