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TANIX TX3 Max & Mini - DUAL OS EDITION - LibreELEC + Android -> (S905W)

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    When using this box, there are 2 types of freezing:
    1- with intensive use of video rewind. The image and the clock on the front panel of the box freeze. This happens on dualboot firmware and android firmware. Occurs rarely
    2- When playing online video, the image freezes, the clock on the front panel is working. This happens on dualboot firmware.
    So I decided to go back to the android singleboot firmware.


      Originally posted by varma View Post

      I'd like to know if it's possible to configure an external IR remote with the IR receiver onboard. With my Odroid C1 and with my Rasperry PI 2 (+ PiFi board) I'm using a PlayStation2 IR remote configured with lircd. If it's possible, I'd like to use it on LibreElec and Android too.
      Any help? Is really not possible? In LibreELEC I found a toggle for LIRCD...
      On Android neither?


        Hi all! I also have the problem of box freezing during video playback on the latest Dual OS firmware. So many complaints why support does not respond?


          Originally posted by bodrick View Post
          Hi all! I also have the problem of box freezing during video playback on the latest Dual OS firmware. So many complaints why support does not respond?
          I'm sure they are working on that issue..there will surely be a new version soon. In the meantime you could either use libreelec kodi or go back to previous fw without that massive freezings on android.


            Hey guys, any way to get supersu onto the box. Im running latest dual boot firmware and every app is granted su rights automatically. That is a security disaster. I know that i can disable root but I need it for a few apps . Ty
            To all other users be careful with this box or disable


              Hi Klausel ! To get supersu on box is really simple-works for android part of the dualboot roms too:


              0. prepare a sd card with downloaded and an usb memory with the on internal should work too) and youll need a USB mouse
              1. insert usb pendrive/HDD, card, mouse and boot into stock recovery(toothpickmethod, adb reboot recovery, rebootapp what u prefer)
              2. in recovery choose update from ext and choose the from sd card, it should boot within some seconds !!MAKE SURE TO HAVE A MOUSE AS REMOTE WON'T WORK IN TWRP!!! (if there is a question, allow to alter filessystem)
              3. choose install and find the on your drive, no need for wipes or else, after about 20 seconds supersu is installed and should work after reboot to android system..


                Ty. I'll try. Didn't find an official twrp release for this device. And I was afraid to use flashfire.
                ​​​Good to know that I can flash files directly from stock recovery and twrp isiworking. Ty again for the reply and the files

                My mouse is very laggy in Android and kodi. Do you got the same issue?


         wireless keyboard combo works fine with android and lebreelec..I got no issues with the mouse.
                  Well, stock recovery is only for official updates and to BOOT twrp, but it is possible to do backups(nice if the new fw makes problems and you got state from before.. ) and restores with the booted twrp aswell as installing supersu..


                    Sonehow got supersu working, not very clean, but it works. Had to select clean reinstall inside the supersu app installed from playstore, after flashing supersu in twrp.
                    1.Any way to get Bluetooth working along with android ? My Bluetooth dongle works flawless in libreelec.
           there any xposed framework working along with the TV box?
                    Sorry got the link from tanix...
                    3. I still have the input lag. It is about 200ms. Tried different devices, the problem is still present. Any advise?
                    Last edited by Klausel; 18 January 2018, 15:35. Reason: Xposed link added


                      I couldn't get one of my bt dongles work with android on this box, but on libreelec. Maybe on android side is just the module for the bt in max included?!
                      For exposed look here:


                        Originally posted by mozzer View Post
                        With MX Player the DTS pass through doesn't work for me with this firmware I could use the DTS passthrough with beta firmware previously. Can you test this issue please ?
                        did you find a solution about this bug?


                          I had installed the dual boot firmware on the Tanix Tx3 Mini and it works well. The Alice Ux with location temperature predictions looks good. Reboot to LibreElec or Android from the remote works as specified. The Installation was easy.

                          Kodi on LibeElec with youtube and other addons works nicely. Good Work Tanix


                            Hello friends!
                            Which firmware is better for now? Only Android version or Dual OS?


                              Originally posted by kamill_94 View Post
                              Which firmware is better for now?
                              ..if you want mostly the pure Kodi(with some addons) take the dualboot rom, if you like to use primary several apps and android, take the android only I'd say.
                              If you choose dualboot and discover those freezes many got with newest 1.1 rom on android, update(downgrade) back to first dual version until fixed in next release!


                                using the dual Boot 1.1 within the last two weeks, I found problems using the app KORE on smartphones to remotely control the LibreELEC's Kodi.

                                The KORE app has problems finding the TX3.
                                In my configuration the Android box is connected via integrated WiFi to my LAN.
                                My previuos LibreELEC boxes (odroid C1 or RPi2), with external dongle, had no problems.

                                Could I give any more useful information?

