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TANIX TX3 Max & Mini - DUAL OS EDITION - LibreELEC + Android -> (S905W)

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    Originally posted by mXHX View Post
    First I want require: please do not focus to use afrd Level1 nor Level2 by default because both causes off/on screen (or flickering if you want) on every play/stop or switch TV channel. Manually set to 24Hz slow down whole box responses, so I'm willing to set up minimum 50Hz on FullHD which must work correct without rainbows - my opinion. Now there is my result with AFRD setting = Off

    First test after flash new version at 1080p 50Hz after half hour(attached screnshot) the rainbow shows on the most quality multicast fullhd stream. SD stream works fine
    Second and all next tests no rainbow showed because whole box froze after few minutes I will inform about next tests.

    Edit: video proof from test fullhd af 50Hz stream with just 4:3 old series episode after one hour:

    PS: one note about PerfectPlayer: if you want to show rainbow more quickly than usually, leave on screen transparent OSD menu with list channels or EPG during playing streams.
    I think that issue has to do something with performance in conjunction with PCB layout design, maybe also in conjunction with used LP memory chips.

    PS2: I think you should meet also with AZW engineers because they have one specific box model Mini M8S Pro in two variants with different PCB layout design: older version has no issues with rainbow, but the newer one with -C at the end (Mini M8S Pro-C) has very very quickly visible same issue on EVERY stream! Until version 707N0 where they solved it.
    More probems every day


      More problems every day and in every construction... that of the engineering guys is something that I do not believe anymore... I think you are only in this and that is bigger every day than yo... this support is very big for your possibilities... forgive me, but it is impossible to think otherwise.

      Tamix you should rethink your customer service better post purchase or simply limit the updates until they work decently

      This is not XDA, Samsung or anything less ... but nevertheless there should be much more serious and careful updates that are published every day

      Last edited by internauta2000; 23 March 2018, 09:14.


        Hello, anyone knows if you can put a usb wifi adapter ac which is compatible in libreelec,
        thanks and regards.


          Why is it so quiet? Chinese New Year continues?


            I think the metting with amlogic went wrong...
            Mini M8S II




                Installed this on an S905W Globmall x4. Seems to work fine. Clock is upside now lol.


                  Originally posted by joseanvelasco View Post
                  Hello, anyone knows if you can put a usb wifi adapter ac which is compatible in libreelec,
                  thanks and regards.
                  Looking at the kernel, I would assume most usb wifi dongles will work. If it works in Linux out of the box, it should work in Libre Elec? Get something thats been around for few years. Anyone else have any ideas?

                  If you are at all serious though spend a bit more and get a home plug and save yourself a lot of grief, or if you have an old wireless router you can convert it into a wireless adapter.

                  Wifi dongles don't have the power for serious streaming.


                    Originally posted by NayamAmarshe
                    It's an AndroidTV OS ROM for full Android TV experience on tx3 mini.

                    Sent from my F3116 using Tapatalk
                    is faster than the standard rom of the tx3 mini?


                      Originally posted by Javimetal View Post

                      Yes, but if you shortcut others it will be detected too
                      mine is with the same bug, will I have to do this every time I connect to the computer?


                        wrong topic


                          I installed the atvexperience but after that I had a problem with the bootloader, the tv box is no longer identified on the computer, even with the short on pins 7 and 8, I had to install the img 20180125 by the burn card maker, but it still does not identify on the computer by USB cable, what should I do? (the android is turning on and working normal, but in the future when I want to change the rom again I will need the bootloader to work)


                            Originally posted by NayamAmarshe

                            ATVXperience is based on tanix firmware so it's impossible to brick your device with it.
                            when using burn card maker you shoudn't select erase bootloader.
                            Also, this thread isn't the correct thread to talk about ATVXperience.
                            I selected the erase bootloader option and now? what should I do ? how to make the bootloader function normally again?


                              Originally posted by NayamAmarshe

                              You just deleted the bootloader. Shouldn't have done that. Now you can use amlogic usb burning tool, search on google for its tutorial.
                              I did not understand, sorry, I'm still going to be able to use the amlogic usb burning tool? if so how? because it is not currently recognizing the TV box, sorry for the inconvenience but I do not know much about how to do it now.


                                Originally posted by NayamAmarshe
                                You did not understand me, the computer is not recognizing the tv box.

