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TANIX TX3 Max & Mini - DUAL OS EDITION - LibreELEC + Android -> (S905W)

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    Originally posted by dimspace View Post
    BUG - it desperately needs keymaps for a few things in libreelec. Long press ok is working sometimes for context menu, not at other times. context/hamburger key doesnt work at all

    this is especially a nightmare in PVR where the hamburger button is meant to bring up options and instead have to move a mouse cursor down to activate it.

    BUG (Intermittent) - if you reboot from libreelec back into libreelec its not always reconnecting to network
    Looking at this...
    Android TV Box direct from China. English & Español


      Originally posted by Javimetal View Post

      1. Give instructions to install some skin where you find reboot problem

      2. /usr/sbin/rebootfromnand

      For instance, using mimic.

      I can create a "shutdown" option via skin settings on the using activatewindow(shutdownmenu) that allows me to create a button that opens the shutdown menu but that doesnt include the reboot to android option.

      on investagating, it looks like several skins overright the standard "shutdownmenu", Mimic, Fuse, Arctic Zephyr, Aeon Nox, all over write the shutdownmenu meaning reboot to android not possible. so at the moment only works with default skin

      power button on remote just shuts down without prompt

      this is why im wondering if i can just assign a custom command to a menu item in non-default skins, if not some way of forcing all skins to adopt reboot to android from main shutdownmenu


        Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20180108_212423.jpg
Views:	452
Size:	80.8 KB
ID:	700065
        Originally posted by dimspace View Post

        For instance, using mimic.

        I can create a "shutdown" option via skin settings on the using activatewindow(shutdownmenu) that allows me to create a button that opens the shutdown menu but that doesnt include the reboot to android option.

        on investagating, it looks like several skins overright the standard "shutdownmenu", Mimic, Fuse, Arctic Zephyr, Aeon Nox, all over write the shutdownmenu meaning reboot to android not possible. so at the moment only works with default skin

        power button on remote just shuts down without prompt

        this is why im wondering if i can just assign a custom command to a menu item in non-default skins, if not some way of forcing all skins to adopt reboot to android from main shutdownmenu
        You can use this as an menu element, (english, and hungarian lang supported):
        Attached Files


          Originally posted by mash73 View Post
          Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20180108_212423.jpg
Views:	452
Size:	80.8 KB
ID:	700065

          You can use this as an menu element, (english, and hungarian lang supported):

          ha, yes, that works.

          for those that need instruction> install that as zip inside kodi. So save it somewhere, install from zip, and install the script

          then it will appear in program add ons and just running it will bring up full power menu (so you can also use it as a menu item in other skins)

          just tested and reboots to android no problem


            As I'm in Hospital and not at home to test it myself-would it work to add(and zip again afterwards) the lines
            <summary lang="de">Erweitertes Start Menü</summary>
            <description lang="de">Ruhemodus, Herunterfahren, Neustart zu Android, Neustart zu LibreELEC, KODI neu starten, Skin neu laden, Screenshot aufnehmen, Benutzer abmelden</description>
            into addon.xml file and add a folder into language-folder named german and a strings.po like here?!


              hello sorry for my bad english, i want to ask if tanix tx3 mini supports 5.1 sound with optical output?i want to connect directly with an old home cinema sony(has optical)!!
              i saw at the discription nothing for that only at the description of max said that does!!!its a true or false?
              an if max suports can decode directly 5.1 or only via app like kodi?thank you!!!


                To huaak! Get well soon!


                  Changes coming with next update for now:

                  1. Fixed menu key (hamburger button) cannot work
                  2. Allow installtion of addons from unkown sources
                  3. The vfd can show wifi, eth, usb, play, pause

                  Checking reboot to Android function...
                  Android TV Box direct from China. English & Español


                    Ok, more things:

                    4. LibreELEC Reboot window from every skin

                    Just by pressing POWER button on the remote, this window will appear. This picture is MIMIC skin.

                    They are compiling .IMG and .ZIP

                    I am not sure if can get it today or tomorrow... you will be notified as before.
                    Android TV Box direct from China. English & Español


                      Am I the only one experiencing that Kodi in Android is 720p and in LibreElec 1080p? Or is this something trivial? The interface setting of Android report 1080p, nut Kodi in Android 720p....


                        Thanks for the power menu script.
                        Firmware is 100% working on X96Mini


                          mash73 Thank you!

                          ..back home I installed dualboot and testing it.
                          looks quite good so far..right now it is correcting the db entries because the pathes in libre elec are different from androids kodi
                          the power menu script works in the posted version for german language too. Feel free to add it to the zip, maybe someone could provide translations for most important languages like spanish, portugese, polish, russian, italian, french too?!

                          For me the libreelec kodi is much cooler than android (around 6-8° cooler) and even cpu load is lower.
                          I understand that it is uncomfortable for those who got no mini keyboard or mouse that hamburger key is not bound, but I really love the right klick to get context menu like on pc!

                          On android part I just checked basics for me like functionality of alice(looks really nice btw) and also reinstall of supersu.. later I will check if I discover those freezes too when watching a movie..


                            Originally posted by Klaafstra99 View Post
                            Am I the only one experiencing that Kodi in Android is 720p and in LibreElec 1080p? Or is this something trivial? The interface setting of Android report 1080p, nut Kodi in Android 720p....
                            I (just) guess that is the graphic layer resolution, while video layer should support up to 4K@30

                            If I remember well I have played the video for testing 1080p and resolution is OK. Android version is same than the one released on TX3 Mini topic, so it should be same.

                            I am going home now so I can not tell you 100%. But you can find the video for testing yourself in the tx3 mini topic, maybe around page 30
                            Android TV Box direct from China. English & Español


                              Here you can find the video for testing resolution:

                              Android TV Box direct from China. English & Español


                                Any chance for a libreelec only build ? Or maybe libreelec + ubuntu

